Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lesbian Air Force Sergeant Jene Newsome Discharged After Police Out Her - AOL News

Lesbian Air Force Sergeant Jene Newsome Discharged After Police Out Her - AOL News


Anonymous said...

"Don't ask, don't teel". I don't think that was the task of the police officer. I don't know why a police officer should be interested in a such matter.Is there life to protect by being so interested in people privacy.(J.E 9722).

Anonymous said...

This is shameful. In this country, we are moving backwards, not forwards, per the right-wing. The irony is that many of those on the right, who would deny rights to gays are themselves gay, and are living a lie. I think what the South Dakota police department did is wrong. I doubt that they saw the marriage license through the window and if they did they couldn't read it. They need to issue an apology to Newsome. I also think gays should be able to openly serve our country which in part protects the constitution which says all men are created equal. Why treat gay people like they are not equal. I believe someone’s sexual preference is up to them. I don't believe it’s anyone’s job to tell anyone else who they should love or not love. An officer's job is to enforce the law while abiding by the laws. I cannot believe that it helped the investigation to apprehend a theft suspect by telling the military that the partner was gay. Sounds like someone got their panties in a bundle because the sgt would not drop everything at work to help the officers find her partner.

They are trying to justify what they did with the most idiotic reasons they can think of. In no way is the marriage license needed in this type of case. They said it was to prove their relationship and show the residence. 1) What does the relationship have to do with anything? Her partner committed the theft, not her. She's not the one being charged with a crime, so whether the one charged is married, divorced, dating, whatever, doesn't matter at all. 2) She lives at that residence. They know she lives there, they were there. That portion doesn't make any sense. But I think the worst part is that they went out of their way to report it to the Air Force. Why? The police aren't tasked with reporting sexual preference to the military. The military has a "Don't Ask/Don't tell" policy. They won't ask and you won't tell. So why would the police feel it's their obligation to report it, when the military doesn't really even want to know to begin with.......VAF2053

JTG-7666 said...

That is just wrong. No one should get fire for their sexual orientation. That is just not fair, her sexual orientation has nothing to do with her work performance. That is just pure discrimination.
The police officer should get fired for not following policies correctly... JTG-7666

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
That 'dont ask, dont tell' policy is just pointless. I cant see where one's sexual orientation affects their ability to work efficiently. Being gay should not put one at a disadvantage of any form of job as long as the individual is capable. Especially in a 'land of the free'. I think the police department purposely reported Newsome due to some former bias. I am quite sure those officers had a warrant to search for the wife of Newsome, not a marriage licence! That report should have been voided.

Anonymous said...

this is an unlucky story for Newsome. Your sexual orientation shouldn't be anyone's business. they should reconsider the these penalties or abolish them all together..mp9504

SH3249 said...

An individuals sexual orientation shouldn't be of anyones concern,especially if doesn't interfere with one's ability to complete a job duty.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this was very unfair.Noone should be fired because of their sexual orientation. Its ashame that in the world we live in today many forms of discrimination still exist.

Gera5393 said...

I think the officers that came across her marriage license should of just minded her business. I wish she could of kept her job. Being gay has nothing to do with her doing her job.

Anonymous said...

I dont like the dont ask dont tell policy at all. And if i was gay i wouldnt even join an organization that will out u for being gay. You are there to serve your country but they want to choose who you date. Hypocrisy!! SJC 1687

Tucker0669 said...

Some one sexual preference shouldnt be a problem, as long as it doesnt affect there job, well its fine.