Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Job prospects.

A lot of my students are faced with the fear of graduating college and not being able to find employment. The job market is being flooded with highly education people who are competing fiercely against one another for the morsels of positions. So, what is a college educated person to do?  Don't get frustrated, get busy by staying ahead of your contemporaries. Go the extra mile and pay attention to the little things like character, diction, presentation and genuineness. It might seem rather simple, and it is, but many overlook the basics. Let a prospective employer see your authentic self in the initial interview and more than likely, you will be called back. Stay clear of controversial verbiage on any social media website because this will come back to haunt you for a very long time. Also, volunteer your time to help out someone else who is in need of assistance. More importantly, treat everyone with respect regardless of their station in life.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with this post. It is a must to look your best when meeting anyone for a job interview. Knowing how to present yourself physically with proper attire, verbally with confident and courteous language, and characteristically with positive attitude are crucial for each and every chance you get to meet a potential employer. First impression sounds cliche but it matters, because this is your gateway for opportunities. There is no way an employer can have a full judgment of a person's qualifications just by looking at your credentials on your resume. Yes, resume is very important and that is why you want to look, talk, and act like your credentials. Also, knowledge in proper email communication is very important. Fr. Salazar mentioned to our class that the Business Department of SPU may be forming a class to teach students how to send proper email because they have noticed that a lot of students are not aware of professional structure and grammar when writing to professors or potential employers. How you communicate with the way you present yourself in every aspect can make or break the opportunity presented. Lastly, always be prompt and on time! - AVRB5611

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with everything you said, especially about staying clear on social media accounts because that is often where things get messy. But in today's economy, in any career choice, a lot of the times it's who you know, not what you know. Which isn't always fair, but when it's working in your favor, no one ever has any qualms about it.
CH 5170

Anonymous said...

In accordance to the author, college graduates faced the fear of finding jobs. Yet, I agree with what that professor said about not giving into fear. I also think that being positive and our authentic self to prospective employers is a good idea. I'm willing to pay more close attention to what have been said by the professor of focusing in simple things at first in order to make progress.

F.C 8245

Anonymous said...

An economical explanation for the increasing numbers of college graduates inability to obtain a job is due to the Great Recession of 2008 although years have passes there is a slow process to recovery. Another explanation would be there are many people trying to find jobs with little to no experience of the field.
- KD 2222

Anonymous said...

In this post, it discussed about the fear now a days where many college educated students are not able to find employment. In addition it talked about how competitive the market of employment is and how individuals should work on the little things such as character, presentation, and genuineness. I believe this is true, if I were in the postioning of hiring an applicant I would want them to be a all-round person so to say, in order for me to hire them. I would want a person who is presented like a gentleman who is a hardworking fellow. I care about who the person truly is as a character, that truly defines what type of person you are hiring. It is like they always say " quality over quantity." You want the right quality character of person than the quantity of what they have. -JC5020

Anonymous said...

I agree with this post. First impressions count, but Last Imppressions count more! There is an old saying: "There are old pilots, there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots." YS 9147

Anonymous said...

Fear is only a small factor in succeeding, I think that the biggest issue people have is that they conformed to the way the world thinks and works. People refuse to step out their confort zone and live the way they want to instead of how the world thinks they should.which leads to a life of fear and regret.LP0034

Quelvi said...

I agree with this post as a person looking to serve the community. I try to show myself in the most positive way.

Anonymous said...

I agree that in order to gain a job in law enforcement you have to present yourself in a positive light. This is something that I always believed and it's great to see it being said from the point of view of a former officer and teacher. JG0767979

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with everything that was said. The job market is being flooded with competitive college graduates looking for a job. Which is always a struggle. Candidates looking for a job need to be thinking outside the box doing things that would help then stand out other than the rest. Along with standing out clearing all negativeityfrom social accounts is a great idea. Showing respect to everyone is most important in my eyes as well because the work force their is respect needed because if that is lacked you will never walk up the ladder to success.

Anonymous said...

Many individuals who graduate from college have a difficult time finding employment in their field. I believe you can find employment, but at times it has to be in a different feild until you find a job that you are interested in.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the post, although it is very important to maintain your image, it is even more important to treat others the same way, one wish to be treated. In my current Job I have had the pleasure to encounter several type of individuals, and regardless their behavior or language toward me, I have make sure to do my best to maintain my composure, and professionalism in and out of work. I believe with respect, effort and understanding one can achieve anything. Even though the job market for college graduates may be a little too competitive, it does not mean we have to tear each other up. We can all achieve our goals, we just need to learn how to represent ourselves, and allow our experience and ethics to also speak for us. The tips that have help me are the same ones mention in the blog, as well as maintaining calm, honesty, and a well verbal communication with your interviewer. And yes, we definitely need to keep ourselves away from social media, which nowadays is sending people downward a very low standard of themselves. JR-3064

Anonymous said...

We are always told to be careful with what we post on social media because in the future it will be looked at. A lot of people don't really take it seriously, but they really should. Employers do look at social media sites in the hiring process and even check it while an employee at the company. They want to make sure that those who may work for the company are portraying themselves in a good way that won't hurt the companies background. The job market is a tough competition and companies are going to want the best of the best. Things like posts on social media can be a deciding factor on whether or not you get the job or not. JS-1684

Anonymous said...

After reading the first line, I was already immersed in this short article, where the author stated, “A lot of my students are faced with the fear of graduating college and not being able to find employment.” I myself have this fear. He gives tips on being above other competitors for jobs, which seem like they’d be very useful to me in the long run.