What do the following individuals have in common; Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, Carmelo Anthony, Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps, Lebron James and of course, Sir Michael Jordan? Okay stop guessing, they are all millionaires who could care less about what you or I think. Their bottom line is the dollar bill and nothing else. I recently heard a sports commentator on WBAI radio station, 99.5 FM, listener sponsored, asking an athlete why more athletes don't speak up on issues facing society. The person being asked the question said that athletes are concerned with their words being taken out of context, thus possibly causing them problems with sponsors. It never ceases to amaze me why the media looks to "these" individuals to ask question about what happens to the average person. Granted, most of these individuals come from the communities that are facing most of the problems, however, they rarely stay and take all of their money to the suburbs. I say ask the common person and see what they say is affecting them and what they need as assistance. I think the recently released convict, Charles Barkley, said it best when he stated, "I am no role model for anyone. Parents should be role models for their kids." The media should stop looking to these individuals to speak for the common person. These superstars are "prostitutes" for corporate America. I dare anyone to say that they are not. Okay, you know my position regarding your opinion; yours count as much as mine. Let me hear you what you have to say.
I agree with your assessment concerning the well paid athletes. However, I'm puzzled why you characterize Charles Barkley as a "recently released convict?" His recent weekend stint in jail was only for DUI, as you know it is only a motor vehicle traffic violation. Given your characterization there are untold numbers of DUI convicts walking around, working with us and socializing with us on a daily basis.
I agree they could be more involved in the communities. They tend to forget whats it's like not having or being without. dg7659
I agree with your interpretation of this problem ,but there could probably be more to that.Actually, the environments of the average person is not really hospitable to such a person who is making millions.For instance ,they are usually rough neighborhoods.Besides ,they envy the person for what he possesses.All in all ,being a role model for someone is a tough task. i would argue that among the persons you mention ,some of them do not have goowill .In fact, Michel Phelps because he just made a gaffe,he is sort of ashamed .Some of them need more education as well,with it comes moral values .Briefly ,the problems that impede them from being role models are diverse.
You know what! They are just
morons because they can learn from any gaffes they had made ,and teach the children not to fall into them .How about huge investments in what they are famous for,so they can create replacements.
It's true that most individuals look up too athletes, and are also influenced by their actions. However, not all of them are in it for the "Benjamins". Former NBA PLAYER- Charles Barkley is an influential person. Although, he had an encounter with the police, and it wasn't for autographs. But I read a book him which was higly influential, "Who is afraid of a large black man." In the book he expresses his polictical views and future intention of running for governor. President. Bill Clinton even said in an interview with Barkley in the book, 'Charles would be a great governor'. Although, that statment is vague, read the book you'll understand it. C.Okwuego 0424
I have to say the following:
1) These athletes did not get there on the easy track;
2) They had and contunue to work hard to obtain and to keep whatever they have;
3) They did it by themselves and you did not help them while they were going through hard times;
4)If they don't want to get involved it is they problem, they don't own us anything.
If these superstars are "prostitutes" of corporate America, good for them. I wish I would be one along side of them too, and making all that money.
ES 1810
I believe the "average Joe" does look up to these celebrities because they feel as though their lifestyle is different from ours but does not know they have similiar problem than a regular individual.
We can used the Rihanna and Chris Brown situation as an example. Everyone would have not expected for Chris to abuse Rihanna in their altercation. The media and we as the people, view celebrites as "Gods and Goddess" and human who are without error
I totally agree with Charles Barkely you should not allow your children or your family members to have so much influence on the decition making or impact on how they feel or what they want to be. I tell my children that if you want to be a garbage man then you finish high School and college degree and be the best garbage man that you could be, because like say all the time make it pro and get injured and you can't come back home. An idol mind is the devels play ground.
These famous athletes have endured riches. Either struggled to get there, or made it through easily. There is a difference among them, they may see their profession as a money maker, or as a desire that results in monetary rewards.
The ones who made it, are judged by how there rewards alter them off the field of game.
in my opinion they are kind of role models especially for children,well i think so because i know most of these people worked hard for it,to get to the place where they are now,and i believed that most of these athletes contribute with money,good advises to the children in some communities,they're not bad they are humans just like us regular people they do have feelings and they do share things.and about the "prostitutes"uuhhh dont know well nothing is free in this life.JY-4946
Why should they care? They don't ask entertainers what they think about the economic crisis or the war on drugs in our streets, they ask them what they think about octo-mom and whether or not Rhianna and Chris Brown should get back together. Why should we expect them to know and care about things that most of up normal could care less about? Give me a break, they are normal people with a lot more zero’s in their bank account. Ask five people about the economic crisis and three wouldn’t even know what the hell you’re talking about.
We look up to celebrities because they have what we will probably never have. Parents should be the real role models, but I guess some people look to famous people because not everyone has parents that are worthy of being role models. It depends on the society and what values are important to them too.
SG 4591
A lot of these athletes came from nothing and did not have any help becoming successful. They owe the public nothing. They did not become sports stars to become role models, they did it to make it out of a dire situation. I do believe they should give back to the community however, it needs to come from the athlete themselves. It is all about personal responsibility. Charles Barkley was right. Parents should be a role model for kids. **cg7304**
The only thing I expect from celebrities and athletes, is entertainment, but everyone is a role model. Some are an example of what you should do and others of what you shouldn't do. I think it best to compile 1 role model (perhaps fictional) based on a number of individuals.
For example, I'd like my child to emulate the hard work and dedication of Micheal Jordan and Tiger Woods, but the marital habits of my parents. Add to that the wisdom of Solomon, the savvy style of Ralph Lauren, and I believe there is 1 great role model. Although the example may seem comical, the idea holds true.
I hope to be able to take the best of those I emulate and apply it to my life, while abandoning the worst of me. I hope that someday someone can look at me and find a multitude of aspects they'd like to adopt.
Everyone wants to be like Mike! all these superstars nowadays pretty much sell their souls to make a buck..they should focus on helping to develop the communities they came from, so that kids could take a better road towards being successful...mp9504
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