The utilization of statistic has been in controversy for many years. Some would argue that you can make stats say whatever you want them to say. The revelation that the NYPD is stopping and questioning blacks and Latinos is on pace to break a record. If you were the victim of a crime, carried out by blacks and Latinos, you would consider this effective police work. However, what if you were the unsuspecting black or Latino who was questioned...just because, then how would you feel? I guess there is no right answer. It depends on your personal perspective. The following articles might help you with your position.
excuse me for the typo's in the above comment. **threat* **profile **
In my opinion stopping blacks or latinos is not effective policing. In fact I would consider it to be racial profiling. I believe that in order for someone to be effective at policing they can not be bias to a certain race because while they are focusing all of thier attention on them someone of another race could be committing a crime right under thier nose and they would not even know.
I think that the NYPD should stop and question people from all races equally because not all people who belong to a race are criminals. It is a truth that racial profiling is unfair for innocent people who are not criminals and are targeted by police only because the color of their skin makes them look suspects. But, I believe that racial profiling is a waste of time and an ineffective way to ID criminals in society.
I am Latino. I came to USA in the early 80's. I was 17 years old. I had to dedicate myself three times harder to show that I was not stupid or dumb because I did not know english. Meanwhile I observed how prejudice was apply if you did not belong to a certain group.
The police department it is a large group formed by many small groups. Each small group has its differences but for the most part stick to each other to preserve the so called title of "police". In order for you to be part of this group or be accepted you must do certain "things". Who is the most vulnerable person(s) tha can be an easy target and would not give too much of a problem? GUESS WHAT? BLACKS and LATINOS. Yeah. I said it. Do you know why? We can not afford lawyers to pay to fight for our rights. That is why the corrupted cop seek or take advantage of us.
Until black and latino association and other civil rights speakers started to talk about the corruption we were a bigger target.
On the other hand, if you are a cop that works in a housing area were there are only blacks and latinos who are you going to stop? If you are a victim of a crime and your assailant is a minority person, black or latino, who is the police going to stop?
I think that more supervision should be put on the patrol on the street. I said that the perfect ratio would be for every 5 cops one supervisor and for every 3supervisors one supervisor. But money is essential andx become costly. What to do?
ES 1810
I think they should stop blaming black and latino of everything that happen,they need to judge everybody the same because is unfair just to pick on black and latino. S.F 9111
i think a lot of racial profiling is done by minorities. the majority of cops in my neighborhood are black or latino. in my opinion when some cops get a badge it says to them they are above you. so, they treat you how ever they want to. don't get me wrong white cops do it to, but how many white cops do you see in your neighborhood? maybe 2-3 if even that many. just with your bills, if something about to be cutoff who come to do it? black or latino
think about it
CC 3103
Unfortunately this goes back to history. The minorities such as myself have always been accused of being the criminals they're looking for. I've been stopped a few times, my black friends always being told they fit the description.I say which one that it was a black male. It's ashame and hurtful that this has yet to be the land of the free but i do believe in it being the home of the brave. Everyday we must fight for real justice,we must fight for one day us truly being free!!!! White folks kill their own parents by nature they're more heartless than us the " minorities" but you don't see them hawking them down, now how is that possible. Read and research the science of melanin and how that affects our emotinal/mental state, it's science!! In my eyes we're the stronger race, blacks and hispanics run this in our own way, because unfortunately till just a few months ago the white man ran this country. I just pray to god Obama can truly make the US a better place. We're tired of suffering!!! And true justice needs to be served screw statistics, we're not all the same. And lets get serious for one second these sick ass people: serial killers, the chain massacre people killing their parents. Thats all white folks so how about we go after the real killers the real criminals...
S.S. 8161
I think that police officers should stop pointing fingers about racial profiling because I think that black officers do it to there own kind as well as latino and unless that cycle can be broken then it will never stop.A.B 1291
Racial profiling is unfair and needs to be stopped, no matter who is doing it, whites or minorities. How are you supposed to trust the police to serve and protect when they are questioning innocent people just because of the color of their skin? As for the corruption cases, those cops are a disgrace to the whole force as well as to the image of police officers in general.
SG 4591
I think is time to stop already with the unequality,we are all humans.it is annoying to hear people talking about how a latino or black is being a target.JY-4946
Blacks and latinos have been stero types for decades. Some cops are on tough with a gun and badge. They really fear what they don't understand. They want to intimidate others and that is the only way they can. DG7659
I am not the type to judge a book by its cover. I am a 19 year black male and I do not blame the cops .Minorities can really push it .Everyday i see black people do the most stupid things you could think of and when the cops approach they always play the racist card.Minorities need to stop making excuses they do look for it.I am not saying that the other groups do not do criminal activities but they dont but themselves out there like minorities.KG2738
According to researchers ,blacks and latinos make up the vast majority of the crime rate,and i personally buy into it because i have witnessed those criminal acts .Therefore ,racial profiling does work .However ,i do not believe that the minorities should be held liable on the basis of race .As my criminology professor put it , police officers break laws in order to get the job done ,point blank.
LJ 6631
It's okay to me to be stop by a police officer to question me but, depend how he or she address me or treat me. Even though i consider a situation like that as a race thing, i would be very comfortable as long i know that I'm not guilty of anything.JS7920
The minority will be the mayority so justice will be iqual for all 3580
I think black and latinos always get such a bad wrap all the time. We are always the prime suspect for crimes. Tell me! How many white people make the front page when they are charged for a crime. Its either not reported at all or in fine print. We are stereotyped and racial profiling is alive in here in the U.S.. RSI-3774
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