Saturday, April 3, 2010

Police Arrest 5 In New Jersey Gang Rape Of 7 Year Old » Right Juris

Words cannot express the disappointment that I am having with human beings...if they are truly human. This is a despicable assault on two babies. I will not dismiss the fifteen year old's participation in this matter, but she still is some one's baby. Where were the parents? Where was the judgment on the young men as well? What are we doing people? Please someone help me make some sense of this mess. I am truly troubled.

Police Arrest 5 In New Jersey Gang Rape Of 7 Year Old » Right Juris


Anonymous said...

AG- 8628

After my brother told me about this story i had to look it up. I then posted it on my facebook page and asked similar questions. Of course the first comment I received was from some silly individual who put all the blame on the 15yr old and none on the parents. Some people are so blind. It is clear these girls lack parental guidance. My mother knew where i was at all times up until I was 19 years old and she probably would have continued to keep tabs on me had I not moved out. Not to say that something like this could not have happened if their parents knew where they were. However, their risk level would have been much lower.

I don’t believe in revenge, but this is a special case. I hope the powers of the universe are in full force when karma comes to knock at their doors. I hope these wastes of sperm get all that they deserve in abundance.

I could go on… but I’d rather not…

SH-3249 said...

These kids nowadays are definitely out of control, as a parent I just can't imagine being put in a situation like this.If I had any say so in the sentencing process,I would like to incarcerate them with pedaphiles, so they can suffer just like the 7 yr old did.Even though they were juveniles, they knew exactly that what they were doing was wrong and it was an ignorant choice they made on their behalf as well as her stupid a@% sister.

Truth said...

I agree with AG-8628, where are the parent. Them girl had know business at that party. I think the girl should charge just like the young men that is involve in the rape. That little girl's mind is going to be mess up for the rest of her life.

crys said...

4161, the men and boys that did this heinous act should be punished severely and deserves to be embarassed in any form, just think the 7 yr old state of mind at this point can be severly damage, because punks thought it was funny at the time to prey on this small child. i have a small daughter and i couldnt even think of what to do to control my anger, let alone any physical acts that may occur,plain and simple i would have lost my mind and freedom that day!

Shaiq Perwaiz said...

The headline for this story should definitely be "Signs that the world is truly coming to an end." I mean how sick are these individuals to gang rape a seven year old.. i mean really a "seven" year old how sick are these guys. They should throw them in jail and label them child rapists and let them understand what gang rape feels like.

Anonymous said...

OM F$*&@# G, there are not enough adjectives in my vocabulary to say how heinous this is. Are you kidding me??? Her sister, I protect my younger sister no matter what it takes and if this B$%# can do this to her own sister, she is cold, heartless and evil. How can I say this respectfully. Oh, forget being respectful. OH HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is an outrage!!!!!!!!

I could not read any stories, nor did I want to hear any news reports regarding this heinous crime and violation of the sanctity of this baby's innocence. No form of recourse can ever give this child her childhood and sanity back

Forgive me, but this is one of those moments when I would promote "an eye for an eye" and "you get what you give" They better be glad I'm not dictating their punishment cause I would line up these heathens, full monty, place a hot iron branding cattle prod in this baby's hands and allow her to castrate each and every one of them.

Then they need to beat their d#@ks with a hammer, pour some honey on it, then stick it in a bed of fire ants. While they face the sun with a bandana tied around their forehead so they can't blink. Then take them to the beach dig a hole. Put them in it with their head above ground at low tide. So they can watch the tide rise as they witness their last day on earth.

Why waist my tax dollars to burn the bastards. They are not even worth lethal injection. Prison is too good for them. This baby is going to have to have counseling for a long time, she will never be normal again…….VAF2053

JTG-7666 said...

That is just real messed up. They should all be hanged and burnt alive at the same time in public.

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
I first heard of this story via my aunt and i must i was most disgusted... I turned to look at my little 9yr old cousin and was shaking my head in disappointment. I then went back to remember when i was 7 yrs old and thats when i became most saddened. This little girl will never be able to live a normal life after this. Thos men are evil, why would anyone want to molest a little 7yr old? The older sister is disturbed and need to be mentally attended to. The men who engaged in such act should be given a min of 30yrs - not only for the rape but gang association, they serve no purpose in society.

Anonymous said...

R.Y.T. 9427
This story actually brought tears to my eyes. I can't even imagine the state of mind that this poor little girl will be in and the damage this has brought to her innocense. I can't help but to feel also feel sorry for the 15 year old. Imagine what this "little" girl has also endured in her short life that she has the mindset to sell herself and thereafter her sister for sex. There's definitely signs of abuse imminent in the 15 year-old's life. As for the disgusting excuse for humans that did this to these girls, I believe they should be given a taste of their own medicine. Then again, that's probably too kind!

Baby D said...

These are times where the term lock them up and throw away the key should we put to use. This act was a heinous crime. All 6 individuals involved should b punished to the fullest extent. These individuals dramatically changed and destroyed the life of a child and i hope that thay get nothing less than a life sentence

Anonymous said...

Darnell I don't even feel as though I should read the entire story, the headline alone grasped my attention. I heard the story on the radio, and I was irate after just hearing the fact multiple males raped a seven year old girl. I have come to conclude that all the males involved have both mental and psychological problems. Rape itself is not tolerated by sociey, but the fact these guys raped a girl who hasn't even been through puberty yet is unacceptable. Although, capital punishment is not an option in this case, all the males involved will experience exactly what that 7year old girl experienced when they are sent to prison or whatever correctional institution they are sent to.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should be prosecuted for this crime....Absolutely horrendous. Where was this girl's mother? How about prosecuting the parents of the 7 yr old girl for endangering the welfare of a minor? I pray this little girl will be able to find some peace in her life.
**Peace be with you -CG7304

Anonymous said...

this is by far one of the most horrendous crime, i have ever read, it really disgusts me to hear stuff like this
RG 0312

Anonymous said...

This is truely sad. i also ask myself what is this world coming to. They need to be locked up for good because there is no excuse to do that to a child (J.C 1139)

Anonymous said...

There is a lot that can be said about this but at the end of it ...eletric chair extra voltage...LS9129

Anonymous said...

this outright despicable...I'll never understand what would possess anyone to do such a thing...let's hope that seven year old girl will find happiness..lethal injection wouldn't take away the awful memories that this poor girl will have to carry for the rest of her life...mp9504

Jonathan R. said...

After reading this devastating tragedy, I'm speechless as I'M typing. I'm only going to ask one question for all the parents out there,
Do you know what are your Kid's at all time?


Anonymous said...

Jn 8831
This incident causes so much grief. It is sad to hear how these men did not think of what they were doing! These incidents are very tragic. Justice should be done and will be done. No one deserves to go through what these animals did to this child.

Lisa M. said...

What can I say that others have not? My question is: what have the kids that have been accussed of raping this little girl, and the little girls sister been exposed to in the past... to let them think that this is okay? There mental state needs to be studied, I don't believe we are born bad but I do believe that the environment help cultivates the individuals we have become. What I find most tragic is that anyone can have children... we don't have to apply for it... like we do a job, we don't have a backround ck, we have a gift and an ability to give life... but it doesn't mean we are capable or able to provide for that life!

Anonymous said...

WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS?Thats my first question.It is a shame that this 15 yr old would allow these things to happen to her little sister.But it is more of a shame that these parents are not watching over their children.This is what happens when parents do not take control and do their job. There are many reasons behind all of this.Something has to be going on at home that this 15 yr old would allow this things to happen.Maybe its been done to her.Something have to be wrong with these young men to even think of doing something of this nature with these "babies".Its sad.Words really cant describe what I feel for that 7 year old.Her life will never be the same.These young men deserve to rot in jail.

Evette 0081 said...

No what were the men thinking this was a little ass girl at the age of 7, i know some of this men who raped this little girl have mothers, gradmother and sisters in the processes of their action they have destroyed a young girl mental and physical and at the sametime have created criminal records for themselves. they are all sick and need alot of help.

Gera5393 said...

I'm so appauled by this. What will possess this girl to give sex for money let alone bring her 7 year old sister into it. The people in the apartment should be ashamed of themselves. And also the people that's not speaking up. What if it was their child. I feel so bad for the 7 year old lord only knows how this is going to affect her for the rest of her life. If I was the teens mother I would probably not let her come back to the home. She should also be arrested. She knew what she did was wrong. 15 years old and your selling yourself...This is really sad.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad because you can tell these girls dont have the proper guidance. So before we point the finger at the 15yr old we need to access the whole situation first. SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

Their all children, i hold the parents somewhat responsible..lb9816