Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Six More New Orleans Police Officers Indicted in Post-Katrina Shootings

Six More New Orleans Police Officers Indicted in Post-Katrina Shootings


Anonymous said...

In this case they are mainly tagging the cops for trying to cover up the shootings as oppose to the actual killing of the victims which is a severe crime also. I think they should get charged double for both crimes. The acts by these police officers are absurd.


Anonymous said...

I agreed! The cover up is a crime also. The killing should be the prime focus for the officers who participated in this act. Hopefully justice will prevail and these officers who think they are untouchable can be shown that their not. Another prime example of the code of silence. RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the comments above. I never understand how the criminal justice system can sweep certain things under the rug as if we don't pay attention. I am starting to learn why it is important to learn your rights and laws, we can be the one to make the difference in the world one day. sb-8642

Anonymous said...

This is a very unfortunate situation.I have never been a fan of the death penalty but with this case I believe that they should get the death penalty. They committed a crime by killing and then tried to cover it all up. I believe that the many thoughts running through their head knowing they will get the death penalty will cause them much suffering. To know that just the other day they were supposed to be protecting and serving the community and now they are being dealt the same consequences of one of the criminals they may have picked up off the street.

Anonymous said...

Wow it ridiculous that things like this happen. They should be punish for their actions that day as well as those who helped cover it up. SK

Anonymous said...

what is this world coming into police took the oath of serve and protec all citizens not to kill them. this article got me sick to my stomach i din't even finish reading it. what of disapointmen of law enforcement.
disgreat to the beutiful unifor that represents. the hope and the safety of people.

Anonymous said...

Something is very weird about this situation. I wonder what was the cops motive to shoot at this family. Its still wrong regardless! but i am not shocked it got swept under the rug because they wouldn't want that to get to the media. And the court system works with the police departments so thats why they almost got off, luckily the FBI stepped in.
SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

I'm appalled to hear that these five officers of new orleans police department shot two unarmed citizens and wounding four others in the wake of hurricane katrina. Are these suppose to be police officers protecting citizen in our community from harm or are they there to make citizens think they are there helping keep us safe. these police officers need to be striped of there badge and suspended where they cant work in any police department. Alot of these police officers are taking advantage of the law by lying because they think the citizens will respect them no matter what they do but they are not understanding these citizens will start looking at them with a bad attitude instead of a good attitude. the citizens are going to start questioning themselves about why do we have police officers here if they are committing crimes instead of protecting us. thomas

Anonymous said...

Hell we already know they are not going to get the death penalty. AT least it would be 4 scumb bags off the street. They will get what they deserve at the end. Taking innocence lives for nothing.
