Monday, March 29, 2010

FBI Charges 9 in Midwest Raids - AOL News

FBI Charges 9 in Midwest Raids - AOL News


Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
The physical appearance alone could tell these people are sick! (mentally). I cant never understand why most individuals resort to violence as a means of solving their problems. Like many others before, these people are using the Bible as the cause for their actions. How DUMB! A Bible is only their to be read... you interpret it the way you want. Therefore, dont use any one scripture as reason behind you act, but, your currupted mind which interpreted the scripture the way it wanted to. Many others have read such and chose other means of expressing their belief/faith. I am really considered whether this is truly a Christian group or is it an Anti-Christ group in disguise trying to make Christians look bad. You never know with people these days and the extents to which they will go to be noticed. Alot of citizens are not fans of the Justice system nor the government but they have learned how to deal with it - there is simplay no excuse for these people... put them behind bars for life! Then they wont have to worry about the government and pray those officers dont beat the life out of them.

Truth said...

These people are so stupid. Did they really think that they was going to get away with something like that. One thing about law enforcement, is they don't take liking to any one harming there own.

Anonymous said...

Wow!..i dont understand people. I guess they didnt really sit down and planned on how they were going to attack the police. Just acting dumb off of emotions. SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

The West talks about radical Islam, but radical Christianity is much worse. Religion is the destruction of society.

AR 758197433