Monday, February 25, 2008

Should we rush to judgment?

In the coming days, the public will be bombarded with the trial of Sean Bell; an African-American male shot and killed by members of the NYPD. The shooting was very controversial with both sides claiming that the other one was responsible. What we do know is that Mr. Bell was not armed and some of his friends were also shot by the NYPD. A police officer's job is not easy and making split second decisions are the norm. The officers involved in this shooting, represented by the white, black, and Latino community, will have their futures placed in the hands of a judge because they opted not to have this matter resolved by a jury of their peers. Should the police officers be given the benefit of the doubt? Is this another case of police brutality gone terribly awry? Can minority males ever be looked at by law enforcement personnel as human beings rather than perpetrators?

" Do something everyday to impress yourself." Dr. BLR


Anonymous said...

It is sad that till this day, Afro-American males are still victims to inhumane brutality. In this case where Sean Bell was shot at 3 consecutive times, I feel that the officers were extremely looking to start trouble rather than preventing trouble and should be given the harshness of all punishments. 0334

Anonymous said...

I feel bad that black males like myself are still victims of what is happening in todat society. However, in the Sean Bell situtaion I really think that the offiers was not trying to avoid what happened. Also, police brutality is geting whorse if you ask me because it not geting better. (5717)

Anonymous said...

Yes,I am rushing to judgement isn't that what the law enforcement officer do? They claim they heard one of the victims state go get my gun. Without any visible evidence of a gun they began to fire shots and than had the NERVE to reload their weapons. When anyone other than an law enoforcement office does this, they are prosecuted to the fullest.SPC0460

Anonymous said...

Can you really trust the media and what they report? The way they reported it the officers will not have a chance. Make sure you get all the FACTS before making a decision. I was not there, but the only thing I am sure of is that they are entitled to a fair trial. If you were in there shoes you would want that too. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the fact that everyone is entitled to a fair trial, however it wasn't at all necessary for the police officers to shoot an unarmed man that many times. This is a very sad case but it also demonstrates the severity of police brutality and racial discrimination. That's what I feel it comes down to. SPC7202

Anonymous said...

I believe that the police officers involved in the Sean Bell case did not follow proper procedure. The police should have identified themselves to Sean Bell and his friends. Excessive deadly force was used by the officers without any justification. They didn't asset the situation before taking action. Because minority officers are involved in the shooting it will be interesting to see how the case is carried out. Usually in a case like this it is white officers using deadly or excessive force on a minority. It depends on the individual in law enforcement and their own personal values whether the see minority males as human beings rather than perpetrators. So it is difficult to say when this will end. SPC 5936

Anonymous said...

you know, i hope this situation play out in a way that justice will be with all. the communities that hold the press to see how the ruling will go is looking for convictions and if not then i pray war do not be an outcome because people are tired of any killing. for this situation i will still pray for a solution to all killings taking place around us.

Anonymous said...

As a black woman walking through my neighborhood at night, as I walk past the local thugs I still clutch my bag. So to answer your question, will we ever look at black men as human, probably not. This will probably be an ongoing situation until the end of time.....Unfortunately a man was taking from his family, but these officers are fighting for their freedom instead of admitting , okay I was wrong. What can we say??? spc5294

Anonymous said...

Minority males may never be seen as human beings by law enforcement personnel. It's the sad truth. Actually, minorities in general may never be seen as human beings. spc5965

Anonymous said...

I think the police did Judge the situation too quickly. I do understand that maybe they thought that he was armed. I do believe the police officers did not following the proper protocol before they started shooting.


Anonymous said...

No matter what decisions always have to be made. Some choices of course carry much more weight than others. If the decision to shoot these guys was made in an honest manner I would say that this is an horrible consequence to pay for both sides.

But I guess my question would be why so many shots had to be fired? It would seem that one officer shooting and no return of fire would resolve any doubts of who had a gun.

But then again I am not a police officer would imagine that I am not all that qualified to judge the situation. (9510)

Anonymous said...

It is my belief that the officer did not conduct themselves appropriately in that situation. Especially with the news that one of the detectives testified that he did not hear the undercover officer identify themselves as police. Therefore, Sean Bell had no way of knowing whether it was the police or armed assailants approaching his car. The fact that he was black probably added to law enforcement quickness to open fire. I can understand why the officers opened fire but I do not understand why one officer fired two whole clips at the car, to me thats excessive.

Anonymous said...

IN THE BEGINNING WHEN IT 1ST HAPPENED THE DETAILS WERE A BIT SKETCHY, SO OF COURSE BOTH PARTIES ARE RESPONSIBLE AT THAT TIME. At that time and only at that time did the police officers have the benefit of any doubt. WHEN THE DETAILS BECAME MORE AND MORE OUT THERE IT WAS LIKE WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? Even though there were minorites involved , there was still some type of prejudice there. Simply law feeling like they can do what theey want and not be held responsible for their actions. As if they are above the law. There will always be an unspoken beef between the law and minority males, so there will never be peace between the 2 parties. These police officers should get no pity. After the trial started you got one of the officers buying out the bar in some club in the city. Wow, what a slap in the face. Its almost as if he is saying kiss my behind, I'm the law and I will do it again. Its sad

Anonymous said...

I think they kill him on purpose and there is a crew in the NYPD
that they are against african american people. They were the ones who commit this horrible crime on this young guy. And of course that the police officer are most of the times seeing as an example and as a help to the community but sometimes they just cruel and do bad and though things. 5794

Anonymous said...

I am not a police officer so its hard to see how a cop can get a wallet mixed up wit a gun. So its hard to judge. But Bell was unarmed and was shot numerous times. Plus the media is going to report what they want and so will the cops. They are going to cover for each other. I believe the police not wanting a juror will make it easy for them to get off. The judge will let them off. The system sticks together

Ecc 3950

Anonymous said...

As I read this, I cannot help recognizing that it is the 40th anniversary of Dr. MLK's death. I wonder has his death been in vain. Minority men are looked at first by the color of their skin and then everything else. They are often deemed guilty because of the the color of their skin and judged before evidence is present. In the trial of Sean Bell, I don't think the officers should be given the benefit of the doubt because no weapons were found. Also, the amount of shots fired was really excessive. It is unfortunate that the color of skin seems to be the most important factor. What is worse, it is not improving. Young black men must wake up and realize the obstacles they are facing and going to continue to face. They must stop placing themselves in the position of conflict and stop being a statistic. I love a strong black man, but what good is it if he does not love himself first.

Anonymous said...

no comments.

Anonymous said...

Yes this is another case of police brutality. Look even if you mistake a wallet for a gun (wow) why empty your clips reload and began firing again. NO JUSTICE! NO PEACE! 4539

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the loss of a young black male from a inner-city neighborhood is counted less by society than the loss of life of a person from a different background in this country. Will that eventually change? Yes. Will it be any time soon? No. SPC3027

Anonymous said...

It's a bad feeling knowing that black males like myself are still victims of what is happening in today's society. However, in the Sean Bell situtaion I really think that the offiers was not trying to avoid what happened. Also, police brutality is geting whorse if you ask me because it not geting better. SPC 6169

Anonymous said...

This is something that will continue to happen. Ofcourse we all live it one way or another during our times.

Can Police Brutality Really Stop in America.

Anonymous said...

This is something that people don't realize not all cops nut majoru=ity of them feel that since they have more authority they could do whatever it is they feel and it give them more reason to pick on the blacks and the latinos in the urban communities.

Anonymous said...

Should we rush to judgment?
I don't think that anyone should be judge in a rush.
Proper information and fair investigation should be completed before anything can be said.

Can minority males ever be looked at by law enforcement personnel as human beings rather than perpetrators?
Minority males are looked as human being. Let me put this way not ALL minority males are looked as perpetrators. I don't think so.

ES 1810

Anonymous said...

The cops didn't need to use as much force as they did. Even though they do have to make fast decisions they should still be logical decisions.
SG 4591

Anonymous said...

It is police brutality based on the accounts , but it might have something to do with "guilt by association.

LJ 6631

Anonymous said...

This case was nothing but POLICE BRUTALITY!!! How many times did they reload??? The force was just too excessive. Minorities will never be looked at by law enforcement as human beings rather than perpetrators as long as these "pigs" keep getting away with these crimes. dg7569

Anonymous said...

I'm a fair person ,i love to see people get justice they deserve,but in that case i think the police has cross the line.I understand at first they did not really know if they young's man have guns or not, but when the NYPD reloaded their guns to shot some more at a car that I'm pretty sure they noticed that no one on it was fire back at them,it's no Doubt pure brutality to me.maybe the thought, that they were on a war zone.that's crazy,there is no excuses for that crime and they should be punish for it, rushing the judgment or last i think it will always be the same for law enforcement personal some of them will look at minority males as human being and others as perpetrators.JS7920

Anonymous said...

Darnell I believe black minorities will always be looked at as perpertrators. The Sean Bell shooting is a perfect example of police brutality. Bell and his freinds posed no threat to the officers, so why was deadly force used in this resolving the situation? I will love to see the day when black minorities will be looked at as human beings and barbarians. And I don't agree with the split second decision making by the officers involved in the shooting. What they should have used was their better judgement, and perhaps maybe Sean Bell will still have his life.

Anonymous said...

Again officers quick to judge and draw guns. It's was tragic what happened. Just like Diallo, King, and now Sean Bell this is cleary another case of police brutality, no extreme police brutality. Just because you are the officer of the law their are still protocols and guidelines that must be followed but as we many officer are failing to adhere. Many more lives are going to be lost. We are loosing innocent people to the hands of the law.
