Thursday, December 31, 2009

Arrogance or the obvious?

Read some of the responses to this article. Very interesting. Hopefully, 2010 will not be the same ole, same ole.


Anonymous said...

Some things just never change. I like how the younger cop said " I will take your pension." Any officer regardless of rank who identifies himself to another officer should at least be granted the benefit of the doubt until it is deemed that he is ruled out as the suspect. Here is what is missing from the story - Did they ever apprehend their intended suspect? Probably not as they were too busy harassing a senior African-American officer and hearing the "Bad Boys" theme in their head from "Cops". I hope the Sargeant calls them both on the carpet for this one. He has certainly earned the right to do so. (cg7304)

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but this happens all the time till this day!!! its horrible how so many people can still be racist in this time and age! I wonder if the police men even got to arrested the real guy they were looking for.....but it is a shame that this "black and white" racial situations will never end! I beleive the srgt. should eat them up now!! They deserve what ever is coming to them!!

MJ 1483

Anonymous said...

What was the probable cause to stop the sergeant? how those two police officers can prove their act? They were on the wrong tract and the sergeant should pusue them.That can be served as an example. Someone said the racism will never end, I'm not pessimism like that.J.E 9722

Unknown said...

I read someones blog that said cop on cop crime. That is so right. It is said that cops are a brotherhood, but most do not reconize all the brothers in the house. Once again racial profile or racial discrimation is the problem because while they encountered the off duty cop, they did not know he was a cop, hups! They they must cya, cover their a**. To late now. Elizabeth Segarra

Anonymous said...

I agree it does happen all the time. But the question is, "What are we doing about it?" Most people don't know what to do. They feel that by reporting it, the problem just continues. But how is that possible if one does not try. It only takes one person to reach another and the outcome depends on just how far a person wants to carry the complaint....RSI-3774

serrano said...

i must say this does happen all the time. Sad to say nothing is being done about it, so it will not change. Unless some one makes a stand and does something to change it. Trust and believe, our voices count and should be heard.