Saturday, April 3, 2010

Teen Shoots Classmate Inside Cooperstown, New York, Police Station - AOL News

Teen Shoots Classmate Inside Cooperstown, New York, Police Station - AOL News


Anonymous said...

Its very amazing how the minds of children are working these days, these two barely knew each other and only crossed path and one guns down another, means that there is no regards to human life, no one wants to just hurt, by way of a simple fight and then move on, they want to kill, making sure the other doesnt see another day of life, ridiculous!

SH-3249 said...

wow that young suspect must have been going through something in order for him to have chased down the victim into a police satation. omg-like seriously where are the freakin parents.I'm happy the victim survived,as for the suspect-he definitely needs some type of psychological help along with severe punishment.

JTG-7666 said...

the victim must have done something pretty bad to the suspect...According to witness, they saw the suspect speaking with three teens, which they all ran away.. and one of them was victim.
I don't believe this act was motivated by racial hatred, due to the fact the suspect confronted them before the shooting. IS more do to revenged. In order for suspected to act this violent way, the three individual must have bullied him, or stole something from him which the suspected wanted back and they didn't cooperated. I guess they all should investigate.

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
Mental Health is a very prominent problem in society today. For this guy to be driving around with a gun and no particular reason for doing so definitely says something about his mental mindstate. Parent really need to keep a close watch on their kids these days and try to know more about their life outside the home. Parenting is not just providing the basic necessities. Obviously there was something bothering this kid.

Anonymous said...

Darnell It's really crazy how children are exposed to violence at such a young age. It is clear that the suspect was unaware of his actions. But, I ask the question how was is that this kid had immediate access to an illegal firearm? Exposure to violence starts with a persons family. Exactly what provoked this teen to resort to such violent measures. I am aware racism played a major role in the shooting. But, if we were to shoot everybody who we feel is being racist torward us this definately will not be the last time racism ignites violent actions.

Anonymous said...

how are the children allowed to get into the school with weapons, we as older people should try and show more love to these kids in order for them to know that there is more to life than to kill people, i think that this child is lacking love , but he needs to pay for his crime and than get couseling.9056 K S

Truth said...

I think the 16 year old gunman was one bold, crazy young man, for him to run into a local police station and open fire on someone and himself. What is the world coming to?
Somethings you will only find white people doing and this incident is one of them.
Damn, that makes me think that you are not even safe in the police station.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm not surprised at how bold kids are to handle guns but to walk up and conversate with a few ppl and set it off. I say it looked like a movie in the making. Life sure isn't what it use to be. We would fight one day and be friends the next. No weapons were used. The society we live in now has us looking from side to side and back to front. What a way to live life... RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

Cant really call it because no one knows if these two had some type of verbal or physical altercation before this incident. But I do know, children have entirely to much access to guns these days. And are also to willing to pick them up and shoot somebody and go on as if nothing has ever happened. They just dont value anyones life, not their own.It's sad and I really believe that we need to get our youth the help that they need because they are our FUTURE.

Anonymous said...

These kids are really not thinking before they act nowadays!!...its such a shame to see these kids throw their future away for probably a simple argument between them. No one is worth you taking your life over.
SJC 1687

Geraa5393 said...

Heating the descriptions of the kids involved, it sounds to me like a case maybe of bulling. The alleged shooter was said to be cool and layed back. On the other hand, the other boy was described as being a athlete and loud. However the alleged shooter still had no right to shoot at the victim. Thank god no one was killed. But bulling is sometime that is very serious and should be discussed in all schools.