Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sheri Davis, Charter Teacher Who Beat Student, Was Wanted on Criminal Mischief Charge - AOL News

I don't know what to say about this article. The teacher was totally out of line. The debate regarding charter schools vs. public education will continue to be discussed. Why did the school not conduct a background investigation of this women? How many other felons do we have working in some of these schools?

Sheri Davis, Charter Teacher Who Beat Student, Was Wanted on Criminal Mischief Charge - AOL News


Anonymous said...

What happened to the background check? School systems are so desperate to hire teachers the background checks are either too lax or they do not happen at all. **CG7304**

Anonymous said...

It's not the matter of college degree or not , it,s regarding her personal character. Even the background check is required, it can be the first time in her life she behaves like that. no one can predict what will happen to anyboby in his life. We live in a country where are a lot ot pressures, every body doesn't have the same control of the situation. my statement doesn't intent to forgive her for her behavior. She should be responsible for the consequences of her act but we cannot prevent those actions. J.E 9722.

Anonymous said...


Background checks cannot determine future actions of any individual. But the fact that Davis was able to teach at the Charter School for a year while a warrant was out for her arrest shows a lack of responsibility within the system. Yes, the charge was nothing more than a misdemeanor, but thats where it all begins. You do something minor and when you receive no consequences for your actions you continue to chance you luck until it gives out. There is no excuse whatsoever for the acts that she committed against this child and an apology from Davis or from the school principal does not suffice. This child was physically scarred and possibly will be mentally scarred for the rest of his life. Davis should receive every bit of punishment she deserves and the system should carefully assess individuals before bringing them in to work with children.

Anonymous said...

Clearly something is wrong with this lady and she should be punished for her actions but this shouldnt mean that all people with a misdermeanor should be banned from teaching.I mean she was teaching there for 3 years with no unusual incidents, she might have blacked out in some sense or form but i do not think that this makes her incapable of teaching. Maybe she needs therapy and/or counseling.


Gera5393 said...

First of all teachers should have a teaching Degree whether is charter or whatever. She obviously has anger issues. She should be locked up for what she did. I hope the school changed their qualifications for teachers. Truthfully I wouldn't send my child to. Charter school anyway.

Anonymous said...

Well i agree with most of the comments, a teaching degree does not matter, certification or substantial knowledge is enough to teach. A degree doesn't make you smarter! this woman is out of her mind to even ask for a lesser charge, she was beating them kids like they was adults on the street!!..She does some time and get some help maybe she will have that opportunity to teach again because everybody does make mistakes. SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

JN 8831
This teacher should have not reacted this way. This situation is very unfortunate and the teacher should have known better, thought things through, and should have reacted in a positive manner towards this situation.

Anonymous said...

The teacher was wrong for beating the 13 year old student that was in her class no matter how bad the student was acting in the class. The school jamie's house charter school toke good charge of the situstion that occurred. thomas

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous, is it that bad that we cannot be competent enough to proceed with thorough background checks before teachers are employed?

AR 758197433

Anonymous said...

What is so crazy about this is because if she was already wanted why didn't police go to her resident or place of work to pick her up. Somebody was not doing their job. And normally when working with children people should periodically be recorded check. She should have more credentials with teaching children. Wow do they just let anyone come in and teach. I'm glad that she got court and she deserves to be punished. THis will prevent her from hitting on another child. If I was the the child's mother I would have met her off public grounds and black her eye myself.
