Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pakistan Arrests US Man Gary Faulkner on Solo Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden

Pakistan Arrests US Man Gary Faulkner on Solo Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden


Anonymous said...

ok so they arrested him off of suspicion, they cant keep him that long but for safety they can hold him. I think that the only thing that they should do in a case like this is have him sent back to where ever he was and not allow him back.


Anonymous said...

Law said you can keep somebody long under suspicion N.T 3580

Gera5393 said...

Reading this article I can do nothing but laugh. This man is very brave. And he was by himself. Bin laden most likely is not by him self, his crew would of ate that guy alive. I'm happy he was arrested and not killed. This is so crazy who would really go to Afthganistan to kill Bin Laden by them self. I guess this man. He needs to be evaluated for mental health issues because this is very weird. The USA couldn't even find Bin laden.

Anonymous said...

This man is hilarious!!..and may be a little crazy!...he definitely should be mentally evaluated, but i don't think he is a major harm to Pakistan. SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

this is what i call determination. we need to make this guy a cia hitman and make him kill the north korean and irani presidents.
s.d. 4954