This entire recession fiasco is truly a joke. Yes, we are financially strapped, however, for one moment if you expect me to believe that our politicians are not in on this, you have got to be kidding me. I had an opportunity to see our politicians question the CEO's of some of the major banking organizations today. Of course, they put on a grand spectacle, but who are they kidding. These same politicians are probably some of the biggest crooks, yet,we continue to elect them. I will let the facts speak for themselves and you can decide. I am through with this charade.
"...they put on a grand spectacle..."
I most certainly agree. The Government have investigators to check and balance such transactions. Where is the IRS in this time to check the CEO's?
How come the government gives a bailout money without specific guidelines?They should get all the money back given into bonuses to the CEO's.
The CEO's get bonuses, politicians get bonuses, indirectly, and we the people will get the IRS after us to pay back after our taxes get filled and submitted.
Politicians are licensed to commit robbery against the people.
ES 1810
politicians or companies, companies or politicians they're all crooks. the ceo's saw this coming noway they didn't know their companies were losing this much money. they all planed this, but the jokes on us we fail for it.
cc 3103
I've always found it hard to believe that politicians play by the same rules as your average Joe. Of course they aren't as "fiscally responsible" as they push other comnpanies to be in the midst of this recession. They have a great deal in common with the CEO's of those companies seking bailouts. They are living the good life at the expense of taxpayers and quite honestly, neither the politicians nor the CEO's of these companies seem to care. Their indiscretions are not as publicized but that';s not to say they don't occur. as much as we may want to believe the are, the politicians that we elect to these public offices are NOT PERFECT. So who's in charge of balancing their checkbooks?
K.G. 3792
Understand that this government period is corrupt. They are above the law and believe me when i say they know it. They have us controlled in so many ways it's ridiculous we're just not curios enough i guess to find out why. I've come to realize it's easier for the people to just follow what is said and be naive and ignorant to the truth. I say F*#$ that find out do your research and get to the bottom of everything before you simply accept it. We are still owned by another country the US is still paying taxes to Great Britan. They have us controlled enforcing religion in god we trust on money and all that. How about you seek the truth find out why they enforce religion so much such as god bless america. Don't believe what they tell you, the government has plenty of conspiracies!!!! We're the fools if we believe they can or will not do any wrong at that level of power they can do as they please and do!!!
S.S. 8161
Im no big believer of conspiracys, however, I think this is a conspiracy with our nations elite and major businesses. 0424 CO
Speaking of banking organizations ,the government should refrain from bailing them out .In fact,they should be nationalized for the government to conduct proper oversight.By doing so, i believe we can deliberately determine whether the government conspires with the CEO's because it will gain more control over the banking system.Frankly,they should be prudent in terms of how they are managing tax payers' money .Otherwise, they will not be able to restore confidence in the banking system,and i am confident that by 2011 more banks will collapse.As a result, the criminal justice system will face more cases of "offshore banking",it will be far more detrimental to the United States.
Yours in Politics and Finances
Thank You
I'm not familar with this case, but every thing in this world is a catch 22 if you don't want to be caught up in all this burakracy bull, then you you need to start your own business, and pay close attention to who you are voting for. recesstion or not, most polatics lie to get in.
I believe that the politicians and the CEO of these big companies are all corrupt A.B 1291
This country, who the whole world "looked up to", is in serious trouble. Our politicians are making fools of us, and unfortunately we still keep electing them. It's time for the real American people to wake up and take some action before it's too late.
SG 4591
its funny that we are still surprise about this corruption issue.come on we all know that these politicians and the CEO are the scumbags in this country and society it self,but what we do!nothing about it,because knowing better about these people we go out there when is election time and vote for them it's ashame.JY- 4946
That's why i don't want go out and vote for them (Politicians) in the fisrt place, because i believe they all use us to get what they want. so until we do some thing, things will stay the same.JS7920
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