Monday, March 22, 2010

Teen in Critical Condition After Alleged Text-Message Dispute - ParentDish

Teen in Critical Condition After Alleged Text-Message Dispute - ParentDish


Anonymous said...

It is good that she is getting charged for murder being some kids think they are exempted form the laws that apply to them. Being that they are young does not give them a right to do so what they did.

Anonymous said...

First off, there are not enough adjectives to describe the senselessness and brutality of this crime; a pubescent boy kicking a young girl in the head with steel-toed boots? It’s a sad situation and I take no sides, with one exception. The young lady that was attacked didn't deserve it, but bringing up a deceased loved one in a heated argument can set a person off. He most definitely was wrong for hunting her down to harm her. The other young lady who was a supposed "friend" should get the same beating in return just for the "no snitching" code being disregarded. I mean come on she's supposed to be her friend and she knew that he stated to everyone that he's going to kill her.

what in the world is happening to our kids some may ask, they are spoiled brats who are handed everything they want and somehow are being taught that when they don't get their way they throw a fit! This boy had problems from way back at 13 and who bought him steel toe boots? to beat the girl like that was so crazy over a text message and i do not care what happen, i am sorry his brother passed in the manner he did but he had so much hate in him and where were the adults while this was happening? no one helped to stop him? now his family and the poor girl family will have grief for so long. at 13 and it just so shocking. there is more to this! as i read this over again i feel so bad for the girl’s family! did anyone see that he had this rage inside of him? this type of rage just does not happen over night no way, it’s been building long before his brother took his life, what a sad story . as a mother I am heart broken she will not be the same this poor girl . teens know words written are taken very seriously and people are crazy they will go after people, even now if you look at someone wrong in certain places you can be shot!

I want my kids to earn things like cell phones and cars, but they will friends and even the parents of friends who called me ABUSIVE for expecting my child to work for something Everyone blames the parents, but it really is society in general that has banned parents from being parents. When I was a kid if I ever called my mom a bitch, my mom and my dad both would have probably smacked me across the that now and the parent goes to jail and the kid is coddled because mommy was so abusive to them....forget that they need to be taking responsibility for showing complete and total disrespect! Anyway for him he will pay for this………KARMA HAS NO NAME OR AGE!........VAF2053

Anonymous said...

This is the second incident in Deerfield Beach, FL. A few months ago a boy was doused with rubbing alcohol and set on fire by several youths who were bullies. Is there something in the water at that school or do parents no longer give a damn about their kids? Until parents learn to strike the balance between being a "friend" and being a disciplinarian to their child/children, more of this will happen. There are no guarantees when raising your children, but if you don't give them the proper tools (which include life lessons, love AND discipline) to at least function as a decent human being in society, this is the ultimate result. Peace be with you....CG 7304

Anonymous said...

Kids attitudes most of the time are learn, form, and model at home. It is the parents respossibility to watch close their kid reaction before different situation. A kid who react like this should had shown previous aggressiveness. Parents who just ignore kid's bad reactions this is the result.

AV 5309

Anonymous said...

ag 8628
What a Tradgedy!

Something is definatley wrong with someone who kick a person down, bash their head into the pavement and then kick them in the head.

Obviously Wayne is mentally disturbed. Based on his brother's recent suicide I will assume that there is something wrong at home. Another incident where I ask the question, " Has this child seen a psychologist?" I highly doubt that he maintained regular visits with a mental health specialist after his brother's suicide. That text message really had nothing to do with his actions. He would have eventually snapped on someone it just so happened to be Josie that pushed him over the edge. From reading the article I also gathered that he was not the most pleasant person and he may have possesion issues. The article says Josie didn't approve of the relationship and Wayne kept trying to reach Kayla. He may have been taking out his frustrations on Kayla and may have displayed abusive behavior towards Kayla. As far as Kayla pointing out Josie she either had no knowledge of Wayne's intentions or she was scared into pointing Josie out.

Anonymous said...

Okay that was an interesting story.....let me start by saying that there is no excuse for what that boy did. To harbor that much hatred for an individual at such a young age is unbelievable. The kids these days are so over the top with there emotions and they feel like its the end of the world. That has some deep problems and really its not so crazy to say that most of the kids I see today would have done the same thing and that is not an exaggeration.

But the boy is not all to blame. A child's mind if fragile no matter how mature a parent or guardian may think the child is. So wen that girl sent the text message saying something horrible about that boy's deceased brother through suicide can push any child over board. And imagine what the boy went through when his older brother committed suicide. Did anyone register him for suicide watch or any therapy?!

So I believe that the boy's response was as natural as any person's response upon hearing of a deceased relative being disrespected like that. Do I approve of the boy's action? No but I understand it.

Eric Angel Collazo

Anonymous said...


@VAF2053 … You are contradicting yourself. First you said, “…there are not enough adjectives to describe the senselessness and brutality of this crime…” I agree with this. But then you go on to say, “The other young lady who was a supposed ‘friend’ should get the same beating in return just for the ‘no snitching’ code being disregarded.” Wayne’s actions are “senseless” and “brutal” but because Kayla “snitched” it is ok for someone to senselessly and brutally beat her? The “no snitching” mentality is just as senseless as the beating itself. Just as I stated in my first comment, I am pretty sure Kayla told Wayne who Josie was out of fear. You also contradict yourself when you say, “It’s a sad situation and I take no sides, with one exception. The young lady that was attacked didn't deserve it, but bringing up a deceased loved one in a heated argument can set a person off.” That “exception” means you have taken a side. I know you are familiar with the saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Josie words do not justify Wayne’s actions. Almost beating Josie to death is not going to bring his brother back.

Anonymous said...

Darnell I don't condone in physical harm to anybody unjustified especially a female. What started as text message dispute, escalated to a level it didn't have to go to. The boy didn't have to resort to such drastic and violent measures to send the message to the girl that she shouldn't speak negatively of his deceased brother. The girl simply could've have voiced her opinion about the boy's relationship more maturely. But, now because neither one of them handled the situation delicately, it ended in a terrible result. The boy now faces criminal charges, while the female victim is in a coma.

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
It's a shame what generosity can do for you these days. This girl was being kind for allowing her friend to use her phone (at some point)and what happens? Her own friend turns around and stabs her in the back. I must say though, Ratley was wrong for mentioning Treacy's dead brother, that would triggar any form of brutal behavior. The whether Manson & Treacy wanted to have a relationship was none of her business... just simply tell the you wont be a mediator. It is unfortunate that she was beaten by this psychopath who obviously has major mental and anger issues.I hope she makes a good recovery.

Truth said...

My blessing goes out the the victim family. That was a same that young boy did not have to beat that young girl like that. For the girl friend who just sat back and allowed her friend to get beating like that should be a shame. it is good that both the young man and his girl was lock up. God don't like ugly.

Anonymous said...

Jn 8831
It is sad that this incident occurred. Their should be more respect, love, and peace in the world. These incidents should not be occurring just because of a text message.

SH32 said...

Plain ignorance,and this kid should receive the max sentence for this horrific crime, this would likely deter others from following in this kid footsteps.

Gera5393 said...

Theses Kids are so young. If the young girl knew of the boys plans why would she point her friend out. I don't think the young boy should do life or most of his life in jail cause of this. I guess the victim hit a low blow when she made remarks about his brother that committed suicide but that doesn't justify the situation. He knew she was defenseless but still stomped her out. He needs help and someone should of stopped it before it had gotten that out of hand.

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for this type of behavior!...again these kids does know how to handle confrontation...they think killing people is the answer. SJC 1687

Tucker0669 said...

These parents should be blamed, they should teach there children what to do and what not to do. Its very sad, to see our future citizens being so violent. Yes these kids should suffer the consequences, they should go to jail and see what it feels like, to commit a crime of violence. What is this world coming to?

Anonymous said...

Put them under the jail, this makes no sense.


Anonymous said...

Dam this kid must have something really important that he'd wanted to text this girl about. Apparently she is an ex for a reason. This kid had to be mentally disturbed to go out his way to find this person and beat her in a coma. Now adays these kids take everything and run with it. Words can't hurt anyone but apparently they'd hurted this boy. This girl may never recover fully over some words. How crazy is that. The next time someone ask me to use my cell phone to text someone the answer is no.
