I am all for free speech and all that jazz. I think Mr. Alan Keyes is a tad bit upset that he did not win the presidency. He speaks as if he is someone that is taken seriously. These types always come out of the wood work to do the bidding of others. I think a good dosage of racial profiling will bring him around. Face it Mr. Keyes, President Obama won and you did not. Now get back in the house. Just my take on this matter. PS, I did a little research, check bottom link, and it appears that President Obama soundly defeated Mr. Keyes in 2004 for another political office. I think it is best that Mr. Keyes and Mr. Michael Steele, GOP leader, take their ball and go home. Neither one of them wants to play together, even with those that look like them. It is a shame that they are experiencing some "Black Cognitive Dissonance." PSS,when you see my "Uncle Tom" tell him I said what's up.
I think Mr. Keyes is a very knowledgeable person in the subjects in debate and also a very intelengent person.He showed to me confidence but he has a more impetuous approached versus Obama. That is why he probably lost his candidacy. I think we are loosing for not having a man of such qualities in Government. I don't think he is insane.
ES 1810
I think that black men do not really like to see other black men doing better than them. He has to face it that he did not win and there are reasons to why he didnt win. He can't get mad at anyone but himself. So he really needs to stop being a sore loser and sit down and suck it up.
Both!!!. Insane, because he actually believed he had what it took to become the next President of the United States. Sore loser, because it was an extremely low blow to file a lawsuit forcing Barack Obama to prove his citizenship. He knew he had no chance and it was his intention to stir up trouble wherever he could. yet again, Barack Obama prevails. Will he ever learn? I doubt it.
K.G. 3792
Well,this is a democratic nation,american people entrusted their confidence with the person who can better represent them.In effect, i think Mr. Keyes should be gracious to the current President because he inspires more hope in the american people.Simply put , Keyes is a sore loser who is morphing into an insane person.Therefore, He should be followed closer in order to avoid further bizarre behavior that might be destructive to his surrounding.As for Michael Steele, it is clear that the Republican party now comprehends that no party line can be successful if it is not representative of the nation in its entirety.As a result,the republican party pretends to be more inclusive,so they resort to a black leader .Personally, i do not believe in such a gimmick for "they stick to their guns" and being labeled "the party of no".As the article wishes , i presume the GOP leader will step down and claims that "there is no place like home."
Alan Keyes is known for his deranged persona among critices. Keyes has become highly upset ever-since Obama defeated him in 2004 for the Senate seat in Illinois. Honestly, Keyes may be a good reprensentation for the republican party. But he will never equate to Mr. 44 (Obama). However, Michael Stelle, may become a challenge to Obama. 0424 CO
I think Mr.Keyes and everyone else needs to grow up and get a life. As the the World saw President Obama was a better man fpr this job,and so far he has proved it.
This just the case of another black man trying to bring down another black man down. A.B 1291
Dont know why Mr. Alan Keyes is getting upset because he did not made to the presidency.he should be happy first time in life we have a black president.come on we made history with OBAMA!!that means he opened doors with opportunities for us.who knows Mr.Keyes could be the next president.hey we never know.JY-4946
This is the crabs in a barrel symdrone. Mr. Keyes be happy for a brotha.DG7659
Why can't he be proud that our country has come so far to elect our first black president? Instead of trying to create unity, people like Keyes try ruin a good thing. He's just jealous.
SG 4591
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