Tuesday, January 26, 2010

France Moves Ahead on Ban of Full-Face Veils and Burkas - Sphere News

France Moves Ahead on Ban of Full-Face Veils and Burkas - Sphere News


Anonymous said...

This is a controversial issue. while I don't know nothing about french laws, one thing is for certain, that women deserve to wear whatever they want. Rather you are wearing a veil to cover your face or you are an executive at a fortune 500 company, everyone has the potential to harm. Under the United States Constitution the 1st amendment, gave everyone the right to religion and the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. Susan B Anthony who fought for women rights once said, men their rights and nothing more and women their rights and nothing less!! SJS-5514

Anonymous said...

Bravo for the French and those women who are willing to go without the veil covering their faces. I feel that this is a good move for women who are spending leisurely time shopping, etc. I understand the cultures but some go a little too overboard. CC9223

Anonymous said...

i would say that everyone has the right to wear what they want to but, i guess its a very hard topic being it involves a religion/culture plus human rights and the laws of France on one side.....on the other hand their being bad apples in every culture/religion/race i think anyone has the potential to cause harm even without veils....||MI3807||

Anonymous said...

I think neither forcing wearing of the burka, nor banning the burka is reasonable.

Some people think that Muslim women only wear the Burka because they are forced to, I am assuming that at least one Muslim woman in France wants to wear hers. She should have the liberty to do so. if you as a woman lived in a society that thinks you are a prostitute unless you cover up, you would do so regardless of whether.

Just because a Burka can be used for terrorism doesn't mean they should be banned! If there's anything to Burka's being associated with terrorism, then Burka's will help identify who is more likely to have explosives. That makes fighting terrorism easier.

No, this is a subjugation/control issue, fed by the believe that a man is worth more than a woman. Control a woman's sex, her feelings, thought - she's a walking private part to be covered up and saved for her husband only and nothing more. Indeed, they believe that their honor lies between the legs of their women.

I'm all for criticizing aspects of religions and cultures that are dangerous or lead to irrational thinking in general human behavior. But don't take away freedoms unless they are infringing on the rights of others. Maybe France should ban Muslims from forcing each other to wear a burka, as opposed to banning all burka use........VAF2053

DC0109 said...

I agree that many if not the majority of women who wear burkas do so by their own choice. It is part of their religion and culture and that should be respected. When one of these women choose to move outside of their cultural or religious environments, they too need to realize the cultural norms of the areas which they visit. For example, it would be ridiculous to let a woman in a burka to take a license or passport picture. It would also be ridiculous to expect a woman in a burka not to reveal herself to verify her identity when boarding an airplane or stopped for a traffic violation. When in Rome do as the Romans do, and it you don't like what the Romans are doing, then stay your ass out of Rome.

Lisa M. said...

I would be ashamed to be one of those individuals that believe that b/c someone believes in one faith they are deamed evil and or a saint. We are seperate individuals that may or may not believe in what they say there religion is. We need to use our common sence and judge a person for the person that they are, and not what they do or do not wear over there face and body.

Anonymous said...

woman should wear what they want to wear for any reason. Hopefully the ban works out for them. SJC 1687

Tucker0669 said...

people should be judged for the person they are, and not for what they wear.