Saturday, January 9, 2010

Judge gone wild.

N.J. judge rules woman accused of starving children competent to stand trial

By Joe Moszczynski/The Star-Ledger

January 06, 2010, 6:54PM

A judge ruled today that a New York City woman accused of starving four of her children is competent to stand trial, despite a psychiatrist’s claim that she suffers from a "delusional disorder."

Superior Court Judge N. Peter Conforti found that while Estelle Walker, 50, of Brooklyn may be extremely religious, she is capable of standing trial and participating in her own defense.

estelle-walker-sussex.JPGEstelle Walker, who is accused of starving her children, in court on Dec. 3.

"This lady ... is clearly educated and can articulate her feelings. She’s a devoutly religious woman, no doubt about that," but her religious beliefs do not hinder her competency, said Conforti, sitting in Newton.

The judge’s abrupt ruling ended a competency hearing for Walker that was expected to continue for two additional days with testimony from two mental health experts for the prosecution. Reports issued by both experts claim Walker is competent for trial.

"I see no effective challenge (from the defense) to those experts," said Conforti.

Conforti’s ruling came after he personally questioned Walker on the witness stand for about 15 minutes about her background and a plea bargain offer she had rejected. The plea deal would have required her to serve no additional jail time other than the year she already served, as well as probation.

Walker calmly testified that she fully understood the court proceedings, and confirmed she has a bachelor of arts degree in sociology with a minor in social work.

When asked by Conforti why she didn’t accept the plea offer, Walker replied, "I’ve prayed about this, I’ve meditated about this, and I think this is how the Lord would have me decide."

After Conforti found her competent for trial, Walker agreed that she would consider pursuing an insanity or diminished capacity defense.

Walker’s testimony came just prior to testimony given by psychiatrist Joel Morgan of Madison, who testified on behalf of the Sussex County Public Defender’s Office.

Morgan claimed that while Walker appears to be mentally stable, she is afflicted with a rare "delusional disorder" that makes her incompetent for trial.

"To the world, Ms. Walker looks fine, well-dressed, articulate," said Morgan. But she has "unusual thinking patters that most individuals don’t see."

Morgan said Walker suffers from a severe lack of personal judgment because of her firm belief in a higher power’s ability to intervene in her worldly affairs.

"She has almost total reliance on God for her to make day-to-day decisions," the doctor testified. "She’s governed by the impressions she draws from the Bible."

Walker is charged with four counts of child endangerment for allegedly allowing her children — ages 8, 9, 11 and 13 — to go for days without food while they were living in a lakefront cabin at Lake Hopatcong.

The Walkers were temporarily placed in the cabin in 2005 by her church, the Manhattan-based Times Square Church, to help Walker escape a husband who she says was an alcoholic.

But when it came time for Walker to leave the cabin in May 2006, she refused and told church officials that God told her to stay. The church then cut off her support and began eviction proceedings.

Walker’s trial was adjourned by Conforti on Dec. 15 when he ordered the competency hearing after defense attorneys raised questions about her mental stability. The trial is now scheduled to resume Jan. 13.

Previous coverage

Competency hearing to begin for mother accused of starving 4 children

Mother accused of starving 4 children in Sussex County ordered to undergo evaluation

Children in Sussex County starving trial tell jury mother said God would provide food, money

Jurors hear of emaciated state of children in Sussex County starvation case


Anonymous said...

Although this woman clearly did something horrendous to her children, the correct determination has to be made regarding her mental state to only then determine what will be the next steps regarding this woman's outcome (i.e.: incarceration, mental institution.How does a judge render a decision about this woman's mental state after a 15 minute interview? Should he not hear all of the testimony from the expert witnesses before rendering a decision? Or does he want to clear his docket and "fast track" this case? **cg7304**

Anonymous said...

This is tuff for me....being a human being i would never let anyone go days with out eating...and being a mother well my children will always have something in their tummies because there is no reason why they shouldnt. At the ages of her children they are still growing and all she did was put their bodies through changes! i say she should really be held accountable for harming those kids but then when u throw in the insane and mental part into play sometimes you have to stop and wonder. A normal person would not do what she did so maybe there is something wrong with her....or is she playen insane now just to get away with what she did???? as i said before this is one tricky situation! everything must be looked and studied carefully with this woman!!!!!!!!!

MJ 1483

Anonymous said...

How can a person be so Godly that they are no earthly good. I have no compassion for people like that because I personally experience a simular situation. In addition, I believe something might be mentally wrong with her especially after she didn't except the plea offer, refuse to leave the cabin and mentally not in touch with reality. I wish her children the best and hope they get a chance to live a normal and productive life!!! SJS5514

Anonymous said...

As sad as this is, when I first read this i would think that biological imperatives would kick in at some point. Be it a mother's natural desire to be sure her children are fed or the children's natural inclination to, you know, not starve. I suppose if she was mentally unstable, that could get in the way of any sensible progression for herself and the younger children still under the matriarch umbrella. But based on most of what I read it seems that she is pretty mentally stable. Hopefully out of all this bullshit her kids learned that you have to provide for yourself if you want to live. Not saying that believing that God will provide as she believed is wrong. It is also known that God help those who help themselves and she was not trying to help herself let alone her children. She was sitting around waiting for everything to be handed too her. Because the church gave her a place for her and her children to live. What the hell was she doing the whole time the church was helping her out? Nothing based on the outcome of the situation.....VAF2053

Anonymous said...

As a mother of two it is most difficult to understand why this woman would absolutely think that her children deserved to be starved. Those kids are going to be damaged for life. I am sadden by these chain of events. She definitely does have mental issues. And I hope they all get the help they need...RSI-3774

Anonymous said...

I think that any women who thinks God said to starve the children is delusional so i dont think she should stand for trial. SJC 1687

Anonymous said...

i know she is ill...but how can you do this to innocent children..lb9816