Jury finds NJ Transit top cop retaliated against employeePosted by cjrothma February 25, first female lieutenant on the NJ Transit police force was awarded $1.5 million today after a jury in Newark found the agency's top cop retaliated against her after she complained of sexual discrimination. The case of Lt. Theresa Frizalone was one of a series that had been filed in recent years against NJ Transit and its police chief, Joseph Bober. A 20-year veteran of the force, Frizalone charged she was passed over for promotions, which cost her salary and benefits and, after she complained about that, suffered retaliation and emotional distress.William Perlman/The Star-LedgerChief Joseph Bober of NJ Transit Police speaks at a press conference in Newark in this 2004 file photo.The jury of five women and three men at state Superior Court in Newark awarded Frizalone $449,000 in lost wages and benefits, along with $1 million in punitive damages. Frizalone is also entitled to have her legal fees paid by NJ Transit and the bill for that, so far, is upward of $500,000. The jury deliberated for a total of six hours. "What the jury found is that NJ Transit and Chief Bober retaliated against Terry," said one of Frizalone's attorneys, Chris Lenzo. "'They found it was especially egregious. NJ Transit (officials) still haven't learned their lesson. They just don't get it. Someone needs to send them a message. These people have just tried to cover it up again and again." NJ Transit issued a statement this afternoon, saying "We are reviewing our options to appeal the verdict," and explaining that the agency is committed to diversity. In 1992, Frizalone, now 47, received wide attention when she became the first woman promoted to sergeant at the police force. Five years later, she became NJ Transit's first woman lieutenant. By mid-2008, Frizalone was among five NJ Transit police officers who filed separate lawsuits accusing Bober of harassment, discrimination and retaliation. One officer said the police chief punched him in public, putting him in the hospital. Another said he was denied a promotion because he was on active duty in Iraq. A third alleged that Bober has been intentionally trying to "weed out" minority officers since taking the reins of the police force responsible for the rails, trains and stations statewide. Frizalone, the first to file a lawsuit, alleged Bober denied her a promotion, criticized her appearance and, at one point, "told her to 'stop being so emotional."' The lieutenant, who has, among other assignments, held the top police post at Newark's Penn Station, said she complained formally about the treatment but the matter was not pursued. What did happen, she said, was that Bober retaliated against her by changing her assignments, taking away her authority and then putting her in command of the so-called "radio desk" communications center - "a punishment detail." Bober has been with NJ Transit for 35 years and run the police department since 2002. He earns $155,000.
UPDATE: Chief Bober was forced to resign today based on the results of the lawsuit...oh well.
If this Chief is causing so much money to NJ Transit he should be replaced with someone else. Is he insane for violating Federal Law? A person who is in combate zone has the right to have the same privileges as any other employee, while on military orders.We see five, and not one, persons that stood up and all suffered retaliation from this guy. He got to go. He is costing too much money for taxpayers.
ES 1810
Okay let me lay it down for you. HE DOESN'T CARE!!!!!!! Most of these individuals in power especially the "old timers" that now have rank, feel they will make your life miserable and violate any law or civil right to do so. Meanwhile, you kick, scratch, scream and file your lawsuit about how you're being treated at which time the onslaught begins. The heirarchy's belief is they'll suspend you without pay and you will suffer for years now and by the time you win, if you do, he doesn't care. At the end of the day, you've suffered and no one cares about the Newarks, East Oranges, or any other urban police department. The higher ups don't live in these cities and there are no financial repercussions.
K.G. 3792
This is the problem now in days you have these forms of authority taking advantage of their power. A lot of the men are still what we call "machista". Atleast she had some statis so she was heard but think about all the people who don't, who can easily just by his say so be considered a criminal instead of a victim. This and other reasons is why its difficult to distinguish a good cop from a bad one...
S.S. 8161
This is just another case where the "Equal Oppurtunity Act" plays a role.0424 CO.
I don't care if you are placed in charge of the force or not, that is just too much authority for the one or two people in charge, of the department to have. My point of veiw is, it should be voted on thru your creditabilty and your workmenship and gender wouldn't play such a important role or be descriminated on as much.
At least justice was service at the end of it all A.B 1291
We all know from 1to 10 only a few cops are good or honest i hope.anyways but once again it is clear how a bagde can change some much a person once they have that power they think their are the sh*t. in this case this chief does not care anything. and we're supposed trust these people. JY-4946
It's high time women being treated like a piece of meat comes to an end. No one is above the law. Whether is cop, lawyer or judge. Women should be treated with respect. Hopefully, men in higher position take heed. dg7659
I am excited about the outcome of this lawsuit.I wish employees file more lawsuits against employers because this is deeply rooted in the American workforce system.By doing so , As a potential employee , i will not have to deal with discrimination and retaliation in the future.In fact, i applaud you.
Way to go! Lt. Theresa Frizalone
LJ 6631
I'm glad that some of these ignorant high rank officers are getting let go for their wrongful actions , opinions, and beliefs.
I also agree with Anonynomous #3, I thought it was supposed to be a "Equal Opportunity Enviroment"(E.O.E).
A.Rawlins 4163
I think Bober was just abusing his power and finally one person took charge and fought for her rights and helped other people stand up too. Just because he is older rank doesn't mean he can boss around everyone and do what he wants. This is the police department, not grade school.
SG 4591
Wow! Another officer over stepping his boundaries.. I am not surprised at all. Thumbs up to the Lt. who could hold it down and move on to bigger and better positions. It only takes one person to not accept a wrong and make it a right. I am sure she had a hard time doing it. But I am glad she did because in the end look what she accomplished...RSI-3774
The decision that was made to force him to resign was a good thing.
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