Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Senator Eric Adams to Young Black Men: 'Pull Your Pants Up!'

I am torn over this particular topic. On the one hand, I am definitely for creative expression. I remember wearing certain clothes and other items when I was growing up. However, the image that the young males of this generation is representing is really setting back the progress that we have made. I question why they feel the need to wear their pants half way down their behinds. It does not look presentable and sends a message to others that they don't care about themselves. Is it not hard enough for young Black and Brown males to get jobs? Will this help in their search? The music and movie industry will readily hire these individuals because it is their job to continue to exploit us. Please, young men, wake up and pull up your pants and watch your opportunities for success go up as well. Also, young ladies, you can have a big impact on this problem by telling these confused young men that you don't want to be seen with them until they pull up their pants. Just my thoughts.

Senator Eric Adams to Young Black Men: 'Pull Your Pants Up!'


LS said...

I think that fashion and music has explored themselves to higher and higher limits parachute pants are not 'cool' anymore the halfway Down your ass pants are

Truth said...

"Raise your pants, raise your image!" I think that is a great phrases. Our young males must learn that sagging your pants is not a fashion trend, it shows that they don't have there own mind. They like to play follow the leader. If the want to follow a leader then follow Senator Adams message.

Anonymous said...


How is it that you are torn? I am all for creative expression too but sagging your pants is in no way shape or form creative expression. In 2010 there is nothing original about walking around with your underwear showing. I am not saying the year makes a difference. I am however, saying that sagging has been going on for too long.

IT IS TACKY!!! IT IS TASTELESS!!! What is really sad are the males i know who are in their 30's and 40's and still sag their pants. I make it known that I don’t like it and most times I am called “stuck up”, “uppity”, “grandma”, etc. On the other hand, women need to take responsibility for their own appearance. Women dressed like they work on the corner in Vegas cant correct someone else’s appearance.

As far as setting back the progress we have made, I am pretty sure they are not even fully aware of what that progress is. If they are not interested in grooming themselves externally, more than likely they have put no effort into feeding their mind and getting an understanding of why their appearance is offensive and demeaning. To be able to understand how important being presentable is, the benefits of doing so must be understood. Many of these "Saggers" sag because that’s all they know. They don’t aspire to do better because they have never seen better. They are raised and influenced by what they see on TV and in the movies. They are afraid to go against the grain and be different.

Anonymous said...

I remember from my prof; of police community when he asked a man in that class to turn back and asked the same student What do you want to be? This student said, Cop and the prof. reply, do you think this is a apropriate posture( pants down) for a person want ot be a cop? The prof. asked him to pull his pants up.J.E 9722

SH-3249 said...

OMG!!! The "saggy pants" theme is so not handsome. It actually seperates the boys from the men, but I would like to see more men surface and become the mentors they need to be.With me being the woman that I am-the sagging would indicate another reason other than it being a so-called "fashion statement",but this is not the place for that discussion.I mean I'm just saying!!!! STOP SAGGING!!!

Anonymous said...

Ummmmmm.......when did it become such a proud thing to be portrayed as a prisoner. These morons wear their pants hanging off their asses and they don't even know how this so called "style" came about. It is said that long ago in prison men wore their pants hanging down their asses because their belts were taken from them.

And now its even worse the pants are not only hanging off of them but it is purposely bought small, a size or 2 smaller than their actual size. That is not a good first impression on anyone if they see you dressed like this. I have 2 sons and i hope by the time they get older this phase wares off and the decent style is in because this is just plain and straight ridiculous. And it doesn't help that the media and the entertainers promote it, because television promotes it in everything and these entertainers know they influence these teenagers in all that they do and yet they keep doing it. The preach one thing and practice another to make their money........VAF2053

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
I'm happy they have a picture of famous rapper lil wayne up there... because thats one of the main soucre of continuing this trend. Rappers & all those other influencial force that young kids look up to. Change has to start there... have them start wearing their pants on their waste and see how fast we get change... unfortunately a Senator just saying that will merely have an effect on these individuals. Personally i dont see an issue with the pants on the hips as long as their behinds isn't out there, then its an issue. femmales may also help in this process... if they would frown at guys dressed like that or refuse to talk to them, it would help.

Anonymous said...

R.Y.T. 9427
I have to agree with D.J.8791, the fact that a senator is voicing his opinion is not going to stop this so-called "fashion statement". The fact is that the promoters, the venues hiring these entertainers, the parents buying the tickets for their children to attend the concerts -- all of these people need to start letting these entertainers know that they are not going to be allowed to perform unless their attire is "appropriate". I mean, haven't other entertainers been banned from places because of lyrics? This should be no different.

Anonymous said...

honestly sagging your pants is not cool...i remember somebody told me sagging pants begun in jails because they didn't belts to wear which makes a lot of sense but now days people think its so cool to wear their pants all the way down their knees which is not a good look...the question i have is that imagine goin for a job n do u think they will hired u with ur pants sagging all the way down....i think the answer is No!!!! sagging is no not fashionable but teenagers or even old people like age 30-40 think its cool to do dat....


Anonymous said...

Darnell At one point in time I used to sag my pants. But, later along the line realized it came from the prison system. Because, prisoners were uanable to wear belts, they were forced to let their prison khakis sag excessively low. So, I refuse to be part of this negative fad. As far as entertainers, they should try to send a positve message to the audience in which they attract. But, I disagree with the fact that young black men should stop sagging, when young caucasian men is doing the same thing. The senator should addressed all nationalities as opposed to just African American males.

Anonymous said...

@ DJ 8791 and RYT 9427

Change doesn't need to start with Hollywood Prostitutes. CHANGE NEEDS TO START AT HOME!!!!!! If parents did not allow their childrens' brains to be polluted by such behavior they would not have any knowledge of it and would not mimic it. They say imitation is the highest form of praise. If children praise Rappers and other ill behaved public figures what does that say about their parents behaviors? Are they not admirable?

I partially agree with RYT 9427.Parents should not buy tickets, albums, downloads, etc. They don't realize they are paying for oppression because they are unaware of what that oppression is. They have not done their homework and as a result are decieved by the packaging.

I will admit every now and then I listen to the latest blabbering/"music" by artist such as lil Wayne. However I am not so naive that I will be loured into the Subjugation Salon to be BrainWashed and Conditioned.

Responsibility need not be placed on promoters and Venue owners. It should be placed on the parents. If the parents of these promoters and venue owners instilled greater values, morals, ethics,etc in their children most likely they would do business differently.



Anonymous said...

Let them keep their pants. It give me an advantage to run away, if I am about to get jump someday.

Anonymous said...

Expressing yourself is Ok.. Showing you butt to other people is another!! ah1123

Anonymous said...

Wearing pants below your butt can't be comfortable! especially wearing a belt! everyone at the lil wayne concert from the picture does not need to know he wears polo ralph lauren!...mp9504

Anonymous said...

JN 8831
I see this style everywhere. Either way these young men should put their pants up.They would look more hansom.

Anonymous said...

I can wait to see this kids with sagi pants become professor, Lawyers, Doctors, etc. will they still used the pants under their behind?


Anonymous said...

I don't like the whole saggin pants image either. First off the "fashion statement" is that of ignorance. If only they really understood where this cam from. As for making it a law I think that maybe a bit much. Then again too me it is indecent exposure. SK

Anonymous said...

I remember at some point every ones pants were hanging near the ground. It didn't phase me because everyone was doing and I didnt realize how unattractive it was. Now, I am in disgust when i see a GROWN man walking around with his underwear showing. It shows no respect for themselves and others.


Anonymous said...


Wearing your pants below you rbutt has never been attractive to me.It shows a lack of respect that you have for yourself and that you truly dont have a mind of your own. It is monkey see, monkey do! First it was saggy jeans, now its tight skinny jeans.Everyone just follows what they think is in, afraid to be different.

Evette 0081 said...

yes pull your pants up!!!! Im tried of seeing young men walking around the town with there pants hanging down looking at their underwear, they should all get tickets or fines......

Anonymous said...

yea this is def not creative expressions!!...nothing creative about having your pants down with your underwear showing. Young black men need to grow up and look more professional!..I couldn't even bring a guy home with his pants sagging like that, nor do i want to date one that does that anyway. Its tacky!!
SJC 1687

Gera5393 said...

Wearing pants showing your underwear is not cute. That's like me pulling my T string out my jeans. That is inappropriate and not sexy. Same for men, its tacky and immature. U don't see any business men wearing pants down there buts so that makes it not professional. There's nothing wrong with fashion trends and expressing yourself but do it in a mature way not a nasty tacky way.

Anonymous said...

i hate to see this!its not attractive at all!it looks dirty!they cant even walk proper!lol!they need to give out tickets for it !!lol...lb9816

Anonymous said...

I used to sag my jeans, when I was a kid. I actually thought this played out fad would go away, its becoming annoying by the second. It's a disgusting look that needs to be nailed in the coffin.

AR 758197433

Tucker0669 said...

Its the Fashion and Music industry that allows males to wear their pants down, the industry thinks its a good idea so celebrities do it. Once the Celebrities do it and it have been shown on TV the fans will follow their foot steps. But that still isnt an excuse, their parents should talk to them about it, and set rules about it. It is very disturbing to public eyes and it should be resolved.

Anonymous said...

This is the dumbest style I have ever seem,and to think young girls wear this also,the prison look before jumpsuit.


LouLito said...

It makes my stomach turn to see young men walk around with their pants hanging down. I laugh when i see them trying to run an they can't because thier pants are to low. its true if our young ladies stop supporting the image then we can make some progress. then it also comes from thier idols these young dumb rappers. BUY A BELT

Anonymous said...

Omg sagging again everyone talks about it... in my opinion I think its creative its ur style. BE YOU. You dont want people saying sh!t about ur clothes and how u wear them do u? No u dont so stop sayin sh!t about guys who sagg. My friends sagg and they have passed ever grade and they are a all As student. Sagging ur pants doesnt have anything to do with ur education. In my opinion I think its cute I love a guy who saggs. But my main point is STOP SAYING SH!T ABOUT GUYS WHO SAGG