Words cannot express the sheer joy that I am feeling with the pending nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor. It will be a monumental day once she is confirmed. To think that a Latina, born and raised in the barrio has reached such a high position says a lot about her resolve. Instead of trying to throw stones at her and question her health concerns and twist her words, why not look at her record and make an informed decision. Even though I am not a big Fox news media watcher, I had an occasion to view their spin on her nomination. It appears the right wing are going to go after her with all the dirt they can bring up. I am confident that she will fair well. Yo soy boriqua paque tu lo sepa.
every one by now should get use to see that, people raised in the barrio getting their way up.she work hard to get where she is now,i think they should let her be.
It's always an extraordinary accomplishment when someone that came from "nothing" made "something" of them self. However this does not make them right or it doesn't even mean that they are more qualified than another. I do think it is amazing though. To do what others around you aren't and in the name of common good for all people. It's obviously commendable. I noticed that she kind of made it a point in the video to explain herself further when she slipped up about judges making laws. It's unfair but so clearly necessary that when in power and striving to keep that power you have to go the extra mile on top of the millions you have already traveled. LC1736
“Yo soy LATINA pa que tu lo sepa!” =) This is an example on how there is no excuse of where your from or where you were raised to show what you can become. There are people out there, that bind themselves in their “hoods” or their “barrios” and don’t break out of that shell to see what else is there to offer, and most of those individuals have what it takes but lack the effort in trying. I am very proud of Sotomayor in her nearly decade of accomplishments and awards, she describes herself as a “nuyurican” born in Puerto Rico and raised in the projects of New York. Hands up for the African American President and Hands up for the Hispanic Judge, this is not only a white mans country, no matter the ethnicity or gender we are all Americans and…..WE ARE TAKING OVER!!! --K.C
My only wish is that my parents & my brother could have seen with their own eyes how a Puerto Rican from the Bronx made it to the Supreme Court. This is an example of how no matter where you come from and what maladies you may suffer (in Justice Sotomayor's case - Diabetes) you can achieve your goals. What made me even more proud was how Justice Sotomayor continually thanked her mother and said she is the person she is today because of her. That speaks volumes as to how important parental support and guidance is. The interesting back story is her Mom put herself through school after her husband died so she could send her kids to Catholic school. BTW - Justice Sotomayor's brother is no slouch either - He is a doctor. I am proud not only as a Puerto Rican American but also as a woman! As the great Chaka Khan sang - "I'm every woman, It's all in me." **cg7304**
I am glad she is a BORICUA.. SHe is representing for all the Puerto Ricans everywhere. If she made that high, even being a female, I bet there can be a Boricua President soon..
I think its more a class issue than a race issue. The fact that she made it out of the class in which she started to become an accomplished person is great. It feels good to see a minority reach a position of great respect in America. This show s not only her hard work and focus, but the growth of a nation. There's still a great deal of hate and discrimination in this country, but this shows progress as a nation. With that said, I hope she really is the best person for the job. I'd rather a competent and qualified judge that just happens to be Latina, than a Latina judge. It's the same way I feel about the president. I see him as a great leader who happens to be Black, not a Black leader.
For the sake of America and not just Latinos, I wish her the best. Through her success we all move forward as a nation.
JN 8831
I am also glad that their is a Latina women working in this high position.I know she will bring many new and a fresh changes. She will do a great job.
all Latin Women should have a wonderful and powerful figure to look up too. with hard work and dedication, your goals are endless..Go Sotomayor!...mp9504
Its great to see a minority who came from so little accomplish something great in life. I am not surprised that people will try to dig up whatever they can to tarnish her name though. It happens all the time. SK
We the latin hard workers need more represntation on the Congress Latin will be the mayority why we don't have more latin politics N.T 3580
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