Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let's go to the video tape.

This is a good reason not to beat anyone in handcuffs.


Anonymous said...

This does not surprise nor alarm me since it is a natural in our geographical area. The fact that the handcuffed individual is a white man took me aback, until I remembered that most police officers have these egos that do not accept verbal exchange. The fight was unfair when you consider the handcuffs. Now when is it that you are allowed to defend yourself?

Anonymous said...

wow!!! this video is just horrible!! the police officers have no respect sometimes just because they have a little authority they take advantage of it!!! there is just no reason for anyone to beat on a man who is handcuffed! its cruelty in my eyes!

mj 1483

Anonymous said...

This video just proves that some people cant handle wearing the uniform and the power that comes with being a police man/woman. (4119RS)

Anonymous said...

wow I am speechless.....the question is why would you hit a man who has been handcuffed and can not cause any harm...all NY cop crack heads but this is one has a right to do that and I think he should actually be charged with the same offense as anyone else would on the street.....I do not think suspension is not the answer

Anonymous said...

This is just wrong because why would you assault someone who can't harm you in any way or defend themselves. Despite of what ever they were arrested for in the first place, this is just unacceptable from these police officers. This is just a perfect example of what the wrong people with authority is capable of. Then to make it worse they would probably get off with a slap on the wrist which is why the criminal justice system is so messed up......VAF2053

Anonymous said...

This does not surprise nor alarm me since it is a natural in our geographical area. The fact that the handcuffed individual is a white man took me aback, until I remembered that most police officers have these egos that do not accept verbal exchange. The fight was unfair when you consider the handcuffs. Now when is it that you are allowed to defend yourself?

Anonymous said...

i thought for sure that was uncalled for yes i understand the officer may be frustrated at the fact two detectives were a little wounded. That also does not give the right to the officer to beat the suspect while he is already handcuffed, to me regardless if your black white purple blue or orange there is no reason to use that much force. JF0932

DC0109 said...

I'm not saying that what the officers did was right, but the perps put themselves in this situation. If the Florida guy wouldn't have held put the store and threatened the clerk with pepper spray, or the NY guy wouldn't have been selling drugs on the block, then this wouldn't have happened to them.

The NY drug dealer got beat for running and causing the officers to become angry. Unfortunately the anger was caught on tape. If you ask my opinion beat his as until he stops pushing drugs on our streets.

The FL man had no regard for the safety of the person he threatened. Now he knows what its like when someone has no regard for him.

The cops didn't do the "right" thing, but neither had the perps, and that's why this happened.

Anonymous said...

This guy probably deserved what he got but the officer should have been more of a professional. the guy was already in hand cuffs! the cop had already won!...mp9504

Anonymous said...

Frustration is not an excuse to abose ur power and best a man that has already been handcuffed. SK

Anonymous said...

Nobody deserves to be treated in that manner. He was handcuffed and the officer took advantage of that man. The other officers watched him do it and than participated. I'm smhh because once again an officer has the power to do anything they choose to just because they wear a badge and carry a weapon Thank God for the video because they all would of denied it...RSI=3774

Anonymous said...

That was really over board to have to punch him in the face like that and then be kicked. Horrible, and their punishment was justified.
SJC 1687

Tucker0669 said...

this is crazy, but still not surprised. These cops go over board with things, if the guy is already handcuffed, then why the hell are u beating him up like that, knowing that he cant defend himself, sad, just very sad!