Saturday, February 28, 2015

The is pure ignorance. People in other countries speak at least two languages fluently. There is no reason why these police officers, aka, paid servants can't learn a few Spanish phrases.


Anonymous said...

this is a great idea. Therefore, when engaging with immigrants there can be no excuse that the officer didn't at least try to communicate with them. Also, that would mean a spanish speaking officer wouldn't have to rush to help an officer that doesn't speak the language because the basic commands are already known.

KT - 4624

Anonymous said...

I completely agree that the police officers in Jackson should definitely learn Spanish. Actually I believe every officer in the United States that has some Spanish in should learn the language. Like the article said, Police officers job description is “community servants” therefore they have communicate with everyone in the city. If the police department and city work together it can be a much safer place. Immigrants or people who do not know the English language should also learn it to communicate. K.O 3401

Anonymous said...

I think these police officers should be open minded about learning Spanish or any new language, because it will help them to do a better job. Also, to obtain new knowledge it is never bad for ourself and our society. DR6260

Anonymous said...

I speak Italian, but that specific language is similar to Spanish. Other people who know two languages, might not be similar to Spanish, it could be Polish or German, what have you. Although, the Spanish culture and language is becoming more known throughout the Unitsd States, I don't see it as a bad thing if the police officers learn some highly used phrases.
CH 5170

Anonymous said...

I just cannot understand why some police officers in Mississippi are making such a huge deal about learning a few words in Spanish. If it is for the good of the community, the officers should try to be knowledgeable in the area of interacting with its members. At least in how to interact with the members that speak Spanish in case of an emergency. You never know if just by knowing some few words in Spanish could stop some misunderstandings.

F.C 8245

Anonymous said...

Not all Police officers in the US needs to know other languages. Only in certain areas in the US have such diverse communities and areas that would require officers to know two languages or phrases that they could use when they are on duty.

BM 1261

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Jackson Police Department Police Chief Lee Vance. There is nothing wrong if police officers learn several sentences in Spanish to become able to communicate effectively with civilians who only speak Spanish. Since communication is the most important tool for officers to deal with civilians, I think that officers should do whatever it takes to facilitate and further enhance that tool. And besides its always beneficial for an officer to learn another language. I don't see any troubling reason as to why they shouldn't learn a few sentences in Spanish.
SE, 7722

Anonymous said...

It is to assume, the police officers from Jackson PD are locals who lived their entire lives within the surrounding area. Jackson Police officers are just the product of generations of anti cultural support. To effectively evaluate this case one must both internally and externally analyze factors in order to peel the layers off until one finds the core of the problem(s) in the City of Jackson.

S.S 0811220

Anonymous said...

It is to assume, the police officers from Jackson PD are locals who lived their entire lives within the surrounding area. Jackson Police officers are just the product of generations of anti cultural support. To effectively evaluate this case one must both internally and externally analyze factors in order to peel the layers off until one finds the core of the problem(s) in the City of Jackson.

S.S 1220

Karina said...

Although, there are police officers that aren't thrilled about learning a second language there are many benefits from the knowledge of a new language. For example, avoiding future incidents caused by miscommunication. Unfortunately, there are many problems that arise like the different learning standards for each individual. For example, one officer may have a faster comprehension of the language than another officer.
- KD 2222

Anonymous said...

In this recent article it discusses how police officers in Jackson, Mississippi are not happy about the new requirement that they have to learn Spanish to able to communicate with immigrants better. I feel that this is a great idea for the police department to setup this program. A police department should be diverse and represent the community that it is protecting. As well you are protecting the lives of the police officer and the citizen with this new program. There are many incidents where the communication of the police officer and the citizen are at a stand point and both sides don’t understand each other. “Anytime you have a life-threatening situation, you could be causing problems for that person who does not understand the system when there is a language barrier,” Phillips said. With this program you breakdown that barrier of miscommunication and you turn into a new form of cooperation. Most of the time immigrants don’t mean to disobey the authorities; they simply just don’t understand what they are being told to do. I truly believe if the authorities just learn just a few phrases of Spanish that the immigrants will be more cooperative and more understanding when given orders.-JC5020

Anonymous said...

What the Jackson police dept is doing is a really good idea. With the immigrant population increasing over time, the need to learn basic phrases to communicate are going to be more of a necessity. Lack of communication, as stated in this article, is a big issue. A small miscommunication or a poorly translated sentence can lead to a violent altercation between the police and a civilian, thus, giving the Jackson police department a bad name.

KV 5127

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea presented by the Jackson police department. As stated in this article, communication has been a big downfall and a big part as to why there are violent outcomes between police officers and immigrants. The language barrier prevents them from understanding each other and it causes them to translate words or phrases incorrectly. Learning simple phrases to communicate will be a big help and it will lessen the amount of violent altercations between police and immigrants. The number of immigrants is only increasing with time so this would be a very helpful tool. Things would go by smoother if they took the time to learn.

KV 5127

Anonymous said...

At least in how to interact with the members that speak Spanish in case of an emergency. You never know if just by knowing some few words in Spanish could stop some misunderstandings. If there is ,ore then just Spanish and English speaking people in this great country of ours then officers should learn other languages just in case


Anonymous said...

I agree at least officers should learn or /and be trained to know the basic language depending on the cultures of the neighborhood. It would improve community policing especially if those officers are aimed to protect and serve the residents who have little understanding of the English language.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this article. There is no reason why these police officers can't learn a few Spanish phrases. They need to Accommodate us, we pay them! L.P 0034

Anonymous said...

I disageee. There is no reason why these police officers should learn a few Spanish phrases. People who migrate from their countries to the U.S should learn Enlgish. Why should we Accommodate them? They're in our country. Its America, the native Language is English, learn how to speak the langauge, it's a part of the American Dream. Y.S 9147

Anonymous said...

It 's great ideal for officers to speak other languages such as Spanish learn phrases to communicate with someone who speaks other languages to help out with phrase to help them understand them better

Anonymous said...

It 's great ideal for officers to speak other languages such as Spanish learn phrases to communicate.

Quelvi said...

I think this is just another effort from the south not to adjust to the current idea that Spanish is becoming the second biggest language in America. It is frightening that they do not want to learn Spanish as public servants to better do their job. It also saddens me that the lack of compassion they are showing towards people, illegal or not they should try to better themselves to better serve.

Dorothy said...

I believe that officers should learn how to speak other language especially Spanish being that they are becoming the majority. This will help in any miscommunication that may occur in a life or death situation.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe that the Police Officers in Jackson, Mississippi should learn basic Spanish. I think it will be beneficial for both the community and the officers. It is possible that it could prevent future accidents between officers and the citizens due to a miscommunication. Plus, it is much easier and a lot cheaper to teach a handful of Police Officers that basics of a second language than using State or Federal funds to teach thousands of immigrants English.
-KK 8086

Anonymous said...

After reading this article I have to agree and disagree with it. (Agree)First of, it is important for law enforcement officers to be able to understand the community/public they are hired to serve and protect. But we must take inconsideration that they are human and make mistakes. Secondly, we all know police officers should try to at least learn the basic phrases or commands in the language that is more predominant in their community. These commands can be of great help and can assist them in unavoidable situations. In my perspective foreign people become easily upset when not understood by English speaking people, and vice versa. This is where my disagreement enters, because such thing should not be an issue for foreigners. It is understandable that being a foreigner in a country which main language is not your native one can be frightening, but it does not mean that the people in that country should acculturate to your needs and your language. It simply means, as an immigrant, one should at least try to understand the common words used in the particular language of the country in order to communicate with others. We live in a country where people all around the world come to the United States to live, travel, work or look for asylum. Therefore, we cannot assume we will be successful in understanding everyone when speaking in their native language. Having a common ground is a must, and whether people like it or not the English language is that common ground. Please know I'm not defending the behavior the Jackson PD officers are taking toward it, because as I mentioned previously they were “hired to serve and protect the public” which means at the of the day, they need to get paid and like every employee they must complete their assignment/task as best as possible. If learning common words that could assist them to perform their job better will help them progress, then they must respect the decision of their Police Chief and the government officials arranging these classes. Which in a near future will not only be a helping hand to avoid losing a life or their lives because of a language barrier, but also, it will change how the public views them, as well as the opinion the community has toward law enforcement officers. Authority figures who have set themselves to be examples to upcoming generations, should only be feared by criminals, not law abiding citizens that respect their fellow protectors. Again in order for the public to feel safe and protected, their protectors should at least try to make them feel they are doing anything and everything they can to provide that satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

The Police Officers should be open minded to learn Spanish or any other language. They should be able to communicate with the people in their neighborhood, because a police officer job focus on protecting people in their community . Police officers should be more willing to help others, and specially the people they are trying to protect. Police officers should be able to know a few sentences just in case they have to deal with a Spanish speaking person.
RG 6152

Anonymous said...

I believe that in specific, more diverse areas that officers should either learn a second language or they should hire officers who are bilingual. Not all officers need to learn another language.

Anonymous said...

When signing the contract when being hired as a police officer, they agreed to be community servants. Meaning they must meet the needs of their law abiding citizens if they speak english, spanish or french. Police officers needs to be adjustable just how the citizens have to adjust to new laws. Police officers should adjust their communications skills just by learning basic phases.
CA- 0791

Anonymous said...

I believe all officers should learn to speak another language. Officers can communicate with individuals who don't speak fluent english when responding to emergencies.

Anonymous said...

I think it wouldn't hurt for the police officers to learn a little spanish. We arn't asking them to become fluent or anything, its just for communication purposes. If anything learning other languages is a valued skill. The language barrier creates issues on its own, and in order for the police to be truly effective in society, they need to do away with these problems however they can.

AG 7918

Anonymous said...

Police officers need to be able to communicate with the people in order to effectivly do their job. There are many social issues and clashes between the people and the police department. Bringing down the language barrier and getting rid of that issue would be a help to all who are involved. It is not like we are making them become fluent speakers. Just phrases to communicate will be able to not only give them the ability to assist all kinds of people, but allow them to hopefully develop a healthy connection with them.

AG 7918

Anonymous said...

Police officers need to be able to communicate with the people in order to effectivly do their job. There are many social issues and clashes between the people and the police department. Bringing down the language barrier and getting rid of that issue would be a help to all who are involved. It is not like we are making them become fluent speakers. Just phrases to communicate will be able to not only give them the ability to assist all kinds of people, but allow them to hopefully develop a healthy connection with them.

AG 7918

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand how these officers could be so ignorant, exactly what is wrong with learning a couple of phrases in another language? Police officers need to be able to communicate with a variety of people and if there is a language barrier it could lead to a life or death situation. As the article states officers are community servants, therefore they need to meet the needs of the community they are serving and that could not be any clearer.
JQ 9514

Unknown said...

I totally agree with police officers having to know both english and Spanish. In my opinion I think police officers should know more than just Spanish but as for just for learning Spanish, yes they should learn. There duty is to serve and protect not violate. They need to be able to communicate, not everyone knows english right off the back. At least learn to understand what people are saying, it only benefits them anyway.