Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Devisive or just the plain truth?

There has been much debate about the speech given by Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the pastor for Barack Obama. The catch words have been, "Taken out of context". Well, I heard the speech and found it to be rather enlightening, however, that is just my opinion. You have the opportunity to hear it for yourself. I implore you to express your views on this matter. The country is being torn apart by this thing we call race. Free speech is being diminished, however, not on this blog; speak out.

" Let your words echo in the halls of freedom; lest your voice will be condemned to silence."


Anonymous said...

I am not sure that I get any point from this speech and may have even gotten a little side tracked while trying to find one.

I really don't have much to say except we can all give this speech with our own spin.

As in:
Obama has never had_________.
Obama does know what its like to_________.

This country is being torn apart by so many things besides racism. Hate crimes, black on black crime,and drugs just to name a few. Sometimes I just wish that black people would start to sing a new song besides that "oh woe as me" the white man is holding me back tune and others like it.(9510)

Anonymous said...

That guy sure does like to repeat himself. He is also entitled to speak his opinion under the many freedoms we all have in this country. Maybe Obama should be more careful where he goes to church and who he associates himself with if he wants to run for president. I noticed many of the people in attendance there seem to have agreed to what he was saying! I suppose you are a product of your environment. 2530

Anonymous said...

I think the speech made by the Rev Jeremiah Wrightwas just in time. Many people wantto go to heaven,but the do not want to die.I think it is time for people to embrace reality,and face the harsh truth.Rev Wright speech was indeed taken outof context,the media just took a small piece of what was actually said and twisted, and elaborated on it while playing to a negative audience.But like so many situations in real life,the truth always prevail. I only hope that it prevails sooner rather than later. 2476

Anonymous said...

The speech given by Reverend Wright seems to be against the government rather then white people. I agree with alot of what he said. I am just sad the way the media is using this against Senator Obama.8879

Anonymous said...

I didnt get what he was talking about. It just seem like he is using being black as a crutch. Yes you have your disadvantages being black but you also have advantages. I'm tired of us black people saying the white man is holding me back. You have to go out and get things done on your own

ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

I don't really get what he is talking about.

Anonymous said...

Looking at Reverend Wright, he appears up in age. That being said, he has lived in a time were segregation existed. It is what he feels. I am saddened that his speech has had an adverse affect on Mr. Obama. I also cannot help noticing that only selected portions were played. It was designed to cause controversy and it served its purpose. We have to look beyond Rev. Wright's indescretions and realize that history is in the making. Being sidetracked by nonsense is what some people want and we need to rise above that. *2232

Anonymous said...

Not agree at all. Every should feel any way that they want to. And they should talk loud and let them selves express their feeling and opinions. Free speech is being diminished. I dont think is right to diminished speech. 5794

Anonymous said...

i seen his speech on the (news), and i talked to my boyfriend right after we changed the tv. i told him that guy was crazy for saying that and the church was right behind him cheering him on. when he said,"hillary is trying to do "us" just like her husband did to monica lowensky", i screamed in my heart. for that church to sit through a sermon like that i would not have returned because if you preach something like that and it is not freedom to speak that way to a room filled with people and my children migt have attend pleases prech something else because he would not get in like that.(7593)

Anonymous said...

barrack obama's pastor was just saying what black pastors all over the world preach about every sunday morning. I wonder if obama wasnt a member of his church and wasnt running for president if this would be an issue at all. I think not! 4539

Anonymous said...

I didnt get his point, he was in church talking about politics. To me that wasnt the time or the place to try and win Obama votes. He was really bugging with that one. I have no views, i have no opinions about this man's speech simply because it was inappropriate and bad timing. There is a time and place for everything.CA7739

Anonymous said...

I believe we live in a country with freedom of speech. that is what he feels about racism and what that has to do with Obama is what i do not understand. people are just looking for something to derail his campaing but to me this is irrelevant because he just attends the church but can not control what the preacher says. also if we like it or not racism still exists and to me I think its even worse now because it is being done on the down low as compared to when it was out in the open and everyone knew about it.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to express how they feel, but I don't think it was appropriate.

Anonymous said...

I am not quite sure what point he is trying to make with this speech. Of course this country is run by rich white people and blacks have faced oppression. Of course Hilliary Clinton has not experienced the struggles which Barrack Obama has faced in terms of racism. But the Reverend takes way to much for granted during this speech. For example, Barrack Obama can't understand what it is like for Hilliary Clinton to be looked at as less intelligent because shes a women. He also states Jesus was black and I am not sure there is any historical evidence to support that. His speech makes little to know point is basically what I thought. SPC3027

Anonymous said...

I dont necessarily agree or disagree with the messege he was trying to convey. Obviously Obama had a problem with standing behind it if he ran to put a statement out that those are not his beliefs. I just think its funny that Clinton went off with trying to use that against him in saying that you can tell what hes about based on what his pastor says.. but then come to find out HER pastor has some type of past that im not sure but i think involves molesting children. Just because her pastor does it, does that mean she does as well? Since thats how shes making Obama out to be. I think his messege scared people into thinking that Obama wants to be president for the wrong reasons. It brings out the ignorance of people of ALL races. SPC7202

Anonymous said...

I don't particularly take any offense to what Rev Wright says. He is entitled to is opinion. I don't think what he said should affect Obama's campaign because they are two different men. People are failing to realize that just because he was Obama's mentor doesn't mean they share the same views.SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to express how they feel. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

I like to think that it wasn't Rev. Jeremiah Wrights intention to compromise Barack Obama's campaign, but let's face it, he did a good job of it. He shold be able to freely express his opinions and beliefs, that is is his constitutional right. Is it not? Personally, I don't see how his personal views with respect to race relations in the US of A have anything to do with Obama's ideals. What ever happened to judging a man on HIS character and not that of someone else? I for one am pleased with the calm demeanor with which Barack Obama dealt with the situation and happy that he prevailed.

K.G 3792

Anonymous said...

In defense to the church I got say this. People go to church to whorship the Creator and not to hear politics. The moment that pastors and preachers cross that line they are not doing what they were called for but playing with people about God. Politics has no input in house of whorship, furthermore politics should never been brouth into the house of whorship.

If the speech given by Reverend Wright seems to be against the government rather then white people or if Rev Wright speech was indeed taken outof context he should know better to choose his words and instead bring good news of liberation, whorship, communion, brotherly love, careness and good works to the congregation AND NOT POLITICS TO THE CHURCH.

ES 1810.

Anonymous said...

This can go a lot of ways... First off neither Obama or Hillary can know what it is to be in each others shoes and they've both been hard for their own reasons, even though Bill Clinton as president helped her. A black man faces struggles simply for the color of his skin everyday, as well as a black woman. By us not giving into their ish they cannot have that as their card to play. Even me as a hispanic in Newark. I give them a little attitude for stopping me they automatically classify me as a young latina who's trouble. Can't it just be I'm having a bad day? Why am i automatically suspect? We're statistacally judged!!! Where a white man/woman have more leniancy in their life period. But i atleast felt the Clintons cared and understood us they fought for us to live well.Some even say Hillary was the mastermind in BIll's work.So they might have grown up differently but i believe they're fighting for similar goals to be achieved, or as others would say they're fighting the same battle. So this is a controversail topic.


Anonymous said...

I think Rev. Wright gave a good speech and people are just making a big deal of nothing to give Obama negative attention. He is better than that and this issue will not hold him back.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

It was a great speech , it emphasized the misery of blacks and America.However,President Obama beat the odds ,so his success rebutts the Wright's speech.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

Darnell The pastor raised some interesting points. His sermon touched on certain aspects in which most people don't understand. The many difficulties that comes with being an African American. Caucasian has never had encounters in which they were pulled over simply for their attire. That being the baggy jeans and oversized t shirts. I don't. To prevent the police harassment I prefer the true's and fitted v neck, so I don't look like every black male.

Anonymous said...

i do believe in freedom of speech but, i also think these is a place and A time for everything ,the church was not the place for that speech .i just think the speech was appropriated, in every context, it just sad to see people using the bible and the words of GOD for their own purpose(politic)JS7920

Anonymous said...

I agree with the reverend. The mold is a powerful white man but the only way to change the mold is by molding ourselves (me as a young Latino) into EDUCATED MEN THAT ARE READY AND CAPABLE OF TAKING THE WHITE MEN POSITION!!! BUT we cant make the same mistake and get there to start bringing more minorities in... we must be different and keep educated and QUALIFIED MINORITIES into high positions! (4119RS)

Anonymous said...

I agree with some of the context that Revernd Jeramiah talks about. Yes politics are run by white reach men. and if Obama became president is because america wanted to make us forgett what Bush did. yes that is how our entire civilisation was run by reach european people,