Thursday, March 25, 2010

Colorado Trooper Arrested for On-Duty DUI - PoliceLink

I thought that law enforcement officers took care of each other. Did someone break the "blue wall of silence?" There have been an influx of whistleblowers in policing. Are we seeing a sign of the times that unprofessionalism and corruption will not be tolerated? We should all hope that more of them come forward to report the behavior.

Colorado Trooper Arrested for On-Duty DUI - PoliceLink


Anonymous said...

I think police should be frquently under Psychiatric supervision, especially those who have long time at the servis. They have accumulated too much stress through out the years, Post traumatic stress make people commit terrible mistakes.

Av 5309

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
They ought to be very thankful for those individuals who called in the suspicous behavior as, there is a great possibility it would've turned into something traumatic. That officer had no business driving around with a weapon while intoxicated, especially since he's on-duty and in his uniform - many civilians could have been harmed. The leave without pay seems like a fair punishment to me but next time, if you are so stressed just call out sick or something.

Anonymous said...

Someone around him should have noticed what was going on. His fellow co-workers should have picked up on this and tried to help him out or tell someone to help him...mp9504

Anonymous said...

Jn 8831
I agree with you professor. These corrupt officers need psychological help instead of committing illegal crimes.

SH3249 said...

Psychological intervention would have been the best decision

Anonymous said...

Thank God no one was hurt. Careless officer breaking the law. I thought he was suppose to enforce the law. I'm glad he was arrested. This is how it should be instead of cops and officer covering for each other. RSI-3774

Gera5393 said...

So sad. A traffic stop can turn into a very dangerous situation. U can walk over to a car a get your head blown off. I agree with the other comments about cops being under psychiatric care because cops can be their own worse enemy.

Anonymous said...

I agree also, psychological intervention should be mandatory for cops. SJC 1687

Tucker0669 said...

I mean its not that easy to be a cop, they also need help too. They been on the job, threw some difficult situations, and stress may occur. So i agree psychological intervention should be mandatory, they are only humans like us.

Anonymous said...

I think when you are wrong you should be punish for the crime but not lost your job if you are not on duty when it happen.
