Today, I received an e-mail from a friend from England. She asked when will the Americans give up their guns. I thought about it for a while and I responded, "We will never give up what the Constitution says that we have a right to own." It is a sad state of affairs that we purport to be a world power, yet we cannot control a lot of the senseless violence due to weapons. There is a reason why we are probably the most violent country in the world. What must we due to ensure that our status in the world will not only be that of the six o'clock news coverage of another mass shooting? AMERICA turn in your weapons. Does this picture sum up why we do not give up our guns? You tell me.
First of all, i applaud N.J when it comes to tough gun laws namely they maintain organizations such as "N.J. Trace" to analyze gun-related crimes.
The second amendment to the constitution guarantee the right for citizens to keep and bear arms.However,some of us do not really obtain adequate instructions to handle arms wisely.In fact , the government should create shooting schools throughout the country in order to promote gun safety .Besisdes ,too many "bad apples" possess guns ilegally from citizens who are capable of having guns legally.Therefore , those guns facilitate their criminal purposes .As a result,law enforcement officers should press those "straw purchasers" to inform on those gun providers .By doing so , we will will experience the thrill of firing arms without using them for criminal purposes.
LJ 6631
I also believe that crime would curtail with abolishing weapons from US citizens. In European countries, if someone is carrying a firearm illegally, their 0% tolerance policy would sentenced the offender for over ten years. The only people who are allowed to carry firearms are people in law enforcemet agencies and armored truck employees.
Firearms will always be accessible to Americans because we are the #1 country that manufactors and purchases firearms. People like to purchase guns just for show. I almost got one illegally just to have but they are instrument that should be by proper authories only.
P.S-The picture definitely sums it up on why Americans should give up our firearms....LOL.what kind of gun is that?
it is obivous that something must be done to get guns of the streets and in the wrong hands.A Perfect example look at what the asian guy did at the immigration place .America needs to adress the gun promblems.
kG 2738
I will NEVER give up my weapons!!! The Constitution says that I can have one so I will keep one. I like being able to protect my home, my family, and myself. I make more money because I can carry a gun. I'm not a member of the NRA but I can certainly understand their point of view. When will I turn in my weapons.......NEVER!!!
K.D. 2083
In a perfect society, I say “yes,” revise the constitution and place weapons exclusively in the hands of law enforcement. Our environment is far from that, your hand is forced to aggressively protect your family and home without regard to consequence.
The individual depicted in the photograph, has a strange firearm, but I’m sure it does a fine job. This only reiterates the need to protect ones self from a sicko who would find joy in possessing such a weapon.
As far as the individual who wants to posses his weapon in public. I say we should enact a country wide “No Tolerance Law.” If an individual’s arrested for illegally possessing a weapon, there should be an automatic 10 year imprisonment (full term). Deterrence is the only way.
KG 3792
I think it's too late now to try to change gun laws because so many people have guns illegally that it would be too hard to get rid of them now. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need guns, but the world isn't perfect. The picture says everything because America won't be powerful without its guns.
SG 4591
Darnell I feel as though nothing is going to change the fact that firearms and people with them will always be present in communtites. Cracking down on illegal firearms will definately be a diffult task. But most importanly it starts with the government, those responsible for legalizing licensed firearms. As far as illegal guns good luck with that, it's entirely too easy for residents in urban communities to get access to guns.
America will never give up their gun. Is part of the American culture. I can't recall from previous history classes when USA was peaceful..We always been on war.. JTG-7666
2nd Amendment - A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be
The weapons are not being used by "well regulated militia", rather by loosely run gangs or individuals, and the militia with access to use these weapons are not necessarily what many would consider "well regulated".
I vehemently believe that the right to bare arms is necessary for many reasons, but I even more vehemently believe the the education to be able to posses a gun is even more important. At the risk of sounding cliche, guns don't kill people, people kill people. But for some reason, educated, well mannered, intelligent people, don't usually kill people.
So I'm going to guess, that if America/Americans spend more money on education to create more intelligent Americans then regardless of how many guns are available, gun violence won't be such a big problem. If the NRA and anti-gun lobbyist would spend the time, effort, and money that they raise to fight each other on education instead, I can only assume that the gun violence rate would decrease.
American will never turn in their guns even if we amended the Constitution! it's just one of those things that's only get worse...its just the nature of the beast...mp9504
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