Is it just me or is this term an oxymoron? As I look at this picture I see a young man who tried to make a difference. He is old enough to be my son. What do you tell his wife, kids and parents? From everything I have read, there is no doubt this was an unfortunate accident. Nonetheless, when do these accidents stop? History may confirm that police officers of color are overwhelmingly killed by their white colleagues due to "friendly fire." Why is this happening? I do not want to speculate because I was not there, but the results are very disturbing. I would venture to say that the NYPD will do everything to minimize the racial issue, which will be so prominent in the internal investigation. Of course, the police unions will downplay it as well. What can we do? May you rest in peace Omar.
News like this frightens the hell out of me. As a criminal justice student seeking a LONG career in law enforcement, I am now filled with doubt. Have I made the right choice? Have I embarked on a path that will surely get me killed? As a black female I have to worry about being past many times for promotions. As an officer I have to worry about being shot by those that view us as threats, and now I have to worry about being shot down by my comrade. There is defiantly an injustice here. What happened to “brotherhood”? It isn’t enough that our young black men are getting shot down just for reaching in their pockets to retrieve their wallets, now even those who have sworn to protect and serve are being hunted like prey. It seems that we as a race will never be free of such injustices. Truthfully, I don’t where to begin rectifying the problem. Something has to change. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be in law enforcement whether it be a police officer, lawyer, correction officer, or whatever the case may be. Now I have not only lost faith in the criminal justice, I have to make serious decision about whether or not it is time to let go of a dream I have had for what seems like forever.
P.S. I really miss being in you class. Those were some of the best class discussion I have ever had.
And you were right, I am expecting number two.
K.D. 2083
The phrase "Deadly Fire" is more appropriate in this case and similar cases. “It is or was a tragic accident” is always the claim; but these situations continue to occur. Are the offending or overly aggressive police officers to blame? One would think so; “dead men tell no tales.” We only get the version of those left alive to tell their tales. Is it a training issue? I truly doubt that it is the case at all, because if it were, the "friendly fire" accidents would happen across the board. There would not be any prominence in the race of the offending officers and the race of the deceased officers.
Essentially, if poor training were the culprit, there would clear diversity regarding the offending or overly aggressive officers and clear diversity with respect to the deceased officers. However, this is never the case; it is overwhelming the case that white police officers are the offending officers or overly aggressive officers and black or Latino police officers the deceased officers. The closely held belief by many in the law enforcement community is that standards were lowered and/or are lowered for the sake of allowing police agencies to better reflect the community. When "friendly fire" incidents occur, the usual claims of tragic accident or poor training are quickly stated. My question, are black, Latino, female and other non-majority police officers better trained and able to better assess and make proper judgment when facing life or death situations or other stressful situations? It would definitely seem to be the case when assessing these
“friendly fire” incidents.
In a case like that no one really know what happened,but it's always the black's and the Spanish's whose always get victims. i think if no one don't do anything about that situation it will be very sad, after those racist finish to eliminate all the black people in that job,the only one who will be in that job will be the racist people.what do you think will happen?,of course more discriminating and more racism.people will not be safe with those dirty corps in charge.what each and every one who has been mistreat by those people can do to prevent those type of situation from happening, is to report them to their department before they take it on other people who have family to taking care.JS7920
Wow….I meant to mention about this on our recent classes but never had the change to. In this instance I knew Omar Edwards in a sense, the officer from NY that I was dating was very good friends with him and they were great colleagues. Omar was described as a great friend who would always lend a helping hand, he was one those individuals that survived the hood, and went into the law enforcement field to do what was best to provide for his wife and children. In the specific unit that Omar was assigned to, he had always had issues with racial profiling among colleagues. Omar along with the officer I dated had many instances in where they were “bullied” in a way, but never took their fellow colleagues mistreatments they stood up for themselves, in which led to transfers out of the unit. Omar had issues already with his white colleagues, and what happened that night was no MISTAKE or a FRIENDLY FIRE. You mean to tell me you had to shoot the guy 3 times in the back? What happened to the leg? Arm? The officer that I dated informed me on who the officers that shot him were, and how they were towards their fellow black colleagues, and to hear his stories on what they would do, justifies on how much HATE they had. They promoted him to detective in where his wife would receive the benefits and pay as if were a detective who passed, but still there is no money that can replace the pain and agony of the lives that he touched. God Bless Omar Edwards and those who Serve and Protect the RIGHT way! --K.C
Oh my god this in no way a friendly fire. What happened to him was wrong doing on they behalf of his racist colleagues. My heart goes out to his family and may those officers involve get what's coming to them. Sk
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