Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Protest of Fatal LAPD Shooting Turns Violent: Top News Stories at Officer.com

Protest of Fatal LAPD Shooting Turns Violent: Top News Stories at Officer.com


Lisa M. said...

What I don't understand is why do we shoot to kill? I understand that it is easier to be on the outside looking in... but at times I feel that shooting an individual in the hand/leg would be enough to subdue a suspect.

Anonymous said...

This is a reaccurance of police reacting before looking at different ways to difuse the situation. This boils down to insensitivity to immigrants. Many police officers are not educated on how to deal with immigrants. A stun gun would have incapacitated the individual. This is not the first or the last time an incident like this will happen. I am still hopeful that their are good men and women who would step up and DO THE RIGHT THING.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the minute officers feel that they are in harm's way they forget the tactics taught by them during training. At the end of the day they are still humans, and they react as any other human would.If on the street or in a public place and you feel that someone is threating your life, your initial reaction would be to stop that person in any way possible. Its the thought of seeing your life flash before your eyes and within in seconds you revert the mentality of getting them before they get you. So, should we expect them to have a different mentality because of their title?

Anonymous said...

For Anonymous Comment Above Dated September 17th I Forget To Intial -----> I.D.8527

Anonymous said...

we have to put are selfs in the officer shoes. he reacted that way maybe because he already had a bad sperience in that situation. or he was traumatise by a similar situation there for he reacted that way. we also have to understand the law enforcemen have to deal with the worst situation that there is therefore it is not ease to be on there shoes. therefore is easy to judge them

Anonymous said...

The article is no longer available. So I am going off the blog’s. In order to subdue a suspect requires a lot of strength and stamina. A man in uniform carries a lot of extra weight. Next¸ shooting someone in the leg or arm is not a good idea. You could enrage the suspect. He would than shoot the officer and all that’s around them. A knife wielding suspect is just as dangerous. Empires have been conquered with the tip of a blade. Shooting an unarm suspect should be a last resort. Unless you know more about the assailant then is known publicly. Tactics and training is what prepares you for life threatening situations. Fire drills and evacuations are life threatening and are routinely practiced by civilians. Finally the desire or will to kill is genetic. Have you ever observed children playing cops and robbers or pretending to be soldiers? You have only learned to suppress such desires. Do law enforcement officials kill by accident? Do individuals provoke such attacks? What do you believe?