Let me see if I get this right. Americans love to get high. They want the best stuff and the best prices. The Mexicans have a product that the Americans want and they will provide it at a good price. Now the American government is trying to have an all out assault on the Mexican drug cartels only because they are providing a product that Americans want. Am I missing something or is this a double standard? What ever happen to capitalism? Please, if you know something more please share. I firmly believe that if the American government can do something about its own people, then we would not be having this conversation. Yet, "Choice Theory" reigns supreme. America, deal with it. You started this problem.
Well,America is a capitalist country which means it is willing to capitalize on every single oppurtunity when it comes to financial gain.Besides, we use certain products to remain composed such as marijuana ,cocaine and so forth.However,there should be regulation on the fishy business through the Us-mexican border ,because those drug cartels have a history of wreaking havoc on civillians as well in order to achieve their goals.All in all,i would argue that they legalize drugs like marijuana just to see how it works.
America is a capitalistic country ever since the early days of our history. Pharmaceutical compaines generate massive amounts of revenue to our economy. Marijuana in the future years would replace other dominant incomes. The United States of America, sees mexican as another possesion,like Pureto Rico. By engaging in conflict, our superior influence would sway them, giving the-US full control of their exports legally and illegal. C Okwuego 0424
A proaction approacheis a solution to combat crime. However, I don't think that our law enforcement leaders, including our top leaders in Government, have taken a serious stance to combat the war on drugs.
It does not matter at this point who started. But it is the duty of all citizens to wake up to the problem and fight back.
The question is: What are you going to do about it?
ES 1810
in my opinion america and mexico they need each other no matter what.with drugs or w/o drugs come on we know it is all about money money money.we also know that the world of drugs is never going to stop.doesn't matter where it comes from.im from south America and i see how drug dealers make big profit of it. JY-4946
I think Americans need to be a little more responsible in the things that they formilarize them selves with and the activity that they keep. It is easy to talk about the drug activity in Mexico but lets do something about this major problem that effects most minorities.
I believe that capitalism is key. This import problem is progressing due to the demand in states. As of now this is considered an illegal cash crop of many states. But regardless of the governments role, the cash is still going somewhere.
Why not to the government ? :)
People in general cannot help the fact that drugs were introduced into the world, let alone the Mexican drug cartel cannot be held responsible that Americans are making them money! For example take Virginia's tobacco company, its the basis of the entire economic funding of the state of Virginia, and we all know the harms of smoking. Yet people continue to become addicted to cigarettes, cigars,blunts all types of tobacco. So here is to the same question, why should there be a smoking ban in the state of Virginia if the main product, that although causes internal health issues, keeps it economically funded and running. As for the Mexicans, they cannot help that Americans take every single thing in their daily lives for granted and that we make almost third world countries like Mexico, rich and luxurious for us to vacation in, oh did we forget about that part. Yes we as Americans vacation there, so the fact that those who like get high and have the money are pretty much are putting a down payment on the rich Americans' vacation home, or better yet the IA cop who just happens to be at the right bust at the right time. I believe it is a double standard, yes the Mexican drug cartel did not have to make such product, but the greedy Americans did not have to partake into it either.dg7659
The United States has a habit of participating in shady behavior and then blaming others for the consequences, and I think this is just another situation to add to the list.
SG 4591
i don't want to comment in that topic but, i have some thing to say America always try to get their hand on other country goods,always want to be in control.that the reason we are in war in the first place from try to steal from other country.JS 7920
Darnell Me personally I don't care much for marijuana, I prefer a personal size bottle of henny. But, that's neither here nor there I always felt America was the bully state. Whenever an opportunity presents itself, Americans are always one to want to capitilize. In regards to the Mexican drug cartel, if the Mexicans don't provide us the Americans with the best and high class drugs, we will always look elsewhere to get it.
This country is always so concerned about drug activities in other countries. Do they want to stop those things or get control of them? Who are responsible for drugs to come in this country, some people who have no power or those who have it. I believe, this country needs to control everything in its own interest.JE 9722
first they blame the maxican for the use of mariguana then they blame the black along with the jaz music saying that they are all crazy becaouse of the use of mariguana. now they are saying basically the same thing that the maxicans are at to blame for the use of mariguana in america. Are we going back to the same thing where america made mariguana inligal for reasons of recial and business. we have to remember now are economy is bad maybe the american goverment does not want to be the middle men in the picture. the american goverment wants to control all the provits.
Drug lords are businessmen and really good ones that have chosen a dangerous, but very lucrative business. They also haven chosen a great business market that's the United States. Our country that consumes a lot of everything especially drugs. If people on this side of the border didn't buy then they would be out of business and would plant and export fruit no doubt or just go to another market like Europe. We need to fix our problem of consuming drugs and then they won't stop. we can't secure our borders 100%. drugs will still come in. so we need to change us, not them. we always think like we never are the problem and it's always others.
s.d. 4954
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