I read an article in the Star Ledger about the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) and their inability to hire an adequate number of black candidates. Can the NJSP be blamed if black men and women chose other professions, which may be more lucrative? Is the NJSP doing enough? They profess to be aggressively recruiting in venues with a large minority population, e.g, colleges, and churches, but still cannot find qualified individuals. Is there something wrong with the test? How about the background investigation? Is it so stringent that it places too high a standard for youths coming from inner cities? Will their history of discrimination and exclusion continually be dredged up? What can they do to turn this situation around? The article goes on to espouse the wonderful job they have done to increase the number of latinos. I think they should be applauded for their efforts, however, the promotion rates for those same latinos are disproportionate to their actual numbers. The NJSP will continue to face this quandary as long as 80% of the troopers graduating the NJSP academy are white males, especially in a state where the minority population is increasing.
Well,although were are one nation ,we live in different communities .Hence the tests are flawed because the tests givers are not representatives of the African American Communities .In other words , if they want to increase the level of Blacks in the NJSP ,they should select test givers from the African American communities namely individuals who can relate to our communities .Otherwise , some of our brothers do not stand a fighting chance .
They are well aware of that because they are professionals ,but they use our failure as an excuse in order to show that we are not intelligent which does not hold up.Anyway, they do what they can , but we need more voices to articulate our messages .
P.s: I miss your criminology class .
LJ 6631
first of all of course people are choosing better professions to do,secondly i don't think the NJSp do enough to encourage the black community to join. i don't know what going on with the text because i never take it.any way the NJSP don't gave any good example for black people to follow .to much discrimination toward the black people. i think if the really want things to change,or if the really want the black community to be in their side ,the have to treat them better, like every body else. cause i strongly know that black people hate police officer, specially I'm one of them because, i see too much brutality toward them. however if the want change,they should start by changing the system inside of the NJSP, stop the corrupt officers,the racist,the prejudice, and will see something. JS7920
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