I think there is something in the water in California. The police officers cannot get a break from these video cameras. It is apparent that the homeless man is resisting, but was the force utilized by the police officers necessary or excessive? It was rather interesting to hear that witnesses to this event had retained attorneys. Moreover, the police department has been accused of this type of heavy handed policing in the past. I would like to read the report submitted by the officers. I am quite sure there are some extenuating circumstances...I just did not see them in the video. You decide if he deserved to be punched in the face. Keep in mind, he WAS resisting arrest. Let the comments begin because I am sure you have an opinion, so share. Lastly, if you get an opportunity, please scroll down on the first link and read some of the comments left by the readers of the newspaper article. It is alarming to think that these type of people walk among us.
To me, it seems that the officers were using too much force. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t doubt for a second that there was more to the story than what was on the tape but when a man is on the ground with at least one arm behind his back there is no reason to be punched in the face repeatedly. I also don’t doubt that this homeless man had some type of mental defect, aren’t there different procedures for the mentally disable?
K.D. 2083
The video wasn't surprising to me at all. At some point, officers have to realize that we're under a microscope and proper judgement is in order. I cant play "Monday Morning Quarterback," but the video depicts a man on the pavement not punching or using force against the officers. Not a good thing at all.
K.G. 3792
The tape does look bad. Only a aprt is shown when the officer was beating the "homeless". But if you repeat over and over you can see that the "homeless" is a very strong man. He was able to play around with those officers. The officer had no control over the "homeless". But at the end it this part of the video looks bad to the officer.
Maybe the officers should used the baton and had aplied some technique like arm/bar with mechanical force.
ES 1810
if he was resisting arrest, still no need for him to be punched in the face. they should have called for backup if the man was that STRONG. maybe if they could have took more time holding him, rather then hitting him, he might not have resisted. using commonsense really don't come easy to some people...
CC 3103
I feel this was a bit excessive. I didn't appear he was so much resisting arrest. More like to drunk to put his hand behing his back. I didn't look like he was trying to fight back. Not sure what the cop was trying to accomplish by punching him in the face repeatly. It just shows the viewer that he has to work on his left hook. He couldn't even knock out a man who was extremely intoxicated. Hopefully the homeless man wins a lawsuit and an example will be made out of this cop by losing his job or better yet spending sometime and jail and she want it feels like to repeatedly get his face punched it.
Just my thoughts.
Wow seeing that video just made my blood boil. I am a personal witness of police brutality,such as when they beat up my girlfriend thinking she was a man. Or how bout when one of my close friends got knocked unconcious by these freaking people. How are we not suppose to feel rage or become irate when we see with our own eyes how "justice" is not served. How can i feel protected when these cops are the same ones who hurt us. There is no reason to beat anybody in such a brutal manner especially when he obviously could not defend himself, The other officer had one of his hands behind his back and the other one was pressed between the homeless mans body and the ground. Regardless if he's homeless or not he's still human, so why should we as humans be treated so inhumanigly?? Why can't justice truly be served??
S.S. 8161
Im not familiar with the case event's. However , bad policing would never diminish, it would always remain. 0424 CO
I haven't seen the film not to my knowlege anyway, but it is bad to say if you seen one brutal beaten by an officer youv'e seen them all. I totally disagree with that statement but if you stop all this fovortism and leniecy in the department then maybe this would be so common. And if you loose your job due to lay off do you get paid until you find a new job. Then the same rules should apply when the force has you on paid leave you should'nt get paid until the investigation is threw.
He wasnt resisting arrest so it was wrong of the officers to punch him in the face .Yet again another incident of police brutality.A.B1291
In the tape it didn't seem like the homeless guy was resisting arrest at all. No matter what happened before the tape started, it's clear that the TWO officers were in control of the situation and weren't being overtaken by the ONE homeless man that they had to punch him in the face so many times. One of the officers had him on the ground already, and it seemed like the second one just started punching him for the hell of it. The guy couldn't even get himself up after that. And if the Fresno police department does the investigation, the real truth won't come out because they don't want their department to look bad, so the Attorney General should conduct an investigation.
SG 4591
It does not matter police officers should not use excessive force.jesus why!! never understood.JY-4946
I believe the amount of force use to detain the homeless was excessive and unnessary. the homeless man did not physically harm the officers while tryin to arrest him so there shouldn't been any strikes to the face. The officers did not display the same force if the homeless man.
Officers can abuse thier power and it is not fear to the citizens.More should be done to train police officers to handle situations like this.KG 2738
Evidently , the police officers utilized excessive force although ,it was a resisting arrest .Alas ,the homeless might be in difficulty to win this trial because being rebellious might serve as a "probable cause".
The police officers are not skillful at all , they should have taken the needy to the police station ,and kick his posterior extensively.Unfortunately, they did it out in the open.
LJ 6631
The police always find something to justify their action.beating some one at a point to send that person to an hospital, for me it's a crime so, there is no excuse in that situation,they have to stop treating the homeless like dogs,be poor and homeless does not mean dogs for that.JS7920
I do understand that there is always more to a story then what we see and who knows what actually happen before the video started but to watch something so cruel as to that was very disturbing. There was no need for the cops to man handle that homeless guy the way that they did. Nothing that the guy could have done deserved such beating! I feel that they were way to ruff and at this point they are the ones who commited a crime in my eyes!
MJ 1483
It doesn't matter if was resisting arrest, No one deserves to be punched in the face like that. That cop was just wrong. The cop had other areas where he could have punched him, but the face was too much.. JTG-7666
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