Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cop Accuses Freeport PD Of Discrimination « CBS New York- News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of NY

Cop Accuses Freeport PD Of Discrimination « CBS New York- News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of NY


Anonymous said...

I dont think that race is the issue, although it might have been because of the statement about it being more "Black, and Hispanics" in office. I just dont think that "whites" get discriminated against but that could just be my ignorance. Although i do agree that it might have had something to do with her being a female; there is no reason why she should have been demoted in such a high position to someone that was and/or is beneath/ junior to her.


Anonymous said...

I am sure I get what the officer is claiming. This kind of stuff happens to the minorities everyday. Blacks and Hispanics are always the undog races and its a shame that discrimination still exist. I think who ever is most qualified for the position she get the job. It doesn't matter what color you are. But in this society we live in... It is what it is! RSI-3773

Anonymous said...

RSI-3774 is my id I put 3773 instead...

Anonymous said...

I never seen an article like this where a white person is demoted because of race. I guess minorities never think that it could happen to a white person. Regardless of her race or gender this woman should not have been demoted. She has way more experience than the other candidate. Most departments are based on politics, its about who you know. SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

its a shame of how society still leave with the limited intelegens that in order to get what you want i live people have to strogle with preduges. is bad enough that we live in a dificult times. that we have to be worry about our color of skin or religion.

Gera 5393 said...

I've never heard of a white person being discriminated against. I don't think it's fair because she sounds more qualified than the other person. According to her track record she has a lot of experience. But in a way I feel like now whites know what blacks go through everyday. SMH...