Saturday, April 3, 2010

Alabama Teen Erica DeRamus Suspended Over Too-Revealing Prom Dress - AOL News

First off, the dress is too revealing for a prom. That being said, PADDLING!!!! What the hell. I am so glad to be living up North. On a lighter note, the Mom should be responsible for this situation. She should have known better.

Alabama Teen Erica DeRamus Suspended Over Too-Revealing Prom Dress - AOL News


Anonymous said...

I was ready to dig in but the dress isn’t so bad, unless I don’t see what u and the school official see. I will admit the top was a little low but she isn’t exactly a size 2 either.
Sometimes a person’s conduct can be the difference between an outfit that looks nice and one that is “inappropriate”. Judging by her demeanor in the video she doesn’t seem to be a young lady who behaves in a raunchy manner.
Although im not quite sure how I feel about the dress it was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. She should have been allowed to attend prom
As for the paddling? What type of punishment is that?

Truth said...

Now i have seen some revealing prom outfits and the one Erica Deramus was not one of them. I think the school made a big deal out of nothing. They should have allowed the girl to attend her prom because you only get one.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm I don't see anything wrong with the dress she's wearing. I think the problem the school has is that she actually has breasts and she's curvy, as opposed to being stick thin.So in their eyes its automatically too sexy!

Shaiq Perwaiz said...

Who cares about a dress you would think that they had better things to worry about rather than ruining a young girls life long memory of her prom night. Dress wasnt even that bad.

Anonymous said...

According to my view, i don't seee what is wrong about this kind of dress.Based on the dress policy of this school, this coudn't not the requirement. I agree with those who made comments before me, this not a reason to let miss the prom.J.E 9722

SH-3249 said...

I've seen 8th grade prom dresses way more revealing,and for this young lady to miss out on what could have been one of her greatest memories is just pathetic and uncalled for.As for the paddling,they better hope the tables don't turn and the school administration don't start to get the paddling!

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with her dress, if they think that's too revealing, come take a walk into my closet. Then say that her dress is too revealing, anyway, some people just take pride and joy in ruining someone's day, especially a day that should be life long memory. That's a shame......VAF2053

JTG-7666 said...

Look at the bright side, at least she didn't get paddle. Getting paddle would had been worst memories than not going to the prom. She made the decision to wear that dressed, now she has to suffer the consequences.

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
This young woman is about to go off to college next semester... how is being suspended from school because of a prom dress going to help her? obviously the issue with the dress is only in the interest of the school and making them look 'good'. The is nothing wrong with that dress. The length is ok... the top is a bit revealing but that's only because Erica has big breasts... had it been someone with a smaller bust in the same dress... it would've been ok for them.

Baby D said...

Big deal. I think the bord of ED. should spend there time on somthing that will actully effect the students lives. I believe this suspension was ridiculous, and a complete waste of time.
BAD 0446

Anonymous said...

Darnell I disagree with the decision to suspend the student for her dress being too revealing for various reasons. One of which being after watching the video, the dress wasn't that revealing and i'm eager to see what other females attending the prom had on. Especially the caucasian females, exactly how much is too much cleavage. Because as a male, I didn't seem to think her dress was that revealing. Considering the fact it's the senior prom, I feel as though every student both black and white should be entitled to wear whatever they want. But of course lines should be drawn if someone's attire is inappropiate. But, that's definately not the case in this situation.

Anonymous said...

I admit I have seen worse dresses for a high school prom but, the school has a dress code. If you don't follow it, expect to suffer the consequences whatever they may be. The mother should have known better and asked her daughter to try on the dress BEFORE the girl went to the prom. BTW - Just because the dress comes in your size, does not mean you should wear it.
**Peace be with you - CG7304

Anonymous said...

I think they took it to far. She shouldn't have been suspended for that. They need to focus on bullying and violence in school instead of nonsense such as a prom dress (J.C. 1139)

Anonymous said...

Everything in the current culture is about showing off skin. And if her own parents allowed her to wear it everyone should kept their comments to themselves... Back to my prom my girlfriends had a hard time finding a dress that kept 'everything' inside...unless girls start to get custom made dresses this silly issue will come back....LS9129

Jonathan said...

I do agree with the decision about not letting her attempt the Prom with that dress, but I do not agree with the student being suspended for three days.
The mother should of known better, a dress like that caches a lot of wrong attention most of the time, and it is better to let our young ones know that we don't have to show to much of our body to feel adorable.
I hope she learn her lesson.


Anonymous said...

JN 8831
This dress is a bit to revealing. In which the school had warned the students days ago about the dress code for prom. Next time she has to go according to stated rules and regulations of the school.

Anonymous said...

The school actually went to far, they should not have suspended her.

Anonymous said...

Good. Someone has to take actions. We should stand for our moral principles. That dress was inmoral for the occation.

A.L.V. 5309

Anonymous said...

For starters, I have seen MUCH worse prom dresses! Yes, there was a little cleavage but other than that there is nothing wrong with this dress! And the only reason I brought the cleavage up is to try to reason with why school officials would have a problem with this dress. If she was a size 2 , noone would have said anything. Suspension and/or paddling are extreme measures of punishment for this incident.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that her prom dress was that revealing. I've seen worst and besides its senior prom. As for paddling as a discipline action. I'm shaking my head on this one. Those times are over. As for suspension, I guess they couldn't think of anything else...RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

Ok that's nothin' compared to my senior prom. Girls were much worst for that. I can respect the school for not letting Her in but suspension was ridiculous and as for paddling I'm on the girl and her mother's side. Its 2010. SK

Gera5393 said...

I didn't see the dress so I don't know how revealing it was. I trust that her mom wouldn't let her go out to look like a hooker, I hope. Sometimes I think that the school needs to stop being so old fashion. High school seniors should be able to wear what they want. I mean most likely their having sex anyway.

Anonymous said...

I have also seen way more revealing dresses!...and this one isn't even revealing. It definitely have to do with her natural curves, if it was on someone thinner, i don't think they would have looked twice. The dress is really nice. I had way more cleavage in my dress and everyone loved it because i still looked tasteful. SJC 1687