Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gunman sprays DC crowd, killing 4 and wounding 5

When will enough be enough? The life expectancy for young Black men is dropping precipitously because of the ridiculous notion, by some people, that disagreements can be settled with a gun. STOP THE INSANITY. Will there come a day when we have to stay in our homes to be safe? I believe that day is coming soon. Stock up on the books, newspapers and Internet websites because we might learn something from this reaction. Take care of one another.

Gunman sprays DC crowd, killing 4 and wounding 5


Truth said...

Why much our people continual on killing each other? Haven't we had enough. The bad part about is that the people that are doing to killing are just BABIES. We as parents and adult must take the time out to talk and teach our kids "I am somebody". It is more to life than killing our own.

Anonymous said...

In this country, United states parents don't have enough time to take care their children.This is a capitalist country, they rely on money to be succeed and neglect their children. Money is not all. I'm not a prophet but what I know later the situation will worst. People don't even about other people,s life.That can be different to a socialist country.J.E9722

SH-3249 said...

We definitely need "MORE" parents and adults to take the time out to talk and teach our kids that they are somebody and that anything they want to be or do is very much possible.Especially if they have a positive support system,community outreach,and ambition-just to name a few-can make way for a better society.

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
People.... DO NOT HAVE KIDS IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO PROPER GOVERN & CARE FOR THEM. This is why we have so many deliquents running around in society and so many unnecessary deaths. Too many people are having kids and they no nothing about parenting and those who chose to do the right thing always end up suffering from someoneelse's carelessness. The mere fact that one goes around taking innocent lives says how much value they have for their own, none.

Anonymous said...

This is some of the craziness that makes me fear for my childrens's life when they get older, because of idiots like this that decides they don't have a future so let's takes someone elses. This also reminds me of the shooting of the two young people that got killed in a botched car jacking in Jersey City 2 weekends ago, between walking from the car to their house, these loosers took these peoples lives just because one of the idiots wanted to know what it feels like to kill some one. Now that you took one of theirs hof about we do the same to you and take yours how about that. This kind of things relly makes me so f$&@¥£€ mad.You are not safe even walking to your own house, It's a very sad world we live in and I pray by it gets better over time and not keep getting worse.....VAF2053

Anonymous said...

It just don't make any sense how now days everything have to be settled with people killing one another. I agree the day when we have to stay in the house at all times is coming soon enough, but sometimes staying in the house doesn't even keep people safe. The world is out of control with murders, crimes and's ridiculous (J.C. 1139)

Jonathan R. said...

We the people need to come forward and start spending more time with our family members and coach them on the areas of opportunities we notice they need help with. The Individuals in this tragedy were not mentally right, and this is due to the lack of not having good mentors around them. Incidents like this will keep happening until we start stepping out and start making a difference for our close ones.


Anonymous said...

In a heinous crime like that there are gangs and drug involved. Our society needs to change into a less capitalist system. drug and guns need to be taken from the street. The young generation needs to focus on going to school. not on going out there and sell drugs, buy guns, and kill people. Parents have a big responsability as well as governments to make the change. A.L.V. 5309

Anonymous said...

it seems as the way to end a dispute now a days is with a gun...we need to open our eyes and stay on our toes and talk to people in your life..that can make a real difference...mp9504

Anonymous said...

JN 8831
I agree with all these comments. There should be more love and peace in order to resolve these incidents from occurring.

Anonymous said...

This should be a wake up call for society. to let us know that we are not safe. every where people go there is a killing. why are we killing our self. it seem like we live in a society hateful people.

Anonymous said...

The life expectancy for young Black men is dropping precipitously because of the ridiculous notion, by some people, that disagreements can be settled with a gun.



Anonymous said...


It is really sad to say that I know young black males that look forward to killing each other everyday.Wake up and thats the first thought on their mind, "I hope I find him today." Are young black males have become mentally ill. And its not only affecting them, it affecting everyone around them. They dont care about killing each other because they have no conscious, therefore they are already dead.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy!! adults we will encounter confrontations with people in life. Somehow along the line they did not learn how to deal with them because they are shooting each other. There's something wrong with you if you feel like you need to kill someone in order to solve the problem. SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

that's the question i ask myself everyday when will enough be enough of killing innocent people. thomas

Anonymous said...

I blame the parents, society, and the education system for not caring enough.


Tucker0669 said...

I really dont understand why these young people think having a gun and shooting others, is a soulution to the problem, when its really not. Its sad and insane, crime rates are rising, and i do think it will be a time when u haveto stay in your house to be safe. ITS SAD!!!!

LouLito said...

If we can get the guns off the streets then maybe the death rate will dicrease.

KL said...

Unfortunately, this country is a place where you really need to either get a decent job that pays well and the working hours are ok, or have a low paying job working tons of hours if you want to live well. Most people do not have the opportunity to have a decent job, so they have no choice than being out all the time. This has affected the time spent with our loved ones, and terrible things can happen, even when there are kids that are not supervised. Everything can change with the younger generations, so there needs to be more attention on the children to prevent many things. Everything starts at home.