Saturday, February 28, 2015

What is going on in America?


Anonymous said...

Although many of us may not agree with what we hear the police officers doing on the streets throughout the country, we have not been in their positions. We can not judge what they are doing based off of the news or social media accounts. From what we hear, often police officers, lose respect from the people, and get disrespected, but if something happens, they're expected to be there right away to help.
CH 5170

Anonymous said...

Reading this article it seems unsure why the police shot the 26 year old mother and wounded the 14th year old child. My guess is that the police officers going in were anticipating something far worse than what was actually going on or there was some kind of mistake involved. No matter what, it was very wrong for the SWAT task force to do something like this being how highly they're supposed to be trained and the outcome this situation had.
BM 1261

Anonymous said...

It is for cases like this that some people have this kind of mix feeling about law enforcement officers. According to this article is never too late to stop the injustice. The shooting of this mother and child, should have been investigated closely and fairly. This unfortunately event ended up killing this mother and injuring her child and no justice seems to have been done. This type of case only brings another big gabs between the law enforcement's and their communities.

F.C 8245

Anonymous said...

There are many reports indicating that the police officers in Lima are rogue and harass the citizens. Indicating that there are many police department that show a pattern of discriminatory tactics. Another issue pointed out in the article was the lack of media coverage of certain races. Although, there are no real excuses for the down watering of coverage.
KD 2222

Anonymous said...

Incidences like this make people lose trust and respect for their police department and law enforcement in general. Given the fact that we do not know what the SWAT team was told for them to barge into that house, in was still an unjust killing. according to the article, the mother posed no threat to the SWAT members that entered her door. For them to shoot her with her baby in her arms is just disgusting. It's also more disgusting the fact that justice has not been served. This only worsens the image of law enforcement officers in the eyes of those in Lima, Ohio.

KV 5126

Anonymous said...

Since I wasn't there, I can't say, with certainty, that the cops shot the mom with her baby in her hands. That to me sounds inhumane and atrocious. I think that there was something else that gave the cops no other choice but to shoot the mom. I might be mistaken, but no one in his/her right mind would put an innocent infant's life at risk for a trivial act.
SE 7722

Anonymous said...

I understand that the news was swept under the rug and ignored by almost all of the national mainstream media, which is wrong. However, I do not blame law enforcement for their actions.They were simply doing their job!But I am aware that there was some kind of misunderstanding, that should've been clear before entering the home. But, We are all humans and we make mistake. Y.S9147

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of news that are swept under the rug and ignored by almost all of the national mainstream media, which is wrong. The SWAT Team should've done their job properly and if things weren't clear or adding up, they should've conducted futher investigations rather than taking two innoccent live's away. Law Enforcement Agencies are not doing their jobs right, we pay them for a reason, what's going on here? LP0034

Q said...

It is scary how often this occurs and what scares me more is how often officers of rank are allowed to get away with this with just "administrative leave". I think this country as a whole needs reforming.

Anonymous said...

Law Enforcement Officers make mistakes just like everyone else and often their decisions can result in the deaths of citizens. I wasn't there so I cannot properly assess the situation or present a truly valid opinion nor do I live in the community so I cannot speak on the idea of the officers being rogue and racist in this community. But this article does have a heavy bias, it doesn't include the side of the Officers nor the Department itself. People continually have a distrust of Law Enforcement, and I believe this problem will never go away.
-KK 8086

Anonymous said...

Indeed what is wrong with America? It is sad that the media has too much power in choosing and picking what should be news worthy. What a disgrace for the Lima town officers, and other government officials to allow such behavior to happen. We are supposed to be the superior race of all species, yet, as days passed by we are reverting back to the so call origin and ordinary "cavemen", or may be even worse to "animals." Where is the justice on such heinous act? What was the reason? I do not pretend to sit here and condemn anyone, but it has being seven years since the incident occurred. How come the investigation has not being moved or escalated any further? Why have the people who were responsible for the death of another human being, as well as injuring an innocent infant not being reprimanded? Or arrested and convicted? Where is the media coverage for such tragedy? I do not understand, why an alleged thug, thief, or a murder has massive media coverage, yet this calamity fails to be broadcasted for even a few seconds. Are innocent lives so worthless for our media networks that needs not to be talked about? Why is it okay, for us to be so aware of the next celebrity award show, and not the atrocities happening to innocent citizens all around our nation? People need to urgently wake up and read, watch, and research what it’s happening all around the country, not only for their own benefit but for the safety of the children, and to be able to have a future where justice is applied to everyone equally.

Anonymous said...

Individuals are purchasing illigal firearms. There are to many illegal guns on the streets. I believe the police officers should create a plan to get illegal firearms off the street.

Unknown said...

Placing police officers that are not from city areas its difficult to say they know how to handle these types of situations. No doubt a police officer knows right from wrong. People from urban areas, its sad that they are placed in city areas because they really don't know how to handle those situations and thats why a lot of officers say they feel their life was in danger. But for those officer who grew up in city areas and are stationed where they grew up in and for them to say that it is fishy.