Wednesday, February 18, 2015

To sue or not to sue.

As the U.S Attorney prepares to exit stage left, he is possibly attempting to leave a legacy regarding race relations and the law enforcement community. Is it a little too late?


Anonymous said...

Being that the attorney general Eric Holder is expecting to release the information about the Brown case and the police officers that were involved. I don't believe that it is too late for this information to come out even though it took a while. I think and hope that justice will be served in the appropriate manner no matter what the findings are so that actions such as this don't pass by without any punishment.
BM 1261

Anonymous said...

It is never too late to change things for the better. Changes do not always come easily, yet, went people united together for a common cause we have seen how powerful it could be. For instance, let's take a Middle East state such as Libya into account; how people united to overthrow the Qaddafi government. Furthermore, according to the article of "Justice Dept. could sue Ferguson for racial discrimination", touch important issues that could be happening. If some low-income people are complaining about certain things going on such discrimination and abuse of power by law enforcement, it could be due to fact that it has happen multiple of times to different people. Some people are already tire of staying silent and not doing anything about it. Thus, several individuals in government position are aware that they need the votes of people and that they need to leave some kind of legacy of the good things they once did for the benefits of most.

F.C 8245

Anonymous said...

Many issues arise with the training of police officers the news article claimed that the Ferguson police department had a "pattern of racially discriminatory tactics used by officers" and the police department needs to change their tactics or else they will be forced to change. Although, the issue is focused specifically on the Ferguson Police Department there are many other departments that have adapted tactics similar to the ones in Ferguson. Therefore, instead of focusing on one department they should focus on all departments so any future incidents could be avoided.
-KD 2222

Anonymous said...

I think it is not too late because he has finally realized there is a problem and is taking action. That action might result in a cascade of actions that bring to people's attention what might not be apparent ( racial profiling). The fact that the Justice Department demanded change to the Ferguson police department means that there are officials in society that are aware of whats going on and demanding change. This also shows that there is always some department keeping the local police departments in check.
SE 7722

Anonymous said...

" racially discriminatory tactics used by officers"- Such tactics are used by everyone not just law enforcement agencies. I believe Ferguson is trying to use such claim as an excuse, which is a poor excuse, at that. It's way too late. We all racially Discriminate one way or another. Ferguson need to get over it all, it's old news. No disrespect. The police officers were simply doing their job! That is what we pay them for! And they're doing it. And I believe faily well.It is too late, we all discriminate, that's in our nature. YS9147

Anonymous said...

It is never too late. Police officers should change their
pattern of racially discriminatory tactics used by officers! They are killing innocent people and it is not fair. LP0034

Anonymous said...

If any actions by law enforcement is racially charged then they need to change no matter how far into their careers they are. The time to change that can never be too late. JG0767979

Anonymous said...

I totally agree the the justice department should sue the Ferguson, Missouri police department if they do not change the pattern of racially discriminatory tactics used on their minority. For there even being a pattern of racial discrimination is a reason to sue, If the Ferguson police department does not change their ways they they deserve to be sued, the shooting of Micheal Brown pushed their citizens over the edge and they deserve change now.

Anonymous said...

I believe it's not to late. Many officers should be better trained, so innocent people are not harmed or killed.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why we have to resort to a lawsuit to fix everything nowadays. The Attorney General has enough power and communication with higher ranking officials to achieve his goals regardless. And regarding minorities complaining about how they’re being targeted by police officers and given tickets for minor traffic violations, as well as being taken to jail for not been able to pay for them, the answer is simple, obey the law, and respect your officers. Do not continue to provide fuel to an unnecessary fire. As people in this blog are stating justice will be served regardless, as long as there is concrete and conclusive evidence of the alleged targeting. Furthermore I do agree with the issue in dispute, police tactics are definitely in need of improvement, but it is not only in Ferguson that this tactics should be improved ,in fact all law enforcement agencies around the nation should be improve to avoid unwanted outcomes. JR-3064