Friday, March 28, 2008

Realities of the job.

The job of a police officer is normally misunderstood. Some people believe that they have what is takes to be a police officer without knowing the true realities. It is easy to speculate that police officers write tickets and make life unpleasant for citizens. For those who are contemplating a career in law enforcement have you done your homework? Have you considered the inherent risks that come with the job? Take a look at the attached websites and make an assessment if this is the type of career you truly want. It quite possibly can save your life.

" Recognize the greatness in others even when they don't recognize it in themselves." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

I would have to agree that most people do not know what they are getting invovled with when they are applying to become law enforcment officers. When I was taking entry test I was told by a senior corrections officer that more than 3/4 of applicants do not have a clue what goes on inside a prison or jail. Another time during the oral interview with several ex-chiefs of police they asked me if I am aware that there are people out in the world who want to kill officers in uniform. If this helps one person it is worth it. 2530

Anonymous said...

I already know exaclty what I'm getting into. I have worked with police officers for about three years now who tell me things everyday. Plus professors also tell me. I watch court tv all day. I have come to realize that you may not make it home one day with the cop perfection. There are some officers though that go 25 years and never draw there gun. So it goes both ways. I just hope others know what they getting into. If noth then they should take this video into consideration

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

It is true most of the time people do not know what they are getting into when they apply for a law enforcement job. Both videos are crazy but sometimes we have to have faith in order to go to the next step.

Anonymous said...

I hope that the men and women looking to become officers go in with their eye wide open. However, I agree with a prior post, we have to have faith in the decision that we are doing what we are meant to do.

Anonymous said...

Of course many people dont know what they going through when they want to become a cop. But honestly is hard and is goin be difficult times but if you really like it and you are going to be succesful and you think you can handle it why not try? 5794

Anonymous said...

i listen to the mouths of students inthe class and thosr wold be the same ones we read and see on the news. police work is not easy justlike life and mant do not take that serious either. becoming aofficer gous more than that badge. (7593)

Anonymous said...

When becoming a police officer you know the risk you agree to take while having to do your job. that's what makes police officers so unique. 4539

Anonymous said...

even though i dont want to be a police officer, that occupation is very dangerous. My father was a Newark police officers and my sisiter is currently a Newark police officer and by some of the stories that i have heard, that line of work is very like up in the air. Monday could be a good day and then Tuesday you might make it to see Wednesday.I praise the brave men and women that put on that uniform and protect the cities. Becasue now a days police officers get killed just for wearing the uniform.CA7739

Anonymous said...

I have no intentions of ever becoming a police officer or even working in the law and order sphere. i however do appreciate and have great respect to anyone who works in that field because it is most definately one of the riskiest jobs out there. The country would be a total mess if people didnt volunteer or want to be policemen. Thank God it is never a situatuion where policemen have to be drafted because there are always people willing to risk their lives in protecting others. A Big Thankyou and appreciation to all policeman and law enforcers.

Anonymous said...

I do not intend to become a police office but I do have a good idea of the risks involved with becoming a police officer and do agree that anyone interested should really make sure that it what they want.

Anonymous said...

To me the scariest part of these videos is the fact that there was not much the police officers themselves could have done to prevent what happened. If your on a traffic stop and the person in the car has a hidden weapon, what can you do? These videos have not, however, changed my mind about going into law enforcement because these are risks I was already aware of.

Anonymous said...

So many people I know that are looking to get in the law enforcement field have NO idea what its really about. All they think its about is driving around and pulling people over. they dont grasp the fact that their lives are going to be put in danger on a constant basis and 1 wrong move could cost your life or someone elses. also people should be aware of all the rules that officers have to abide by on and off the job. people should be made aware of everything before they jump into this kind of career. SPC7202

Anonymous said...

I respect police officers for what they do. It takes a lot of courage and heart. I would never put myself in their situations. They put there life on the line on a daily basis.They never no what to expect. Not only because it is their job its because they choose to do so.SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

The country would be a total mess if people didnt volunteer or want to be policemen. I'm giving abig Thanks and appreciation to all policeman and law enforcers This is for the good cops. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

To be a cop, it really takes a lot of bravery and guts. It's knowing consciously that life can be over or seriously hurt at any moment. For those who feel they have the vocation and confidence to be a cop, go forward with it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Life is a risk. You take risks in any profession that you choose. However, the police officer is exposed to all kind of crap that comes her/his way.

They are human being with emotions and needs just like anybody else. The risk are greater. They are liked and hated at the same time.

People like the officers when they are "cool", and at the same time hate them because they enforce the law. If you want to become a police officer don't hope to please anyone but to come home to your lovely ones.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

everyone is there own individual. They are accountable for what they. They all handle their jobs differently. DG7659

Anonymous said...

I really have a lot of respect for those that becomes cops especially young people.To me being acop is one of the most difficult carrers out there but individuals who decided to be cops or who wants to be cops must remember they wanted to be cop no one forced them so they'll have to face the consequences of this stressful job.

Anonymous said...

I think that some people don't know what they're getting into and they just have these dreams of being a great cop and helping and protecting people. The safety and risk part of it are missed a lot or people don't understand how much risk they are taking. Definitely do your homework before deciding to go into this field.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

I agree with you because we sometimes do not know what we want , but we really do not alternatives in that society ,so we just go for it .As a result, some of us get suicidal in the future.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Darnell I agree with the fact that most people who want to be law enforcement agents are unaware of the risks and dangers. After watching the video, i'm surprised the officer survived. But that's the risk that comes with the job. Because, my encounters with police officers weren't the best experiences, I don't sympathize when incidents such as this occurs. I feel that the actions of dirty police officers affects those good cops who do in fact want to serve the people.

Anonymous said...

every thing some one choose to do in life have a good side and also a bad side, some people,choose to do something because the want to follow someone foot step, some just do it to gain power and some for money,some time when they hear there is money involve they don't really think about the implication on what they are getting in too. anyway i think people should be inform before they make any decision about been a police officer. As for the cops who are getting attack or short by civilian i don't really feel sorry for them because the should see and feel how a civilian most feel when getting mistreat by police, but i do feel sorry for their their family. the same way some inocent civilian have been treated bad by them,that the same way some good police officer will be treat too,for what their bad and corrupt collegues has been doing to civilian.JS7920

Anonymous said...

I think that a career in law enforcement has two sides to it. One side you have the dangerous situations that a police officer must face in order to maintain peace and order and the other side there is the feeling of being a helper and an important part of the community in which you serve. In regards to the corruption and scandals, I believe that is something that every individual must choose for his or herself. Your morals should speak louder than opportunities that could make a person corrupt. DA6353

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! This makes me more determined to be an officer. To know that people like this are all around us just motivates me to try and make whatever difference possible. Even if it means putting my life on the line. I just cant believe he received 63 years he should have received life.

Anonymous said...

This motivates me more to become an officer. If it means me putting my life on the line to stop people like this then I am willing to accept the challenge. Am I ready? No... I don't think anyone can be ready for police work you just have to be willing and learn as you go. (4119RS)

Anonymous said...

Desiding to make a law enforcemen career is a magor step. it is not ease. whaching this video it is a scarry to see what officers go throw.

Anonymous said...

That video was terrible. I couldn't watch for to long. I always say that Police Officers are very brave.

SB #8642