Friday, January 8, 2010

This is incredible, but it does happen.

Nabbed as hooker on way to hospital for my asthma, grandma says

Sunday, July 13th 2008, 5:59 PM

Monica Gonzalez (center) with her granddaughter Jaelyn and her daughters, Laila (left) and Brittany, in Brooklyn home. Gonzalez was arrested on prostitution rap. Case was later dropped.
DeCrescenzo for News
Monica Gonzalez (center) with her granddaughter Jaelyn and her daughters, Laila (left) and Brittany, in Brooklyn home. Gonzalez was arrested on prostitution rap. Case was later dropped.

Monica Gonzalez was nabbed in Sunset Park as a hooker - charges that were later dropped.

"This has been a nightmare," the 40-year-old told the Daily News.

"It was very embarrassing and humiliating. ... My husband was appalled. No one should go through this."

Gonzalez works as a receptionist at a medical office and has been married for 15 years to her husband, Louie, a contractor.

She has a 25-year-old son, two daughters, ages 17 and 10, and two grandchildren.

Contrary to Officer Sean Spencer's claim in a sworn complaint, she had never before been arrested for prostitution - or anything else, according to her lawyer Richard Cardinale.

"Clearly, Officer Spencer, who has been sued for civil rights violations in the past, has no qualms about arresting innocent people if it means he gets to put another notch on his belt," Cardinale said.

Gonzalez was walking along Third Ave., between 53rd and 54th Sts. - an area known for prostitution - about 2:30 a.m. last Nov. 8. She said she was on her way to Lutheran Medical Center's emergency room.

She had suffered an asthma attack earlier in the day and her medication wasn't working, she said. Her husband suggested she head to the hospital, four blocks from their home on 53rd St., so she could return in time to get the kids ready for school, she said.

Gonzalez, wearing a long winter coat, was suddenly confronted by Spencer and another cop who jumped out of a marked SUV.

"He [Spencer] said, 'I saw you going up to the car,'" Gonzalez recalled. "His partner said, 'Let her go, I've never seen her here before,' but he [Spencer] wouldn't listen," she said.

"I told him, 'I'm somebody's mother. I'm somebody's daughter.' I was hysterical crying."

Spencer also busted a second woman on Third Ave. for prostitution and drove both suspects to the 72nd Precinct stationhouse, where another cop called an ambulance for the asthmatic Gonzalez.

Spencer - who claimed Gonzalez was carrying a condom and had been arrested before as a hooker - swore out a complaint charging her with loitering for prostitution, according to court papers.

The officer claims the two women were approaching vehicles together, according to a police source.

"I have never, ever been arrested in my life," Gonzalez told The News. "I did not have a condom."

She hired a criminal defense attorney, Leon Schrager, and the Brooklyn district attorney's office dismissed the case on May 29.

Schrager told The News he never saw any evidence that a condom was seized from Gonzalez.

"I'm grateful to my family that I was able to fight back," Gonzalez said. "The officers stick together and the system is abusive."

A spokeswoman for the city's Law Department said her office had received Gonzalez's complaint and is reviewing it.

Spencer has been sued before in Brooklyn Federal Court. The 30-year-old cop was accused in 2004 by Blanca Rodriguez of falsely arresting her for kicking a car during a dispute over a parking space. The charge against Rodriguez was dropped, and the city settled the suit for $10,000.



Anonymous said...

thank goodness those cops' ignorance didn't cost that woman's life. all they had to do was swallow their pride and admit their mistake. one of the many reasons why the community cannot trust the police due to their constant lying and refusing to admit when they have made a mistake. cc5223

Anonymous said...

Due to this subculture of police "us against them" it is very difficult to prove that police officer(s) violated your rights. I'm proud of Gongalez and her relentless effort to fight back. Officer Spencer is apparently a liability to the police department and they need to realize it before he end up hurting someone. SJS-5514

Anonymous said...

Wow….this time of day and age these things are happening! I think for the most part you can look at a person and tell how a person is…. Even if they had suspicion they should have waited and caught her in the act if that was actually the case... I say the police have been given too much power and they are abusing it being…as say being; anyone dressed wrong could be a hooker too???? Ridiculous! He should be punished for his mistake and the city should take action against it themselves being if it has happened once it will happen again. ||MI3807||

Unknown said...

Is this a story about being a the wrong place at the wrong time? Why didn't the husband take her to the hospital, why was she walking? Did she know where she would have to cross, the neighborhood, the enviorment at 2:30 in the morning? It seems like noone made the right choice and of course the cops just rounded her up with the other. Two is better than one. Ha! Elizabeth Segarra

Anonymous said...

Asthma is a serious condition and had sometning had happened to this woman.........what sparked the suspion that she may have been a "hooker". Are there extra bonus' for arresting "hookers"? This officer needs to be re-evaluated for his street duties and then released with commitment to therapy. If that was my mom, sister or relative he would pay dearly.CC5223

Anonymous said...

lets be real here, you don’t walk to the hospital when your having an asthma attack, you either grab your inhaler or neb, and if the attack is that serious call 911 or a cab at least if you don’t have someone to drive you. i have asthma and there’s no-way I can walk to the hospital in the middle of the night when its cold (cold air hurts the lungs when your asthmatic)so something is fishy with her story to begin with, but to be arrested is a whole other can of worms. how was she dressed? That’s something that has not been addressed, was she dressed like a hoochie or in normal sweats and a jacket type atire. look at the whole story full picture before you judge this cop……..VAF2053

Anonymous said...

Jn 8831
This women should have been helped instead arrested.This officer should have known better. In stead of putting a women health in danger.

Anonymous said...

even if she was a "hooker" she is still human! stories like this one I'm sure happen more then people think...mp9504

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Mrs. Gonzalez. The officer knew she had not committed a crime but because he had the power to do so, he arrested her. His fellow officer is wrong also. Why didn't he report the truth. Oh.. I get it. Cops don't tell on cops. But I am glad she was able to get an attorney to defend her. But this type of stuff does happen everyday...RSI-3774

Tucker0669 said...

i knew she was going threw it, it must have been very embarrassing for her and family. but thank goodness it didn't ruin her life.

Anonymous said...

Wow that was very traumatic, some police officers are just not in tune with the community to know who are what is going on.

AR 758197433

Anonymous said...

wow this cop is a retard or just needed an arrest.
S.d. 4954