Monday, May 24, 2010

Is Christopher Dudus Coke a Robin Hood for Jamaica? - AOL News

This is totally ridiculous. I know there is a code on the street of "No snitching" but this has gotten out of hand. This will be very difficult for law enforcement because he has the backing of the people. It appears he has done what the government can not do. Let's see how this plays out. I hope not too many people will get hurt.

Is Christopher Dudus Coke a Robin Hood for Jamaica? - AOL News

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sheri Davis, Charter Teacher Who Beat Student, Was Wanted on Criminal Mischief Charge - AOL News

I don't know what to say about this article. The teacher was totally out of line. The debate regarding charter schools vs. public education will continue to be discussed. Why did the school not conduct a background investigation of this women? How many other felons do we have working in some of these schools?

Sheri Davis, Charter Teacher Who Beat Student, Was Wanted on Criminal Mischief Charge - AOL News

Detroit Police Say 7-Year-Old Shot in Home Search - AOL News

This a very disturbing story. It shows you what can go wrong in a police involved situation. Another baby dead for no reason.

Detroit Police Say 7-Year-Old Shot in Home Search - AOL News