Monday, May 24, 2010

Is Christopher Dudus Coke a Robin Hood for Jamaica? - AOL News

This is totally ridiculous. I know there is a code on the street of "No snitching" but this has gotten out of hand. This will be very difficult for law enforcement because he has the backing of the people. It appears he has done what the government can not do. Let's see how this plays out. I hope not too many people will get hurt.

Is Christopher Dudus Coke a Robin Hood for Jamaica? - AOL News


Deborah Miller-Ashmead said...

Christopher Dudus has used his ill-earned power from drugs, "bad money" and guns to win the support of the people of Tivoli Garden. The people of Tivoli Garden has depended solely on Dudus to provide their food, shelter and clothing. With the help of a corrupt government, Dudus transported illegal guns and drugs to and from Jamaica in order to support the poverty stricken community. Without Dudus there to provide for these people, a lot of people will go hungry. This is why he has earned their respect and loyalty over which the government cannot get since it has done very little to help the people of Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

I've heard of a few situation like this. Even though they know he is bad they will stand by him and not help the police. He has helped support them and feed them. Therefore he has there loyalty. SK

Gera5393 said...

Dudus has done a lot for his community. But wrong is wrong and he broke the law. I know he is helping a lot of people but what about the people that have died in his hands or all the drugs that's imported in the US that's added to the nation wide drug problem that we face today. I understand he is Jamaica 'Robin hood' but he should of stayed on a straight path and did things the legal way. This is his own fault.

Anonymous said...

Its a shame when a community looks up to someone who does illegal things. SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

JN 8831
This is a sensitive subject and is a sham. This man is not a hero because with this huge illegal drug trafficking organization he is hurting thousands more children or individuals just for the greed of money.

Anonymous said...

He's more like the modern day Pablo Escobar.

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