Tuesday, September 14, 2010

ACLU petitions for oversight of Newark police

ACLU petitions for oversight of Newark police

Is this fair or overreaching?



Since law enforcement officers are pinalised by their own colleagues for doing their job"enforcing the law",the crime rate will never drop.In fact crime will continue to grow and consequently witnesses will diminish on crime scenes.Anybody who breaks the law must be punished and not those who help identify culprits.ITS A SHAME.

Anonymous said...

police brutality and misconduct are serious allegations that needs to be meet with seriou with responds...effictive cummunity policing needs a cummunity that can trust the police...AS9457

Anonymous said...

For the police to commit unlawful alligations toward the citizens is wrong and should be taken very seriously. They watch these Police Officers so much to make sure that they don't make a mistake, but when they do they pay for it. That is why Newark had to pay over 4 million due to the lawsuits that they have been in with citizens. The city needs trustworthy Police Officers to do the right thing and to treat everyone fairly.
- EM3583

Anonymous said...

We know newark and other cities have serious problems. The queston is what are they going to do about it. One way to help is to get more officers on the street 1,300 officers to help fight crime is fine, but dont go around causing pain and hurt to the people they are suppose to protect.So with that being said they should treat everyone fairly. T.C.3006

Gera said...

This Fair. The Newark police get a lot of complaints on them. They should be oversighted.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely a fair process. The police always have a lot of problems going on and should be looked at.

Anonymous said...

but if you look at it in a police officers standpoint its like someone standing over you 24 hrs. Police officers are sopposed to be able to use discretion and with this its like nobody trusts them or their judgment. LMD 7029

Anonymous said...

There’s nothing I enjoy better than to watch an angry tax payer put his shoe up some politician’s ass during a tea luncheon. This is partially the reason why the mayor of Newark needs to drive around with armed bodyguards. Newark is Policing with the end of a night stick. CRACK! It’s not just something you smoke in a pipe.

Anonymous said...

Newark is a jungle, and the Newark Police are just a different breed of predators. That doesn't exclude the fact that MANY Newark citizens are low life animals that belong in the zoo.

AR 758197433

Anonymous said...

It is about time some one step in. The laws are for everyone.