Thursday, March 25, 2010

US - Camden Police Corruption Scandal Unraveled, 185 Drug Cases Dropped

US - Camden Police Corruption Scandal Unraveled, 185 Drug Cases Dropped


Anonymous said...

Wow . Parry COULD be sentenced to 10 years in prison? He was released after depositing $100,000 as bail? He will no longer be seen in the shoes of a police officer. This officer , let me take that back , this criminal and corrupted individual should spend the ten years in prison with out bail . It's sad to see that money is takes care of immoral acts .

Jonathan R .

Anonymous said...

Darnell I would love to be present at this one particular case. Because judges throw the book at the people who are forced to resort to drug trafficking because of the lack of job oppportunites. So what is so fascinating about the livelihood that made police officers so interested? I'm curious to know if lenaint sentences will be handed because it's a police officer who is the defendant. Because that definately won't be the case had it been a minority.

Truth said...

wow, Fast money is not always good money. One thing i cant stand is crooked cops. Police like that make it bad for the good cops.

Anonymous said...

Jn 8831
These bad cops should stop their corrupted actions. There are children and individuals who admire their jobs. They do not deserve this disappointment. They deserve individuals who will protect peoples lives. Instead of distorting and tormenting their lives.

SH3249 said...

With all this corruption going on,makes the mission statement of police officers go right out the window, thats why there are great feelings of anger and distrust towards them now...and they wonder why

Anonymous said...

This is why the community hesitates to communicate with police. Arresting others for money and drugs. Tell me who are the real criminals. Crime has no face on it. Just like a bullet has no name on it. I hope the Police department cleans up there act. What a way to make a name for yourself. I guess they couldn't think of any other legal way to get more money. This definitely was too easy...

Anonymous said...

I agree so much with the comment above me.


Anonymous said...

I wouldnt judge these cops because its very easy to turn to corruption when are being under appreciated. This could be anybody in your family that did this before and never got caught. Not saying what they did was right but alot of cops struggle with staying on the right path. SJC 1687