Saturday, March 13, 2010

You make the call.

This police involved incident is under investigation by the Newark Police Department and the Prosecutor's Office. All the facts are not in, but this video speaks volumes. I will reserve judgment, but tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

First off, this is just straight wrong despite of what the perp did, another perfect example of what the wrong people with power does when they don’t know how to handle it. Seriously, what is the f¢栲ŐϣΣ reason for this mess here, he has no reason to be kicking him like that clearly he is already in custody and down on the ground with the other two officers holding him down. I mean if he was fighting back and resisting arrest it would be one thing but he came out of the truck with his hands held up not putting up a fight or anything. This is also another example of why certain people don’t respect the law and do what they do when being approached by cops......VAF2053

Anonymous said...

By what i got from looking at the video...i would say that they officer had no logical explanation to kick the suspect...if he pushed him great....but they had him down on the floor when he kicked him...which is wrong..and this is one of the reasons people do not like cops....another thing that came to mind is that i would say they are trying to cover up what the officer has done....

Anonymous said...

Everyone that resist from NPD ought to put there hands up.. ok

JTG-7666 said...

The officer just had an adrenaline rush, and he wanted some of the action..I know it wasn't right, but oh well, the driver shouldn't had run away from the cops in the first place, and put other people life in danger.. JTG-7666

DC0109 said...

The driver was really far from the site of the accident when he finally stopped. I'm familiar with the area and leading a chase through that area definitely puts many other drivers in danger. It seems to me that the officer was probably super upset for having been put through that ordeal and wanted to let the perp know. I don't necessarily believe the perp pushed the officer, but a good kick or 2 in the ass will probably do him some good.

Anonymous said...

Darnell The fact that the officer felt the need to want to kick the suspect after they already had him subdoed was unnecessary. Of course in their defense the officers will said he wasn't completely subdoed. But, he was no threat to the officers and he was cooperating with them. This video is exactly why I percieve police officers negatively. It's really funny what a little bit of power, a badge, and a gun can do for some people. Now the suspect of course will be charged with eluding the police and leaving the scene of a accident. But, what will the officer be charged with in this case? His actions are not justified, and the force used couldv'e been avoided.

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
POLICE BRUTALITY> POLICE BRUTALITY> POLICE BRUTALITY! Whether or not the officers was pushed, that does not give him the right to be kicking the guy and since we did not see where the officer was pushed, we're going to give Mr. Richardson the benefit of the doubt. Officers need to be more professional when they're making arrests and stop disgracing the police force.

Anonymous said...

there was no need for those two kicks from that third officer. Mr. Robinson didn't appear to be resisting. Now a days police officer need to watch themselves more then ever thanks to technology like camera phones...mp9504

Anonymous said...

Jn 8831
I will also reserve judgement.In this video you can not see every moment that occurred. You can not see very clearly what occurred. So this is very tough to judge.

Anonymous said...

Well I examined the video. The suspect did somthing very stupid. I believe that he knew he was caught and you could see him lifting up his hands I don't believe that those extra kicks were needed but sometimes these people dont listen..I wasn't there so can't I really don't know the facts.

Anonymous said...

Last comment was written by SB @8642

Gera5393 said...

I believe that in some cases force is necessary. Sometimes cops just get real tough and use unnecessary force. In this case the kick I thought was just a cop being an ass.

Anonymous said...

McCarthy is full of it!...That officer didnt have to kick him three times already. If he was that drunk there was no way he was getting away from 3 big cops. When he came out the car he had his hands up. They are trying to sugar code the whole thing because thats what they have to do. SJC 1687

Tucker0669 said...

They are some liars. Those officers didnt haveto kick him like that, he dont deserve that. If he was drunk like how they said, well it wouldnt have been easy for him to get away. Liars!