In the early 1980's, a journalist had a chance encounter with a Philadelphia police officer. The end result was the police officer, William Faulkner, was killed and the journalist, Mumia Abu Jamal, was arrested and charged with the murder. Mr. Jamal has been sitting on death row for almost three decades. The courts have recently granted Mr. Jamal a request to have the punishment phase of his case reheard. The courts will not look at his guilt rather whether he is to get the death penalty or life in prison. The facts surrounding this case are very controversial. Mr. Jamal is a cause celeb and has a following on several continents. It has been speculated that race was a determining factor in the imprisonment of Mr. Jamal. I was not there and can only go by what has been reported. I have made up my mind where I stand on this matter. Do your own investigation and let us know what you believe.
" Hypocrisy perpetuates the lie and the truth will expose the hypocrisy." Dr. BLR
" Hypocrisy perpetuates the lie and the truth will expose the hypocrisy." Dr. BLR
I think Mr. Jamal should get another trial, but if that is not possible than at least life in prison, because there is too much controversy around the case.
A case like this is just one of the prime examples of why the death sentence is nothing less than part of a vicious cycle.
I have no clue whether this man committed this act or not. However the idea of someone being imprisoned for a crime that they may not have committed is horrific, and losing one's life would be a abomination to humanity. If there is even the slightest notion of innocence there is no question that the case should be re-evaluted. Taking time to look into any new developments would certainly be worth saving a possibly innocent man.(9510)
back in the 80's race may have played a major part.i believe that the fact that they didnt even do any type of fingerprinting to see if he handled the gun let alone shot the gun is unreal. he has been sitting in prison for a quite a while and they still havent given him a fair trial. i believe that they didnt have any one else to blame so they blamed Mumia. its really sad that that type of justice system still exist
I dont believe Mr. Jamal trail was fair because they forced a lawyer on him when he wanted to represent himself. So the lawyer they gave him couldve been on the prosecutors side. So yes I believe he deserves another trail.
ecc 3950
I believe his trial should be heard again because there is way too much controversy around his case.
I had never heard of this person until now. From what I have seen this far, there is more than enough reasonable doubt and this man deserves a new trial. I also believe race played a big part in this case. The time period in which this occurred, there was little, if any, forensic studies available. I certainly believe a new trial is really necessary. However, there is an excessive amount of controversy surrounding this matter and it will undoubtly have an impact on any new trial. Most importantly, he may be an innocent man in jail, just rotting away for something he did not do. *2232
Sincerely whatever is the truth it will come out but honestly it will take time and you will need to have proofs to fight against the judge or whoever is in charged of him. It will be very hard. Honestly laws are very controversial and it depends in the race. 5794
it goes back to community policing, when there is a lack of justice between the cops and citizens, more input between the two needs to be inforced because, misunderstandings can no longer be accepted. no one should have to lose a life because they come in contact with the police-vice-verse.
I think that Jamal should get another trial. The death penalty is not necessary being that the evidence ssurrounding the case isn't strong enough. Mayb life in jail but the death penalty for something that no one is sure of is kind of ridiculous.
Jamal should definately be given a fair trial. there was contraversy surrounding his trial and the policeman was probably favoured because he was more close to the law system.the system sholud be more concerned with fairness and justice and not the best method of punishment.
I believe there should be another trial and if there is any doubt, the death penalty should be withdrawn and he should be given life in prison. spc/2813
I believe that their is so much controversy surrounding this case, it is for the benefit of society to allow another trial so that people this will no longer be an issue. SPC3027
Despite all the controversy surrounding the case I believe Mumia Abu Jamal is innocent, it is evident that the criminal justice system was quite biased towards blacks in imposing death sentences. Blacks are disproportionaly represented in the criminal justice system. He was convicted by witness testimony there was no hard evidence that he actually shot the officer. An upstanding citizen does not kill an officer for no apparent reason the case should have been looked at more closely or reexamined if there is any forensic evidence left. SPC5936
This trial had too much controversy around his case. Maybe a re-trail should take place. SPC 6169
This is so confusing but if you listen to Jamal closely you hear he saying that one has the right to defend himself and that - the shooting done by Jamal- was in self defense.
Now, why Jamal would shot the officer in self defense? Is this now an excuse for anyone that feels uncomfortable with the police officer approached and questioning a reason to shoot in self-defense? An inteligent person as Jamal should be wiser to handle a situation as such, specially because of his involvement in his revolutionary endeavor.However, since I was not there and all the facts is not given to the public, it is hard to say what really happened. Mr. Jamal requested to have the punishment phase of his case reheard and not an appeal for a retrial. Big difference, yeah?
You get what you ask, he asked to be reheard for the punishment and not retrial.
ES 1810
I think he deserves another fair and proper trial. He's been sitting in prison for so long and now they're going to decide what his punishment will be? The case should have been done right the first time because if Abu Jamal is innocent it's unbelievable that he has to and had to go through this.
SG 4591
Well, in a case where there is death , it really outweighs any trace of racism .In my opinion, Ignorance of the law is no excuse,they should see whether they can justify racism ,and acquit Mr.Jamal.
LJ 6631
A recent survey of death-row inmates in U.S. prisons revealed that contrary to popular belief, there are more White men living on death row in our prisons than Black men. A survey by the NAACP legal defense and education fund that there are 2,948 inmates on death-row while white men make-up 49 percent of death-row inmates black men make-up 40 percent of prisoners on death-row. Mr. Mumia Abu Jamal should be granted a new trial or his sentence commuted to life in prison. Mr.Jamal proclaim his innocents on that day in Philadelphia and, he probably just a victim who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. SJS-5514
I belive his trial should ear again is to many thing around his case 3580
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