Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Justified or not?


Lisa M. said...

This is a topic that is much for debate. I have watched some programs on TV about the boarder patrol. There is much land to cover and watch over, there are many ways individuals can sneak through to the US from Mexico, and with the little man power we have; it can be overwhelming and stressful to say the least. For me.. in this article... knowledge is power, and if the children, and the adults know where they should be playing, where the boarders are and what behaivor is acceptable then the children would be playing at a safe distance, this fatel shooting might not have happened. I understand things aren't black and white, but if policies, and laws would be followed there leaves little room for mis-hap.

Anonymous said...

you know why boarder patrols. why are we patroling the boarder when in reality they should be patroling us after all we have to realice that california, new mexico and a couple of other pleases america took it from the mexicans.

Anonymous said...

Is no reson to do what the patrol boarder did his security was't unsafe and the young kids was't invasor N.T3580

Gera5393 said...

This is so BS. How can they back that officer up. Situation like that makes me think that racism played a part in it. I believe that if a black cop punched a white girl in the face then things would of been different. He definitely would of been fired unlike the white cop. Even though the girl pushed him he still didn't have a right to punch her. What ever happen to using restrain and handcuffs. This is exactly why a lot of blacks hate white cops.