Friday, April 2, 2010

Moscow Suicide Bomber Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova Was Widowed Teen Bride - AOL News

When will the world wake up and realize that we cannot stop these people. They are on a level that most of us will never understand.

Moscow Suicide Bomber Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova Was Widowed Teen Bride - AOL News


Anonymous said...

Stop those person who don't even care about their own life is really a complicated task. People who wants to stop them care about their life. This is the prophecy. no body cannot stop that as a prophet says, "Bad time is a coming".

SH-3249 said...

I totally agree that these terrorists/suicide bombers are so unstoppable...If they don't stop to reflect on their own lives,what is it to them to think about others-sad,but true!

JTG-7666 said...

There is nothing we can do to stop them. We should act the same way they act, to show them how we feel.. They are a lot of crazy people in USA that are willing to explode themselves up, why not send them over to alqeada and have them explode... just kidding!! Anyways this will never stop. JTG-7666

Anonymous said...

D.J. 8791
*sighs heavily* What is this world coming to? Bombers, shooters, pedophiles everywhere! is it safe to be human anymore? How does one get involved with a big terrorist like this young woman's husband and not be prepared for his death? At 17 yrs old you would think there's alot of other husbands out there for you to choose and alot of years for you to experience. I have no idea of these people's belief and faith and thus i wont be quick to judge. However, they need to start keeping their personal issues personal and stop endangering the lives of hundreds of others just because of their stupidity and misfortune. If you are so disgusted by your life then do something about it, but there are many others who love their lives and shouldn't have to suffer because of yours.

Anonymous said...

we will never understand their type of mentality and what they believe in their outcome of this
RG 0312

Anonymous said...

The world will never wake up. And noone will ever be able to stop crime or all the other terrible things that are happening around us. I wish all the crime would stop but I know it won't and that's sad (J.C. 1139)

Anonymous said...

The idea of female suicide bombers is crazy. Incidents like this one leave me thinking twice before using trains or 9504

Jonathan R. said...

This is a very sad incident, but what is more sad is the fact that we can not do anything to prevent this people from completing there mission.
What have we done to them?
Is there something worse coming our way?
I hope this individuals realize the damage they doing to them self as well as others.


Truth said...

These people are crazy. I would love to know what makes these people go to the extreme to make a statement or to prove a point. What goes on in their head to do such a thing. Is it really worth killing other and yourself.

Anonymous said...

JN 8831
I agree with you professor. This incident is unfortunate.It is very sad to hear how much pain these crimes cause people.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand how people do not appreciate the life. Living is so beautiful. There is so much to do in life. Some people need longer days and longer life. Some sick people do anything to keep living. How can healthy ones kill themselve and kill others?

A.L.V. 5309

DC0109 said...

One of thee saddest things that I think of when seeing these reports, has to do with the dedication that comes with being a suicide bomber. These people are doing what they believe to be right, and the will of their God. I am not of an Islamic faith but I wonder if this is something that many of them believe to be right, and if as more people become more dedicated to their faith, will this get worse. I hope not. It is unfortunate that people of middle eastern decent are being persecuted because of the acts of a small group of radicals.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous with all these bombers!!...people are so easily influenced by these types of groups. This is only the beginning, there will be plenty of more terrorists!
SJC 1687

Gera5393 said...

It unfortunate that Terrorist target the US so much. Thanks to the trooper a lot of lives were saved that day. Citizen's need to pay more attention to their surroundings. In which the trooper was doing just that and he stopped a terrorist. The bombs that were in the car could of caused a blood bath situation.