In this time of economic strife, we cannot forget those among us who are dealing with some serious mental health issues. As I walk through the streets, I am constantly reminded that those of us who are less fortunate have more to deal with mentally than most. Not knowing where your next meal is coming from can be very stressful. I applaud those who do the best that they can and move on. However, when an individual turns his/her inner rage onto society, then it is society's job to find out why. The recent mass killings in Alabama and Germany should serve notice that we have some seriously ill people in our midst. Does Columbine come to mind? Regarding the German shooting, let's wait to see if this kid was bullied or just mad at the world. However, what could we have done to help them? The author is personally affected by the German shooting because he has a god daughter that goes to school about an hour away from the shooting. God bless all of the innocent in Germany and Alabama. God bless: German translation: Gott segnet
Well, i absolutely agree with your evaluation of this economic turmoil.Let me emphasize that good citizens will be affected by mental health issues because they understand the need to move up the latter with dignity.On the other hand,bums and people who hold no position in the society will do fine because they have nothing to lose .Usually those incidents happen not because the person is frustrated as to economic purposes ,but school discrimination.To illustrate,at 17 , he can not extremely hit by the economic downturn because he is a minor .Besides, those educational establishments are probably free.However, he might feel that the school had failed him because of their standards based on race ,social class but not because of the content of his mind . i would suggest that investigators do not place too much blame on the global economic turmoil ,but the school policy as to whether he had been discriminated against while he was student .From my perspective ,i strongly believe that some students do not cause harm to the society or become mentally ill because they can not afford it or they are lucky.In effect , if the environment is conducive to it , i am convinced they will .However,some of them have scholarships and smart ,but they are mistreated by the whole establishment.Therefore,they are dominated by the problem and take steps against the establishment and society that are criminal.
Those was specualtions
When I hear about the shooting in Deutchland I was very disturbed.
One because I served in the USA military bases in Germany; second, I learned about the German culture; third, the Germans are very, very strick about gun laws.
Germany would be the last country I would ever imagine to have such incident.
I was very sad about it. I learned to like Germans like Americans. But the Germans are more strick than us. Furthermore, they had already heard about other incidents in our society about the school shootings. Whiel I was there the shootings in oue homeland was part of our conversation. They were very concerned what could be done to prevent such disaster.
Now, there are facing the same problem that we faced years ago, and we're still facing based in the latest news.
Are our teenagers worlwide going mad? What is causing such action in a global society? Is this a "domino" affect? What is going on?
I have no answer for these questions, but I belief that we are facing a turmoil stage in our society, not only in America but worldwide.
ES 1810
I think that we wait too long to help people. After they really suffer and end up doing something terrible in society, then we wake up and realize oh they're mentally ill and we should have helped them. We need to do more to help people before they are pushed to the limit where they have to lash out.
SG 4591
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