Police officers have a very stressful job, which sometimes carries over into their personal lives. They are no different than most citizens and are not immune from getting involved in acts of domestic violence. Domestic violence is an insidious and cowardly act committed by those who are not in control of their emotions. There is no defense for anyone who does it. Police officers accused of this act are subject to losing their weapons and ultimately their jobs. Many cannot deal with the ramifications and on occasion they commit murder-suicide. Often times the law enforcement profession does not see or chooses not to see the effects of stress on an officer, unless they are totally out of control. Many police officers can mask their problems and choose other options to resolve the internal strife. However, when it comes to family matters, they sometimes take it out on their love

Abuse of power, is something that not only police officers carry out. Rather, it is shown throughout all professional levels. When it comes to domestic violence these crimes are voiceless, especially if the actor is a "peace-officer". Many spouses refrain from voiceing their abusive lifestyle in fear that it would result in a huge conflict.When it comes to peace-officers, either man or woman who does the abusing it remains voiceless. Becasue cops are not going to invegstigate something that their friend does in his/her houshold; since they are pals. C.O. 0424
I think that police officers should attend therapy sections with psychologists a couple of times in the month in order to monitor and correct any emotional situation that can go out of control before it is too late. Also, any negative emotion experienced by a cop due to their extremely stress jobs should be addressed in family therapy so that family members can help more efficiently in the cop's psychological stability.
We all have stress in our daily life. Everybody develops stress no matter what kind of profession you have. When the stress erupts and turns in a domestic violence things gets out of hand.
The police officer faces other people problems in a daily bases.However, nobody cares if the same officer that is helping him/her needs help. People wants result from police officers but they can care less about the officer.
The officer does not know who to turn for help. The department does not give a damm about the officer either.
But lately, in New Jersey, a program called "cop 2 cop" was developed to assist officers in distress. Some officer are still pessimist about it. They think it will be used against them for diciplinary actions.
So who is at fault for not helping the officer or to support the officer, when he does not know where to turn for help?
In my opnion, his own police department and his superiors. They are the ones who put the officers in jeapardy.
(ES 1810)
They should make special program for police and some change the police roll. Police get alot stress because they are overpower, and that power made them think that the have the same of the street in their house and their wife are worthless. Also they theink that they are owner of their wife and she don't has no human right.They should make a program to theach them that they are not police officer in their house. S.F 9111
Everyone goes through issues and face obsticles...Police officers should be able to deal with emotions on a different level. A level higher than regular people because of the job they have. That should be a part of their training. Police officers who commit domestic crimes should be held on a more serious charge because they deal with these situations everyday and they are all aware of the consequences amd the seriouness and severity.
I guess there should be a "You know better" penalty punishment for police officers involved in everyday incidents because obviously, we're not human. I must ask a question, "When judges, lawyers, court clerks and any other officials of the court commit a crime, why aren't they judged just as harshly as police officers are?" Most people say we're not above the law, and we're not, officers live under the same constitution as everyone else. In no way, shape, form do I condone abuse of authority, I'm just saying police officers are not the only ones who are guilty of it. Look in the mirror before you judge.
K.G. 3792
every year police officers should get atleast 1-2 weeks off. so they can reflect and release some anger. choosing whether to kill orbe killed on almost a daily basis is extremely streesful. sometimes inoccent people catch the back-lash of the officer being stressed to the limit.
CC 3103
Police officer are human just like we are. They had every day problems too, but that still don't give them the right to take it out on other including their family members. I think that the police force should try to come up with some type of program to help the police officer deal with their problems. AP 9003
Well, i am kind of obsessed with this subject.I think the society misconceives being police officers,although they should be law-abiding persons and role models as well.People should be more gracious to them because their achievements outweigh their infractions.Besides, i have read that they are underpaid.I believe if the citizens abide by the law and penetrate far more into "community policing" , that will rapidly reduce the levels of stress on police officers.As a result, we can eliminate the notion of domestic violence if we change and respect ourselves ;not to mention if we cultivate friendships with them and be far more cooperative than usual.All in all , i am confident that they deserve to be praised.In fact , we need them desperately during this economic downturn to prevent crime ,may they join the assistance needed to accomodate their lives ,so they use their guns wisely.
Officers definitely deal with a lot of stress, but it does not excuse them from these disruptive behavior. Nobody has the right to hurt another being whether you're a police officer or not there's been a situation where guns have been drawn and the person was not an officer so police officer or not, domestic cases can get very serios and eventually somebody will end up in critical condition or dead. These situations should be handled strictly through the law since the first time any domestic case was stated. I've personally been threatened to see my family's brains on their driveway if i did not show up to court to have the matter dismissed, so now what do you think i did? The judge does not realize the predicament you are now put in its a very dangerous situation so i truly believe that since the first time a case was created something should be done by the law not the victim the victim took steps to call and obviously it was for help so they should help all the way until the victim is safe. A restraining order is nothing it does not help once they break it and you call you'll be dead by the time the officer arrives...
S.S. 8161
I think that police officers are humans just like we are only that they go through things in life that we can only dream about. I do think that there should be some kind of program for officers who go through trauma. They should be put into therapy before being allowed back on the street. AB1291
The life of a police officer is stressful, just like any other job. But I do think that police officers face different stressors than many other types of jobs, and they deal with traumatic situations on a daily basis. I think it's really important for there to be programs for police officers to help them handle stress, and any other feelings that they get from the work that they do. Also, I think that it's unfair for police officers to be emphasized in the news for domestic violence, simply because they are the people who are supposed to enforce the law and not abuse it. People of all different professions commit crime, and police officers shouldn't be expected to be perfect. If they don't have an outlet to release their emotions, they will come out in the wrong way at the wrong time, that's why they really need programs to help them.
SG 4591
In my opinion,the police department should implemnent programs to help out officers how to manage their anger or any other trauma they have.that way it would be much easier for them to deal on the street and their personal life. JY 4946
I feel cop should undergo therapy and counseling. They're dealing with pressure and stress which can cause a lot of frustration. At home is where one tends to unwind. I guess some handling stress better than others,
I feel cop should undergo therapy and counseling. They're dealing with pressure and stress which can cause a lot of frustration. At home is where one tends to unwind. I guess some handling stress better than others. dg7659
I don't think some of them think they are human being like every one else. they let their ego stand on their way to seek for help when needed. they think their power can give them solution at every problem they have.like every body else police officers whatever who they are need some real therapy. JS7920
Anyone can lose his control, the police officer is not a super man.Those who become police officer were in the society with you. Attend same school and live in the same community. Take the police officer without uniform and put him in college for example, his a student as you. He can have the same reaction as you, when something happens regarding the class issues.They make a frustration job.J.E 9722
My opinion in this matter is that before one becomes an officer of the law it should be mandatory that they seek psychological help and/or are in tune with their emotions. Things like their anger getting in the way of their job shouldnt be a downfall becaus ethey should know what to expect.
Police officers have a very high stress job And some r mentally broken by the thing they encounter. I believe they should undergo a mental examination a few times a year. Sk
All we know about police stress if we know the police director know too that never should happen 3580
I see the stress that officers have when holding a position of that nature. But they all can use some counseling and therapy. Abusive relationship can trigger many bad solutions to the problem. This power that officers possess with guns is over the top. They feel that the system can't help them so they handle it themselves. Talk about deadly force being used... Look who the prime suspects are.. Those who are sworn and protect us citizens...RSI-3774
Police officers carry a lot in their shoulders, and if they add up stress that they may have at home also, it gets worst. I understand that officers may get to a point that they no longer think of the consequences if they are very mentally unstable due to home problems, but they should think about the power on their hands and the position that they have in society and how it affects it. Looking for professional help should be the answer in these cases, they are human beings and should not hesitate on looking for help since they carry various responsibilities and it’s understandable to break down.
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