While watching Judge Sonia Sotomayor go through the motions during her confirmation hearing, I had the opportunity to watch many of the Senators attempt to grill her. One individual stood out, Mr. Jeff Sessions. I could not understand why this person was getting up under my skin, but there was just something about him. I later "Googled" his name and the reason became obvious. Sometimes you get a gut feeling about a person, and I definitely got one about him. It is fortunate that someone else got the same feeling or this person would be wreaking havoc on people's lives while wearing a black robe of justice. Oh well, in the society we live in today, individuals like this can get a better job; they can become a US Senator. Don't trust my gut feeling, do the research yourself.
Side note: To the person who called me a "racist," I respect your right to voice your opinion and appreciate your honesty. However, for the record, I am not a racist. Love you, whoever you are.
Dr. Royster I think your the racist
When cowardly making an unwarranted attack upon a professor, do so in a grammatically correct manner. "Dr. Royster I think your the racist"; you should have used "you are or "you're" in your ridiculous assertion.
sometime people have to keep their feeling to themselves,or they will be call by their name(racist) .if one don"t want be judge by people ,one don't try to judge others too. "could you be better than him,don't hate" JS7920
The video was deleted but I would have loved to see it. From what I read Sessions definitely does not need a place in any position of authority. Individuals with such strong feelings, especially about a race, don't usually just stop with personal opinions. I can just imagine how enraged many residents of Alabama are with the knowledge of a racist senator. Not just African Americans but all races. Any one person can be racist, against any race. Someone who is that adamant about it seems more of a liability than a solution to any problem. LC1736
United States is a free country and you have the rigth to express you opinion, but you rigth start where finish the rigth of the others N.T 3580
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