Friday, March 19, 2010

Greed will get you placed in jail.


Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791.
Greed GREED Greed. Individuals these days are so motivated by money that they are willing to risk they lifelong hard work, reputation and self- respect just for a few dollors. This officer was nothing short than GREEADY. He was making over $100,000 annually and not only that, was looking to celebrate his 25th year as a law enforcement offer but breaks the law instead. All this over an additional $2000 or moe? They question which ought to be lingering in his head is - Was it worth it?

Anonymous said...

This is nothing but greed!!! I do not understand his logic in jeopardizing a six figure income for chump change. The Rational Choice Theory suggests that a person balances costs against benefits before taking any action. This clearly wasn't a rational decision on his part. Also, he threw his career away and now it's affecting his wife and children as well. I hope he get plenty of chances to pound his head on the jail house walls for 364 days he have to serve as he reflect on one of the dumbest choices he probably made. SJS-5514

Anonymous said...

wow for afew hundred $...not worth it...but then again people wanting to earn extra money....when you have a good paying job already....i think you most probably expect it from a person who has a money shortage or who really needs money...

Anonymous said...

Money, Money, Money its quite sad these days when people are so DARN GREEDY!!!!!ah1123

JTG-7666 said...

"Is all about the Benjamins?" With out money we can't move on to live the American Dream, but anyways what is the American Dreams.. I guess he deserved the punishment he got for being corrupt.. He should have played it safe with everything he had done in the past.. Greed is just evil.. JTG-7666

Anonymous said...

Darnell This disturbing to me, why throw away your career for a couple thousand dollars. What exactly was this veteran officer going through financially to start swindling his department of overtime hours. Wheter or not it's was worth it or not isn't the only question lingering in this officers head. But, will this greedy and deviant behavior cost him his career?

Anonymous said...

JN 8831
To much Greed can get you in trouble. Professionals like this man should have been content with what he had. Instead of jeopardizing his careerer for greed.

Truth said...

What most people don't understand is that being greedy can get you in a lot of trouble. now what i don't understand is people who have money always want more, and a lot of them are people with good jobs. Now i can understand a little bit if you don't have any money to feed your family. Than maybe I can understand.

SH3249 said...

Greed for knowledge is one thing, but greed for money not rightfully earned,is a selfish act in which the individual should be sentenced to jail.

Evette 0081 said...

Greed will get you know were in the long run, its greats for the moment but always remember what u do in the dark will come to the light.

Gera5393 said...

How Greedy is he. He was making over a hundred thousand a year and your steal a lousy 2 grand. That's good he was caught. It's people out here making nothing. Greed can ruin a person now he won't be making anything a years- jobless! I mean come on how hard is it for you making that much. Another situation I just don't get!

Anonymous said...

It may not be greed, this is what the writer assumed with his opinion. You dont know why he did it, it could be that he really needed the money even tho he makes a good salary. Alot of people live outside their means so this could be one of them. In any case he is still wrong but i just wouldnt jump up to call him greedy. SJC 1687

Tucker0669 said...

People do lots of things when it comes to Money. Yes he is greedy, he shouldnt have forged anyone signature for anything, he is a theif. Money this and Money that. Money makes people do some crazy things without even thinkin about the consequences, he is wrong!