Thursday, September 25, 2008

What were they thinking?

In June 2008, I posted my thoughts about police officers using tasers as a less than lethal weapon when confronting unarmed subjects. I gave police officers the benefit of the doubt because they have to make split second decisions. However, what happened in New York City is very disturbing. A brief synopsis: Two police officers confronted a naked, mentally disturbed male standing on a third floor ledge. The man was despondent and causing a commotion. The police officers made a decision to taser the man without any regard for his safety of being three stories above the ground. Unfortunately, the man fell head first and was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.

The issue here is why didn't the police officers call the Emergency Services Unit (ESU) and/or a Crisis Negotiator to try and talk this man down. How about getting an inflatable devise to place beneath the ledge in the event the man jumped or fell. A lot of Monday quarterbacking on my part, which I thought that I would never do. However, this was not a split second decision situation and time could have been of the essence. Regardless, let's see what the outcome will be. I am hoping for more training for police officers when it comes to dealing with the mentally disturbed. In the end, this man did not deserve to die.

Note: Today is the birthday of my deceased sister, Sharon. May she rest in peace.

Update: The NYPD have taken steps to have all of the ESU personnel get more training in the usage of the taser. Unfortunately, the lieutenant that gave the order apparently could not live with his decision and allegedly committed suicide. God rest his soul.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Obama: Savior or flavor of the month???

The presidential race has been very exciting and eye opening. The two candidates bring different skill sets to the table, but who will be ready to answer the call. From all accounts, the hands on favorite is Obama. Yet, he has been untested in the big arena. Can we take a chance on his youth or should we defer to the senior statesman? The jury is still out on both as they continue jostling for power in the waning days of the campaign. His campaign has invigorated young voters and we may see a record turn out for new voters, but is he the real deal? I feel that he will be no different than most politicians, but it is amazing to see what he has done. Win or lose, I think his month has been remarkable.

" Responsibility is doing the right thing all the questions asked." Dr. BLR

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Brother can you spare 700 Billion?

Excuse me for being so cynical, but this bailout of the financial district is appalling. When the average person runs into trouble, they can only depend on themselves for relief. The mere fact that these companies made billions in profit makes this situation more disgusting. I would expect some to say that the economy needed to have the government rescue it, however, if it turns around will "we" be receiving our dividend checks. I know, I know; the check is in the mail. Just think January 20, 2009, will be our day of salvation. Good bye Mr. Bush.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

"Trooper Gate" in Alaska

In past few days, we have been inundated with politics, politics and more politics. I am about fed up and cannot wait for it to be over. However, there is one lingering thing that has me waiting with baited breath. The Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin, has been accused of abusing her power regarding her insistence that her former brother-in-law and Alaskan State Trooper be fired due to being unfit for duty. Inasmuch as the trooper may not have deserved to keep his job, he had already been disciplined for his transgressions before Governor Palin attempted to get him fired. Can anyone say double jeopardy! Let's give her the benefit of the doubt for now. Yet, I am very concerned about the fact that I think she did what she is alleged to have done and that she should be punished accordingly. What is good for the moose is good for the gander...or some Alaskan like that.

" Know your limitations, but don't let your limitations know you." Dr. BLR